
发布时间 : 星期六 文章六年级下册英语教案(pep)更新完毕开始阅读



1. 能够理解并会朗读Let’ read 部分的短文,能完成文后回答问题的练


2. 能够听、说、认读单词和短语:people, know, have the flu, take some


3. 基本会唱歌曲The way I feel.


1. 重点是学生能够充分理解正确朗读短文。

2. 难点是学生能理解条件状语从句和时间状语从句并能用这两种从句简



1. 准备录音机和本课时的录音带。 2. 师准备Let’s learn部分的单词卡片。

四、教学步骤 1. Warm up

师放Let’s chant 部分的录音,师生一齐吟唱。

2. 师呈现图片have a fever,问How do you feel , if you have a fever?(生:I

feel sick. I have a headache. I have a sore throat. )再呈现have a cold. How do feel if you have a cold? (生:I feel sick. I have a headache. I have a sore throat. My nose hurts.)

T: Yes. If you have a fever or have a cold. You might have the flu. 板书该句子并带读。

T: Many people get the flu in the winter. Some people feel sick. How do you know when you have the flu?

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师指导学生阅读短文,提出Answer the questions部分的两个问题让学生新闻记者后口头回答,师在学生阅读过程中走动解答疑难问题。

3.师请学生回答Answer the questions部分的两个问题。再放本部分的录音,学生跟读。




1. 能够听、说、读、写表情绪的五个单词:tired, angry, excited, happy 和


2. 能够听、说、认读单词bored.

3. 能够听、说、认读句子:How does Amy feel? She’s tired.” 并能进行关



1. 重点是使学生熟练掌握五个四会单词,并能替换句型How does he/she feel? He/ She’s??中的关键词进行问答。 2. 难点是学生熟练掌握五个四会单词。


1. 准备本课的单词卡片。

2. 准备录音机、本课时的录音带和教学挂图。


1. 师准备一根长绳,绳上挂些小夹子,把课前制作的些可组成不同句子


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2. “拼句子”活动结束后获胜的小组会很兴奋,师可指着他们对其他学

生说:Look, they are so excited.让学生仔细观察教师的口形、听清发音后跟读。



3. 能够听、说、认读句子:How are you, Liu Yun? You look so happy. I’m

going on a big trip. I failed the math test. I’m sorry to hear that.并能在实际情景中进行运用。

4. 能够掌握四会句子:How are you? You look so happy. You look sad


5. 能够根据Let’s try 和Let’s check部分的录音选出正确答案。


1.重点是使学生四会掌握句型:How are you? You look so happy/sad. 并能、说、认读句子:I’m going on a big trip. I failed the math test. I’m sorry to hear that.


1. 准备录音机和本课时的录音带。 2. 准备本课时的单词卡片。

四、教学步骤 1.Warm up

T: How are you today? S: I’m fine.

T: I’m glad to hear that??如果学生回答说:I’m sad/bored. 师可以说:I’m sorry to hear that. Can you tell me why?

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2.师呈现单词卡片复习Let’s learn部分的单词。

师呈现Let’s check中Sarah和Amy的头像,说:How does Sarah feel? S: She is sad. She has a fever. T: How about Amy? S:Amy is sad.

T: Sarah is sick. What should Sarah do?

P: She can go to the hospital. See a doctor. Take some medicine and drink hot drinks. T: What two things Sarah should not do?

Amy’s dog Spot run away. She is sad. How can you make Amy feel better? (师生共同完成Let’s check部分练习。)

3.师呈现Let’s try 部分的图片,根据图片内容询问学生:How does??feel?并在人物下方板书:look sad, look tired, look happy, look bored. 师放录音,学生看图听音标号,然后跟读两遍。

4.复习第七册单词卡片have a trip. 引出短语going on a big trip. T: After see a doctor and take some medicine. Sarah is fine now. How is Sarah now? (She is happy.) Yes, Because she is going on a big trip. 带读该短语。T:What about Zip? How does she feel? (She is Sad.) T: Because she failed the math test.并板书,师准备一张成绩很糟的数学试卷,使学生更了解语意。进一步拓展,教学短语a Chinese test, an English test 等。还可以让学生了解Pass the math test/ a Chinese test, an English test等表达法。

5.师放Let’s talk 部分的录音,学生听后回答并且问题:How is Liu Yun? Is she happy? Is she excited? Why?师帮助学生回答:Yes, she’s excited. She is going on a big trip. 师领读:She is going on a big trip. 并及时纠正发音。师继续提问:Is Sarah happy today? How does she feel? Why ?请学生听录音 6.师放本部分录音,学生静听后跟读

8. 学生听录音,做活动手册本课时配套练习。

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