
发布时间 : 星期二 文章采矿工程中英文对照外文翻译文献更新完毕开始阅读

population policy,to take measures as early as possible to have the print up of mineral resources centralized.

4.3 Mineral Investment Policy

The investment policy and the set up of mineral industries should be dire; iron: tm common industries to assure in the long run the first energy supply 1vit} necessary and appropriate support.

4.4 Make Ready the Successors

To make ready the successors for the mineral industries and the development of the mining subjects,suggesting to give preferential treatment to the university. Admissions system and the recruitment of mineral workers and set mineral science. Foundation as an important subject independent from the foundations of those. Basic science in the natural science foundation.

The aim of writing this paper is to hone that in the tonguing A of this century minim subject in China will have a new prosperous development with the of new technology to theory under the guidance of the national science policy.



