八年级英语unit 1-5讲学稿

发布时间 : 星期二 文章八年级英语unit 1-5讲学稿更新完毕开始阅读

main reasons.First,there is no work forthe children’s parents,so they have no money to buy food or medicine.Second,the governments in many African countriesdo not have the money to take care of the poor Most African countries are poor.The land is hot good for growing food and the weather is also bad for farming There are many organizations trying to help these poor people.The organization we are trying t0 help,the Feed Africa

Fund· spends millions of dollars every year on food for poor people in Africa.This money comes from people like you__kind,generous people who do not want to see children die

from hunger. All the money you give this evening will go to the FeedAfrica Fund.Just one dollar can buy enough rice or corn to feed a family of four for three days.Think about it:only onedollar can feed four people for three days. How much do you spend on food every day? Ten dollars? Twenty dollars? I am sure you can spend a little less on your own food so that you have a few dollars for the Feed Africa Fund.

Ladies and gentlemen,we will now take a collection.Please be generous. ( ) 11.What did the people see before this speech?

A .Some performers.B Animals doing tricks.C A movie. D Some musicians. ( ) 12.What will the money be raised for?

A Children without parents. B Children without food. C Countries without money.D.Countries with bad water.

( ) 13.If a person gave five dollars,how long could the money feed four people? A Three days. B.One week.C Hall a month. D.One month. ( ) 14.How would you describe“generous”people?

A People who get sick often.B People who give money easily. C People who are thin with hunger.D People who work hard. ( ) 15.Why are most.African countries so poor?

A Because the weather is had for farming B Because.se the land is not good for growing food.C Because the governments have no money. D.Both A and B Ⅳ.(西宁中考)按要求完成句子

16.He has bought two pants from Huaxing ClothesStore.(就画线部分提问) he bought from Huaxing Clothes Store?

17.Mike’S mother and farther like Beijing Opera,too. (改为同义句) Mike’ S like Beijing Opera

18.You hold a sports meeting in your school every autumn(改为被动倍态) A sports meeting in your school every autumn.

19.“Does the earth go round the sun?”the boy asked his father.(改为间接引语)

The boy asked his father the earth round the sun.

Unit 2 1’II help clean up the city parks Section B(3a-4)导学案



I.预习Section B 3a。完成句子 On Monday morning,he told a radio interviewer that He had 1. (甩完)money tobuy old bikes.He also 2. (张贴)涨 signs 3. (寻求)old bikes and called all his friends about the problem.He even 4. (分发)advertisements at a local supermarket. Then he told the teachers at school about his problem and they 5. (开办)a call-in center for parents.The strategies that he came up with 6 (很成功). He now has sixteen bikes to 7. (修理)and 8. (捐赠给) children Wh0 don’t have bike~ Ⅱ.预习Section B 3a。目答问题

9.Did his strategies work out Free?

10.How many bikes does he have to f.Ⅸup? 合作研讨 一、重点单词与短语

1.Try u设法 【拓展】其后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或动名词作宾语

常用短语:try to do sth尽力做某事;try doing sth试着做某事try one’S best to do sth.尽某人最大努力做某事。 【跟踪训练】

1. 我们应尽我们最大的努力完成这项工作。 We should to finish the work 2.put up张贴;搭建

【拓展]put on穿上;put off推迟;put down放下;put away收起来 【跟踪训练】

2. 他正在把一幅画张贴在墙上。He is a picture on the wall. 二、重点句型

The strategies that he came up with worked out fine.他想出的这些策略效果很好。 【精解】that he came up with是定语从句,修饰先行词strategies。 work out产生结果;发展;成功。work out算出;制定出。 【跟踪训练】


The math problem is so difficult that he can’ t 当堂检测


1. A radio I reported that a traffic accident happened yesterday. ★2.She is putting up some s to tell people about it. ★3.He always helps to hand out a when he is free. ★4.The P Sounds goo& 、

5.I t my best to cheer him up yesterday. Ⅱ.用所给单词的适当形式填空

6.It’S time for class.Let’S stop (talk). ★7.He is not tall enough (touch)the light. 8.1 called my mother (ask)for money. ★9.He’ll get his bike (fix)tomorrow,-

★ 10.After dinner,we continue (work)with our homework. 11. (be)quiet,please.The boy is sleeping.

12.You'd better try (do)the experiment in another way. 课后练习


1. 单项选择

( ) 1.The radio is too loud Will you please ?

A turn it down B turn it onC turn off it D.turn down it ( ) 2.I'm similar .

A to she B to her C.to be her D.to his

( ) 3. Lucy Lily are good at helping young people to read. A Neither; nor B.Either:orC Both;and D Not:but

( ) 4.I'm very happy because I can enjoy doing I love to do A what B.that C when D.which

( ) 5.We didn’t plan it like that but it very well. A work out B working C to work out D.worked out Ⅱ.阅读理解 As a volunteer teacher.I traveled a long way to a small village school in Longzhou,Guangxi.On my way there。I thought about the village,the school and the children there

However,my heart sank when I arrived them It wasn’t what I expected.It didn’t look like a school at all! The school had only three rooms,one for Grades 1,2 and 3.and the other for Grades 4.5 and 6.There was a third One for me. The children welcomed me warmly on my first day.They asked n砣a lot of questions,and I told them stories about myself and my life in Shanghai.The next day,I gave them a test to find out their level.To my surprise,though the test was easy, over half of the students failed it,yet they all wanted to learn new things.I knew they needed me I was busy preparing lessons,reading test papers every

Night ,I enjoyed teaching these lovely and hard-working children I could see that they were making progress with my help.I have also learned a lot from them.I understand their lives better, and we are now good friends. I have worked in Longzhou for a year now.I'm very happy,and the experience has been very.useful to me.I love

‘the small village and the children.In fact.1 would like to continue working here.

( ) 6.The writer is a volunteer teacher who comes from .

A Guangxi’ B Xiamen C Shanghai D Beijing

( ) 7.The writer found there were only rooms in that school.

A two B three C six D.four

( ) 8.In the passage,the underlined words“my heart

sank”mean that the writer . A.felt upset B was happy

C.got angry D.is disappointed

( ) 9.The writer found the students level was she expected after the first test. A just as B higher than C lower than D.shorter than

( ) 10.Which of the following statements is NOT’true? A Both the volunteer teacher and the students are working so hard。

B The volunteer teacher doesn’t like to work there any longer.


C.The students became better and better with the help of the volunteer teacher.

D.The volunteer teacher came from Shanghai. Ⅲ.根据句意及汉语提示。完成句子

11.There are about two (百)students playing on the playground

12.The mother is (自豪的)of her son,because he is very successful in his work.

13.There are many kinds of English (字典)in this bookstore.You can choose the one you like. 14.Look at the photo (仔细地),and you will find our teacher.

15.W0uld you mind (打开)the window? We need some fresh air.

16.Please (切)me a piece of cake.

17.He has always been a big (迷)of Michael Jackson. 18.Charlie tried to (使平静)the frightened children 19.It wasn’t very (有礼貌的)of you to serve yourself without asking

20.Smoking is not (允许)in this restaurant. 21.Is the fire still (燃烧)?

22. (幸好).she was in when I called.

23.It was (明显)that she was not going home. Ⅳ.根据汉语提示。完成句子 24.他们的计划没有成功。

Their plan didn’t .


He most of his money to charity. 26.Mary,请把试卷发给学生。

Mary,please the papers to the students. 27.如果你的钱用光了,你可以向我借一些。

If you your money.you can borrow some from me, 28.他们想出的那个计划结果很好。

The plan they worked out fine.

Unit2 1’II help clean up the city parks第5课时Self check and Reading

