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7B Unit 2 Travelling around the world


France n.法国 French adj.法国的 Frenchman 法国人(复数:Frenchman) Flag 国旗,标志 greeting n. 敬礼,致意,问候 wine 酒 Tick 滴答声 possible 可能 Europe欧洲 Store商店,贮存 excellent adj.卓越的,杰出的 lie 位于,撒谎 East 东 south 南 west 西 north 北

coast n.海岸 perfect 完美的 ski 滑雪 lift 电梯,举起 Tower 塔 finish 完成 step n.脚步 stairs 楼梯 Town 镇 receive收到 date日期 address 地址


Be famous for 以···而闻名 (China is famous for The Great Wall。) be famous as 作为什么而出名 (Jielun Zhou is famous as a singer) Be different from 与···不同 反义词组:be the same as 和···一样

Far away from 远离 department store 百货公司 prefer to 更加喜欢,宁愿 Go on holiday 去度假 go sightseeing 去观光


1.I can jump higher than the Eiffel Tower!我能跳得比埃菲尔铁塔高!(page15) higher than 副词比较级。句型为:“A+···+副词比较级+thanB” 如:You study harder than me.你比我学习更努力。 2.Don’t be silly,Lo。别傻了,LO.(page15)

这是一个祈使句,用来表示请求、命令、叮嘱、劝告等语气,主语(you)通常可以省略。 主要句型有三种:

(1) V型祈使句:以动词原形开头。变否定句时,在句首加“don’t” Listen to me,please. (2) B型祈使句:以be 动词开头 Be quickly!please.

(3) L型祈使句:Let sb.+动词原形.变否定句时,在句首加“don’t”。 Let’s play football. 如:Don’t let them play football。

3.Here you will find many famous places of interest such as the Eiffel Tower.(page17)

(1) places of interest 名胜(深圳的南头古城,龙岗大万世居 、鹤湖新居,大鹏古城 ,龙田世居 ) (2) such as “例如”主要用于列举同一类人或事物中的几个例子。

(3) For example “例如”,一般只用于同一类人或事物中的“一个”为例,要用逗号隔开。 如:Most of the boys in our class like ball games.For example ,Li Hua likes football. 4.The south of France lies on the coast.(法国南部坐落在海岸线上)(page17)

Lie ①位于,坐落于(过去式 lay ) Guanlan Town lies in the north of Shenzhen. ②躺,撒谎 (过去式:lied) I think you’re lying.我认为你在撒谎。 过去分词 lain 现在分词 lying

5.by的用法:(page17) (1)在···的旁边 by the window (2)乘车,乘船 by bus

(3)在···之前,不迟于 by ten o’clock at night。 (4)表示方法,手段。He is drawing by pencil。 6.prefer:(跟在prefer 后面的是他更喜欢的) (1)prefer sth. 更喜欢某事

(2)prefer sth to sth. 比起某物更喜欢某物 he prefers apple to banana。 (3)Prefer doing sth to doing sth.宁愿做某事也不愿做某事。 I Prefer playing the piano to playing football。 我还知道:Would rather+动词原形 ···than+动词原形···宁愿···也不愿 She Would rather play the piano than play football。 (4)prefer to do sth.更喜欢做某事。I prefer to read English in the morning。 7.try doing sth 试着做某事 You should try eating more fruit。 Try to do sth 努力去做某事 Try to get up early。

8.复习方位介词in,on,to。 in on to 在某个范围内 某个范围内,但是接壤 范围之外 Guanlan Town is in Shenzhen。 Shenzhen is on the south-east of Guangzhou。 Hongkong is to the east of Guangdong province。

9.Can you think of another title for the article? think of think about think over 想出,想起,记起 思考,考虑 仔细思考 They think of a wonderful ideas. We are thingking about goingto Guangzhou. Think it over,you can find the awser.

10.I learn a lot about the Ming and Qing dynasties.我学到许多关于明朝和清朝的知识。(page22) a lot a lot of 许多,大量=much 非常=very much 许多,大量=many much 作宾语 作状语 作定语 We can learn a lot from Miss Li。 She enjoys reading a lot We need a lot of books。


询问日期时:what’s the date?或者what date it is? 回答:It’s July ··· 我们来拓展一下:询问星期几:what day it is? 回答:It’s Monday。 12We’re staying at the Star Hotel.我们住在明星宾馆。(page25) stay live 暂住,逗留 居住,长期的 I’m staying at my uncle’s these days。 We live in Guanlan Towm。 13.Backpackers usually do not spend too much money on a trip。 背着背包徒步旅行的人通常在旅行社上不花费太多钱。(page25) Too much Much too 太多(的) 用作adj.修饰不可数名词 用作adv.修饰动词 实在(太) 用作adv.

Don’t drink too much cola。 Dont eat too much。 The girl is much too beautiful

Grammar 连词 Conjunctions

连词:是一种虚词,它不能独立担任句子成分而只起连接词与词、短语与短语 或句子与句子作用。连词主要分为两类:并列连词和从属连词。分为:表平行或对等关系的连词、表转折关系的连词、表选择关系的连词、表因关系的连词 一、并列连词:


and “和” ; both…and…“……和……两个都” ; as well as“也”

not only…but also…“不但……而且……”; neither…nor…“既不……也不……” 如:①My mother bought me a present,and I like it very much. 我妈妈买了一件礼物给我,我很喜欢

②He can speak not only English but also French.他会说英语还会说法语。 2.表转折关系的并列连词: but“但是”; yet“然而”; while“而”; however“然而” 如: Lucy likes red while Lily likes white。露西喜欢红的,然而莉莉喜欢白的。 3.表选择关系的并列连词:or“或者”;either…or…“要么……要么……” 注:由or 连接的句子可以转换为有否定条件构成的主从复合句。

Eg: ① Study hard,or you’ll fail the exam.努力学习,否则你考试会失败的。 =If you don’t study hard,you’ll fail the exam. ② Either you or he goes. “要么你去,要么他去”。 4.表因果关系的并列连词 so “所以,因此”; for “因为”

Eg:①Kate was ill so she didn’t go to school.凯特病了所以没去学校。 ②I have to stay up,for I have lots of homework to do。 我必须熬夜,因为我有很多作业。 二、不能同时出现在一个句子中的连词。


eg:Because he was tired,he couldn’t walk here.因为他很累,所以走不到这里。

=He was tired,so he couldn’t walk there. 2.although/though(虽然),but(但是)不能同时出现在一个句子里,只能用其一。 但although/though和 yet 可以同时出现在一个句子里(yet 用作副词)

Eg:Though he was tired,he still worked hard.虽然他很累,但是她仍然坚持工作 =He was tired,but he still worked hard.: 三、and 和or 用于否定句中的区别 1)当列举成分是主语,又在否定词之前时用and连接;而当列举成分在否定词之后时,用“or”构成完全否定.

Eg:I can’t sing or dance. 我不会唱歌,也不会跳舞。

Lucy and lily can’t speak Chinese. 露西和莉莉都不会说汉语。

注意:在否定句中,如果所连接的两部分都有否定词那么用“and”而不用“or” Eg:There is no water and no air on the moon.月球上没有水也没有空气。 2) 在否定句中,without +and;而在肯定句中,without+or,构成完全否定。 Eg:Man can’t live without air and water=Man will die without air or water.

四、由 either……or….., neither……nor……,not only……but also……连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词与较近的主语保持一致。(就近原则)

Not only my parents but also I am looking forward to meeting you. 不止我父母,连我很也很想见到你。
