
发布时间 : 星期六 文章六年级下册英语教案(pep)更新完毕开始阅读


1. 师放Let’s sing部分的歌曲录音,学生一起跟唱。

2. 师放Let’s chant部分的歌谣Where did you go on your holiday?学生有


3. 学生听录音跟读B Let’s talk 部分的对话。

4. 师放Let’s read 部分的录音,学生回答问题。并提出不理解的句子,


5. 师板书left 和got,告诉left是leave的过去式,got 是get的过去式。 6. 师再放一遍录音,学生听录音跟读短文。 7. 师指导学生完成Let’s check部分的练习。 8. 学生做活动手册配套练习

Recycle 1 Let’s take a trip


Key sentences: How are you going to get there? I’m going by plane.

What are you going to do there? I’m going to visit Summer Palace. 教学目标


教学重、难点 重点:学生能够流利询问他人或表达自己的旅游计划 难点:充分调动学生头脑中已有的知识,引导学生激活语言,勇于展示 学情分析



教学资源设计 本课为语篇对话教学课,通过分段学习,让学生感知语篇,理解语篇,从而让学生自己组织语言形成一定语篇。同时,通过开放式的多媒体教学资源,培养学生自主学习的能力。

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教学策略与教学方法设计 开课通过多种层次不同的提问,吸引学生的注意力,


教学评价设计 1、利用北京申奥的录象,对学生的爱国情感进行总体评价 2、高年级不再用物质刺激,而是用发自内心的语言来体现评价

二、 教学过程设计 教学过程


教学活动设计 教师的活动 学生的活动 设计意图

Give Ss questions

Answer and guess


Step 1 Warm up Free talk

单的交流引入主题,为后面的教学做铺垫 Step 2 Revision

Review the old sentence stucture Have Ss see some pictures

and give some questions Answer teacher’s questions 通过不同层次的提问充分调动学生已掌握的知识,为后面的教学做铺垫 Step 3 Presentation

Learn key sentences Show pictures and teach key sentences

Try to master

the key sentences and drill them 用图片让学生感受自然美,使他们愿意激活思维,用新学的重点句型去表达他们的思思想

Step 4 Practice Learn the dialogue and do some practice Let Ss listen and finish questions .Then understand and read the dialogue Listens and finish questions. Read

and practice the dialogue


Step 5 Extension

Trip plan show Give Ss the information, organize their practice Make


dialogues by teacher’s and computer’s help 利用多媒体资源,最大限度地挖掘

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学生的潜力,激活语言思维能力,培养学生的自主学习能力 Step 6 Summary

三、课堂教学流程 1、Warm up Free talks:

What’s your name? What’s your favourite food? What’s your favourite sports?

Can you guess my favourite? (Take a trip) (板书)

(开课时通过简单的交流,缓解学生紧张的情绪。用一个设问引入主题, 激发学生的兴趣,为后面的教学做铺垫) 2、Revision

A: (CAI) Look! It’s a map of China.Do you know where is the capital? (Beijing) I like Beijing very much,so I’m going to Beijing. Where are you going? (I’m going .) B: Good job!(CAI) Do you know who’s he? (A Shuai) He’s my best friend. I’m going to beijing with A Shuai. Who are you going with? (I’m going with .)

C: (CAI) Cool! Look here! Here is Yichang. Where is it? (Beijing) How are you going to get there? Maybe I’m going on foot! How about you?(I’m going .)

(通过对旧知的分段学习,利用CAI给学生形象直观的视觉刺激,充分调动学生头脑中的已有语言知识,为下一步学生语言的构建打下基础 3、Presentation

A: Look! I am at beijng.Can you guess how am I going to get Beijing? (By train) B: (CAI) Do you know where is it?(Tian’anmen Square, Great Wall,Beijing Zoo, Beihai Park, Summer Palace,Roast Duck, Wangfujing Street) Learn “Summer Palace”and “Roast Duck” (板书)

C: Beijng is very wonderful. What are you going to do in beijing? For example, I like Wangfujing Street.So, I’am going to go shopping.

Sing a song Give the summary about this lesson

Sing a song


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Learn “What are you going to do ?” and “I’m going to go shopping .” (板书)

D: Have Ss drill these two sentences in pairs, and then show.

E: Yeah!Beijing is so excellent! This year, Beijing will held the 2008 Olympic Games. Now please watch a video.(Play the video )

Are you excited? Do you love Beijing ? Doyou love china? Read “We love Beijing.We love China” together.

(用图片让学生感受自然美,使他们愿意激活思维,用新学的重点句型去表达他们的思思想。为后面的扩展做铺垫。播放北京申奥的电影片断,培养学生的爱国热情,在学习中给学生的情感进行评价。) 3、practice A: Listen and finish

If you can’t write, you just do part A. If your English is very good,do the part B. Then check the answers. B: Show the whole dialogue

Read the dialogue in different ways.

(通过听力练习让学生整体感知短文,反复的读和练巩固了学生的语言控制能力,为后面的拓展奠定良好的基础) 4、Extension

(CAI) Look! Here are some pictures about citys. Can you make a trip plan ?

You can choose A to make a dialogue like this or you can choose B to write a trip plan.

And if you have some questions you can come here and use the computer to find the answers.

Then have Ss show their plans

(利用多媒体资源,最大限度地挖掘学生的潜力,让学生在分组学习和自主学习中形成思维的碰撞,充分激活语言思维能力) 5、Summary

Give their homework: make a trip plan Sing a song “Let’s take a trip ” and over the class.

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