人教新课标高中英语必修五Unit 3 Life in the futureUnit 3 Life in the future教案

发布时间 : 星期三 文章人教新课标高中英语必修五Unit 3 Life in the futureUnit 3 Life in the future教案更新完毕开始阅读

Unit 3 life in the future说课稿


早上好。今天我说课的主题是必修五第三单元 life in the future,第一篇课文 First impressions。我准备从教材,学情,教学,学法,教学过程,板书设计六方面来说。 一.说教材

1. 未来生活在必修5中是一个重要话题。本课是一节泛读课,First impressions 讲述了李强如何安全到达“未来世界”以及在“未来”的第一印象。本课在提高学生的阅读能力上起着非常重要的作用。教材设计这样一个话题,不仅是为了提高学生的语言技能,也是为了拓宽学生的视野,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 新课标提出:英语课程的学习,既是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程;又是他们陶冶情操、拓展视野、丰富社会经历、开发思维能力和提高人文素养的过程。学习英语是人的发展的一部分,体现更多的人文精神。 的情感,并有自己的见解。 二.说学情

高二的学生已掌握一定的词汇量,也有自己独立的思想,普遍对新鲜事物感兴趣。但大部分学生阅读能力差,对英语缺乏兴趣,也缺乏信心,所以本节课要以增强学习英语的兴趣和自信为出发点,以提高学生的阅读能力为目的。在教学设计上一定要由浅入深,层层递进。设计不同的教学活动让大部分学生参与进来,享受小组合作的快乐。 基于教材和学情分析本课教学目标:




情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,热爱生活,提高小组合作意识。 教学重难点:掌握未来生活与现在生活的不同,提高推断阅读技巧;理解作者对未来生活


在教学中兴趣是最好的老师,在文中巩固词汇才具有生命力,高中提高学生各种阅读技能是重点。新课程还强调学生是学习的主人,教师只是引导者,要让学生积极主动参入。所以我采用了: 1. 多媒体的使用,采用视频情境导入。 2. 略读(借助图片,每段首尾句),(带着中心词)查读 ,推断(根据课文提供


3. 任务型教学法: 围绕课文设计预测,连线,填词。TorF,翻译难句,选择,讨论等不同形式的活动。

4,独立思考, 同桌、小组讨论和合作的学习方法 5. 学案辅助教学 四.说教学设计:

Teaching Design

Step1. Lead-in Step2.Reading

1) Predicting 2) Fast reading 3) Careful reading Step3. Deep Comprehending Step4. Discussion Step5. Summary Step6. Homework 具体步骤如下: Step1 lead-in

导入环节使用了视频, 电影<变人中>的一小段。主要是让学生对未来生活展开想象力,引起兴趣. 然后反问Do you want to know more about future?接着用一些图片吸引学生。最后反问do you want to travel to future now? Step2. Reading

1. Predicting (预测环节主要是让学生利用课文的图片思考文章中有可能出现的内容。这样是为了激活学生相关的背景知识,培养学生对阅读的预测能力。) 2. Fast-reading

(快速阅读设计了两个活动。 一是回答问题,二是连线匹配各段的中心大意。是为了提高学生的略读技能。带着问题,中心词去文中查找) Task1. Answer questions

1.Whose first impressions are these? 2. Who guided my trip?

3. How did he get to the year 3008?

Task 2: Match the main idea of each paragraph.

Para.1 Staying in Wang Ping’s home Para.2 My impressions of life in AD 3008

Para.3 How I came to take a time travel journey

Para.4 The journey

3. Careful-reading


Task1. Fill in the blanks

Before ________about the journey, I was __________for the

the first few days.

journey as a result, he suffered from“ time lag”.

During The surroundings were difficult to tolerate. ______by a

the _____ of fresh air and his head ______.


Collect a hovering carriage __________by computer.

After Li was showed into a large bright, clean room with a

the green wall made of______.


Exhausted, he _____ into bed and _____ fast


(设计了一个表格,让学生填词,降低了难度,同时结合了本单元的语法--过去分词做状语从而进步掌握文章的重点句) Step4. Deep comprehending

(深层理解部分一是对难句分析并翻译, 二是基于文章事实做一个推断题。这个环节的设计是为了更深刻的理解文章。)

Task1. Translation

However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.


Task2.What can you infer from the passage? A. Global warming still exists in AD 3008.

B. Everyone would have to put on a mask when they went outside in the future

C. In the year AD 3008, the air in private houses was poor quality. D. Li Qiang regretted having traveled to the year AD 3008.

Step 5.Discussion: the writer’s view of future Pessimistic or optimistic

Reasons:______________________________________________ ______________________________________________



1. Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days. 2. At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate. 3. Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached

1. Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.


Step6. Summary (走向高考)

The passage is about Li Qiang’s future journey in a time capsule. He traveled to AD 3008. He was unsettled as ______result of suffering from “time lag”But his guide , Wang Ping gave him some _________ (tablet) which helped a lot. It took only a few minutes ______ they came to 1,000 years in the future. At first his new ____________(surround) were difficult to tolerate . Hit by a lack ______ fresh air, his head ached. But after putting on a mask , he felt ________(good) in no time. He collected a hovering carriage __________(float) above the ground. He caught _________(sight) of Wang Ping and flew after him to Wang Ping’s house, ________everything was strange. The wall was made of trees, which provided the room with oxygen. Exhausted, he ______(slide) into bed and fell asleep.

