八年级英语unit 1-5讲学稿

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Unit 1 What?s the matter? Period 2 Section A (1a—2c) 学习目标



2准确表达身体的种种不适,讨论健康问题,并提出合理的建议。 本节教学目标:认读单词

1、back(名词)____(形容词) ____2、脚(单数)____(复数)____3、lie(动词)____(名词)____ 4、怎么了?_______________ 5、胃痛____________ 6、量体温____________7、发烧____________ 掌握句型

(1)What’s the matter with you ?(2)What’s the matter with her?


Task1 1a根据图片,熟记表示身体各部位的单词。

1b根据听力材料,标序号并小组展示。1c小组讨论,编对话并展示。 A:What’s the matter,B? B: I have a very sore throat. A: What’s the matter with B, C? C: She has a very sore throat.

Task2 2a 根据听力标序号。准确表示身体的不适

1头疼 _____________________ 2胃疼 _______________ 3发烧 _______________________ 4咳嗽 ___________________ 5嗓子疼__________________ 6牙疼 ______________ 7弄伤自己 _____________8脖子疼 ________________9感冒 ___________________ 2b 找出合理的建议,并以对话形式小组展示。 提出合理的建议(should do or shouldn’t do sth.)

1躺下休息 _____________________2喝加蜂蜜的热茶 _________________ 3看医生并拍x光 _____________________4量体温 _________________________ 5在上面敷药 _____________________6 多喝水 _______________________ 2c 听力练习,并掌握对话

(1) A: What’s the matter with you? B:I have a cold. (2) A: what’s the matter with her? B: She has a very sore throat now.



Ⅰ need用法:

1情态动词Need I____ the question? 我需要回答那个问题吗?

Yes, you must. /Yes, you have to. 是的,你必须回答。/是的,你得回答。 /No, you needn't.不,不必了

2实义动词She needs help. 她需要帮助。 I don't need ____(see)the doctor. 我不需要看病。 Do you need ____(go)at once? 你需要马上走吗?

3 The door needs ____ (paint). The door needs to ____ (paint). 那扇门需要油漆一下。 Ⅱ maybe的用法 1 He may know = ____he knows . 2 He may be at home.=____ he is at home Ⅲ sore与 ache的用法


S+have/has+a/an+身体名词+ache。例词:_____________________________________________ sore形容词,放在身体名词前,构成名词短语。




1 I ________ (have) a fever yesterday. 2 ________he ________(have) a sore back today? 3Her father should______ (lie) down and ______ (rest) . 4 He shouldn’t eat ________(something) . 5 I hope you feel ________(well) soon. Ⅲ 翻译句子

1 怎么了?__________________________2 或许你应该看牙医。_____________________________ 3 我应该怎么办?_____________________4 昨天他没有足够的钱。______________________________ 5 你最好量一下体温。_________________________6 南希今天胃疼。_________________________ Ⅳ补全对话

Doctor : _____________________________________ David : I have a toothache. Doctor : ____________________________,say ―Ah‖ David : Ah. Doctor :Do you like to eat chocolate ?

David : ______________________________________

Doctor: I think you should eat more vegetables. And you feel better soon. David : ___________________I will take you advice. A .What’s the matter with you, young man? B .Yes , I like it very much. C .Thank you ,doctor D .Let me see


Unit 1 What?s the matter? Period 2 Section A (2d—4c)



1掌握有用短语,复述课文。 2 if 引导的条件状语从句。

3如何正确开展急救,培养互帮互助的精神。 本节教学目标:

认读单词:1上车________ 2 下车________ 3 乘客________ 4 使??惊讶的________ 5 同意(做某事)

________5 不同意(做某事)________6 trouble(名词)________(动词)________7 造成麻烦________ 掌握句型

(1)The driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.

(2)Thanks to Mr.Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time.


A:Lisa, are you OK?

Task 1 2d 熟练掌握对话,并完成练习题。

B: I ____ a headache and I can’t move my neck. What _____ I do? Should I take my _____? A: No,it doesn’t sound ____ you have a fever. What did you do ____ the weekend? B: I played computer games all weekend.

A: You need ____ take breaks away from the computer. B: I think I sat in the same way for too long without____.

A: I think you should ____ and rest. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then ____ to a doctor. 找出下列短语

1听起来像_________2用同一个姿势坐着________ 3长时间不动_______4 休息_______5远离_______ Task2学习3a 利用工具书查找重点,难点。 Task3 根据3a短文,回答3b、3c问题并展示结论。 Taks4翻译短语并造句

1 沿着?走 ____________ 2 看见某人正坐某事 ___________ 3 在路边 ___________ 4 呼叫求救 _____________ 5 三思 ____________ 6 有心脏病 ______________ 7 带某人去某地 ___________ 8 期待某人去做某事 ___________ 9 等待某人或某物__________ 10 多亏____________11 及时 _____________12考虑做某事 ______13立刻,马上 ____________ Task5 熟练掌握语法句,并完成4a,4b,小组展示结论。


Ⅰ if 引导的条件状语从句:


1 If you go to the party,you’ll have a good time. 2 If he comes here, please tell me.[来源:学+科+网] 3 If you have any questions,you can ask me. 归纳:if ―如果‖ 主句将来时,从句 ①_____ ②____③_____

Ⅱ thanks to 与 thanks for 区别

thanks to ―多亏,由于” to 接感谢的对象。 Thanks to the English teacher,I got good grades.

== With the help of the English teacher, I got good grades.翻译:__________________________________[来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K]

thanks for客套用语,“因??而感谢”for 后接v.ing 或名词。 Thanks for asking me。翻译:____________________ Ⅲ in time 与on time in time 及时,迟早

We were just in time for(或to catch) the bus.翻译:_______________________________________ on time 按时,准时

The train pulled in on time. 翻译:________________



1 What’s the m ____ with you? 2 We hear with our e______ and see with our e____. 3 Should I take my t____? 4 She has a f____. 5 Some p____ helped to get the old man onto the bus. Ⅱ介词填空

__1__ 9:00a.m.yesterday, bus No.26was going __2__ Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying __3__ the side__4__ the road. A woman was next __5__ him, shouting __6__ help.The bus driver stopped the bus __7__ thinking twice. He got __8__ and told the passengers to wait __9__ the next bus,but __10__ his surprise, they all agreed to go __11__ him. They helped him to get the old man __12__the bus.Thanks __13__ Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man __14__ time. Ⅲ翻译句子:

1 26路公共汽车司机看见一位老人正躺在路边。_____________________________________________ 2 多亏了王先生和乘客,医生们及时挽救了这个人。____________________________________________ 3 使他吃惊的是,他们都同意和他去。_____________________________________________ 4 他们不想找麻烦。___________________________

5 他期待大部分或全部乘客下车去等下一班公共汽___________________________________________

Unit 1 What?s the matter? Period 3 Section B(1a—1d)

学习目标 课标要求:


