八年级英语unit 1-5讲学稿

发布时间 : 星期二 文章八年级英语unit 1-5讲学稿更新完毕开始阅读


I..预习单词及Grammar Focus。把意思相近的短语连起线来 1.cheer up a.ring up

2.think up b.establish;start 3.call up c.come up、with

4.set up d.make someone happier Ⅱ.根据旬意及汉语提示。完成句子

5.I'd like to help (无家可归的)people.

6.You could help (打扫)the city parks. 7.You could help stop (饥饿).

8.I’11 give out (广告)after school

9.I'd like to cheer up (生病的孩子们). 10.We can t (推迟制定)a plan

11.We could (张贴)signs- 合作研讨


1.Hunger n.饿;饥饿

【拓展]hungry adj.be/get hungry饥饿的 【跟踪训练】

1. Thousands of people in Africa are dying from (hungry )every day 2. homeless adj. 无家可归的

【拓展]home n.&adv.家;go home回家;get home到家;hometown家乡;故乡。 在某些单词后加后缀一less,意为“没有··········的”

例如:careless粗心的;hopeless没有希望的useless无用的;endless无止境的。“the十形容词”构成的短语可以表示一类人,如:the homeless无家可归的人。 【跟踪训练】

2.The government built some houses for the (home) people 3.set up建立;创立;开办 【拓展】set up=establish start 【跟踪训练】

3. 去年他们在这个村庄建了一所新学校。

They a new school in the village last year. think up 想出来;得出

【拓展】think up=come up with 【跟踪训练】


4 . 让我们给它想一个设计方案吧。 Let’s try to a design for it 二、重点句型与语法 ■句型 ’

1.I’d like to cheer up sick kids. 表想让生病的孩子高兴起来。

【精解】cheer up意为“使振奋;使高兴起来”,“动词+副词”型短语,若人称代词作宾语,把人称代词放在 cheer和up中间。

sick/iIl sick生病的,可以作定语,如:sick kids。也可以作表语,如:I'm sick.in只能作表语,如:He通i11. 【跟踪训练】

4. 这个男孩看起来很伤心,让我们是他高兴起来。 The boy looks very sad Let’s . 2.We can’t put off making a plan.

我们不能推迟制定计划。 【精解]put off意为“推迟;拖延”,其后面接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,当代词作宾语时要放在put和off 中间。

【拓展]put up张贴;举起put down放下;镇压,平息 put 0ff推迟;拖延put away收起来

put on穿上;上映put one’s heart into全神贯注 【跟踪训练】

5. 他们推迟了参观夏威夷。They Hawaii, ■ 语法



动词短语是指英语中有些动词和其他词类一起连用,构成一个固定短语,可看成一个整体,相当于一个单独的动词, 这种组合称之为动词短语。 2.动词短语的类型及用法 ①“动词+介词”

常见的有:look at(看??);look for(寻找);look after(照顾)wait for(等待);depend on(依靠);listen to(听??);take after(与??相像);ask for(请求;询问);agree with(同意)等。 这种类型的短语后接宾语,且宾语无论名词或人称代词,一律放在介词后面。 【跟踪调练】

6. 请听我讲 Please . ②“动词+副词”

常见的有:put up(张贴);call up(打电话);set up(建立);fix up(修理);clean up(打扫;清洁);put on(穿上);turn on(打开);turn off(关掉);put off(推迟;拖延);give out(分发;发放);give away(捐赠)等。这类短语后跟宾语。宾语若为名词,则名词可放于短语后面,也可放在动词与副词中间;若宾语为人称代词,则只能 放在动词与副词中间。 【跟踪训练】

7. 多漂亮的一幅画!让我们把它挂起来。 How nice the picture is! Let’ s ..



1.I am h Please give me something to eat. ★2.The old D-m has no home He’S a h person.


3.If you want to sell your house,put an a in the newspaper 4.She looks unhappy.Let’s c her up. 5.Look at the s It says。No Smoking”. Ⅱ.根据汉语提示。完成句子

6.我们需要想出一个计划。 We need to a plan. ★7.班长正在分发新书。Our monitor is the new books.

8.如果下雨,我们将推迟运动会。We’11 the sports meeting if it rains. 9.我们打算建立一个新银行。We’re going to a new bank

10. 我会帮助把城市的公园打扫干净的。I’ll help the, city parks 课后选择

( ) 1一what volunteer work would you like to do?

一I,d like to sick people in the the hospital A. turn up B. stay up C. look up D. cheer up

( ) 2. The famous writer introduced us his new book that will next month A. give up B. come out C. put out

( ) 3.It is said that the football match may be because of the bad weather. A. put up B..put down C put off D. put away

( ) 4.Eton College in England was .in 1440 by King Henry V/to give free education to poor


A. cleaned up B.set up C fixed up D. cheered up ( )5.Hi,Jack Would you plebe the picture on the wall?

A. pick up B. look up C get up D. put upⅡ. 从方框中选择适当的单词或词组并用其适当形式填空 。

volunteer, advertisement, clean-up, come up with,give out

16.Our classroom is rather dirty.We must give it a good


At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No. 26 ___________(go) along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man ____________(lie) on the side of the road. A woman next to him was ___________(shout) for help.

The bus driver , 24-year –old Wang Ping, _______(stop) the bus without _____________(think) twice. He got off and _____(ask) the woman what happened. She said that the man _______(have) a heart problem and should__________(go) to the hospital. Mr. Wang knew he had________(act) quiclkly. He told the passengers that he must ______(take) the man to the hospital. He expected most of all of the passengers ________(get) off and wait for the next bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed _____(go) with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang _______(move) the man onto the bus.

Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time.”It’s said that many people don’t want _____(help) others because they don’t want any trouble,” says one passenger.


“But the driver didn’t think about himself. He only thought about ________(save) a life

Unit 2 1’II help clean up the city parks Section A(3a-4)导学案

语法:动词短语(二) 预习导学

I.预习Section A 3a。用所给单词的适当形式填空

1.These three students all volunteer their time (help)other people. 2.Here,she helps young children (read).

3.Lin Pei loves animals and plans (study)t0 be a veterinarian when he leaves school 4.He spends every Saturday morning (work)in an animal hospital Ⅱ.预习Section A 3a.回答下列问题 5.What does Li Huiping love to do? 6.Does Lin Pei love animals? 7.What does Zhu Ming want to be?

8.Why does the writer think they are special? 9.What do they plan to do?


1.Major adj.重大的;主要的

【拓展】major n.主修课程,major in??主修??

例如:I major in English and math.我主修英语和数学。

【跟踪训练】所以这是一个主要的贡献So it s a . 1. coach u 训练:指导

【跟踪训练】2. You could (帮助训练)a soccer team 二、重点句型与语法

■句型Not only do I feel good about helping other people.But I get to spend time doing what I love to do.我不但感觉帮助别人很好,而且我还可以把时间用在我喜欢的事情上。

【精解】①not only...but also?可以连接两个主语、谓语、宾语、表语等。当它连接两个主语时,谓语动词应与but also后的主语的人称和数保持一致,即“就近原则”。常见的就近原则的结构有: neither.一nor...既不??也不??(两者都不);

either...or...不是??就是??(两者之一);there be?有?? 【跟踪训练】3.Not only you but also ho (like ) animals

【精解】②not 0Illy可以放在句首,表示强调,这时句子要用部分倒装,即将谓语动词的一部分(如情态

