
发布时间 : 星期三 文章2017-2018学年译林牛津版八年级英语下册期中考试英语试题更新完毕开始阅读

with her 40 .” they thought.

About a quarter later, the young woman 41 again, “Mom, look! The clouds are running with us!” Mom 42 again. And she seemed very happy with the young woman’s words. 43 , the couple couldn’t help asking the old woman, “Sorry if we offend(冒犯) you. But why don’t you 44 your daughter to a good doctor?”

The old woman smiled and said, “We have just come from a 45 .”

“Then you should go to a(n) 46 one. Because it seems that your daughter’s situation hasn’t 47 ,” said one of them. They felt so sorry for the old woman.

“No, 48 , I’m very happy with the treatment(治疗),” said the mother, “My daughter was blind from birth. Today, she is seeing the world for the 49 time.”

Every person has a story. Don’t judge people before you really know them, 50 you’ll be surprised at the truth. 36. A. relaxed 37. A. at

B. excited B. up

C. interested C. through C. aloud

D. pleased D. out D. louder D. walking D. eyes


38. A. loud 39. A. sitting 40. A. voice 41. A. called

B. loudly

B. working C. playing B. mouth

C. mind

B. shouted C. answered B. laughed C. shouted B. Exactly

C. Nearly

D. spoke D. smiled D. Possibly D. take D. station D. most D. refused D. at first D. final D. or

42. A. listened 43. A. Finally 44. A. get

B. carry C. bring B. hospital B. best

C. park C. more

45. A. school 46. A. better 47. A. started 48. A. in fact 49. A. last 50. A. and

B. gone B. at least B. first B. but

C. improved

C. by the way C. second

C. so


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GRAND OPENING! BEST SUSHI(寿司)& GRILL RESTAURANT IN HOUSTON Now 2 Locations! Lunch Hours: Mon-Fri 11:00am-2:30pm Sat & Sun 11:30am-3:00pm Dinner Hours: Sun-Thurs 5:30pm-9:30pm Fri & Sat 5:00pm-10:00pm TOKYO ONE www.tokyo-one.com 7465.W.Green Road.77064.281-955-8888 Additional location: 2938W. Sam Houston Pkwy. 713-765-8899 51. Tokyo One is the name of a _________.

A. hotel B. restaurant C. food supermarket D. museum 52. Tokyo One is in ________.[来源:学&科&网]

A. Tokyo. B. Sydney C. Houston D. London 53. We can go to Tokyo One for lunch at ________.

A. 10:30am on Monday B. 3:00pm on Friday C. 11:00am on Saturday D. 2:30pm on Sunday 54. Tokyo One offers us the following information except _______.

A. location B. telephone number C. website D. food price


Dear Mom,

I'm sorry that I can't go back home for Mother's Day next week. On that day, I'll have to go to an important meeting for my boss, who helps me a lot with my work and life here. But I'll find time to see you at home soon.

Mom, thank you for everything you've done for Tim and me. After Dad died ten years ago, you had to work in a supermarket in the daytime and in a restaurant at night. But you always gave us two your love and care. You don't have to work now, but I still remember your coming home and feeling tired many evenings.

Tim is going to finish his studies next month. He said he would move back from school and look for a job near home. I'm glad you won't live by yourself any more. Let's plan to take

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a trip in the near future. It's been years since the three of us took a trip together. Happy Mother's Day. I love you! Best wishes John

55. What can we learn about John's mother?

A. She lives by herself now. B. She still works day and night. C. She will make a plan to save money.

D. She used to be too busy to care for her children. 56. What do we know from the letter?

A. John has two brothers. B. John is unhappy with his boss. C. John has to work on Mother's Day. D. Tim will leave home for his job soon. 57. Which is said in the letter?

A. John's father died at work. B. Tim will look for a teaching job. C. John bought a gift for his mother. D. John hopes to take a trip with his family.


These days many students like to make friends on line. Most of them think it's interesting

to know an unknown person through the Internet. So, many students like to use computers to talk with those friends. And they spend too much time on it. Some of them can not do well in their school work. Their parents often don’t think the children are as good as before. So many teachers and parents are worried about their children.

In fact, only very few of them can get real good friends in this way. Most of them were cheated by those unseen friends. And some of the students did wrong things on line. It’s terrible for students to use too much time to make friends and talk on line. So we should be careful of making friends on line and should not spend too much time on it. We’d better pay more attention to study. We will be happy when we do well in school and at home. 58. Many students like to make friends on line because __________________.

A. they are interested in it B. they can learn better in this way C. they always get real friends in this way D. they are friendly to each other 59. _________ of the students can get real friends online. A. All B. Many C. Some D. Few

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60. Most of them were cheated by those unseen friends. Here “cheated” means_________. A. 聊天 B. 欺骗 C. 恩惠 D. 鞭打 61. Which of the following is right? A. We should never make friends on line.

B. It’s necessary for us to talk with our online friends every day. C. It’s really happy that we students do well in school and at home. D. Making online friends is more important than study.


Hello, everyone! I have read over fifteen interesting stories in the past few weeks. And many of them tell me what to do with the problems in my daily life. Now I’m sharing some of them with you. Story 1

A boy once found a jar(罐子) full of nuts in his mother’s kitchen and he put his hand in to help himself get as many as he could. When he tried to take his hand out of the jar, however, he found that the opening was too narrow(狭窄的) for his clenched fist(握紧的拳头) to pass through.

“What shall I do?’’ he cried. “My hand will be stuck in this jar.” Just then his mother came in. “Really,” she said, “there’s nothing to make such a fuss(大惊小怪) about. Try taking half as many nuts as you have in your hand, and you’ll find your hand will come out of the jar quite easily.” Story 2

A woman walks up to a little old man, rocking(摇动) in a chair on his porch(走廊). “I couldn’t help noticing how happy you look,” she says. “What’s your secret for a long, happy life?”

“I smoke three packs a day, drink a case of whiskey(威士忌) a week, and never exercise.”


“Wow, that’s amazing,” says the woman, “How old are you?” “Twenty-six.” 62. What does the boy put his hand in the jar to do?

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