
发布时间 : 星期六 文章中小企业web邮件系统的设计与实现更新完毕开始阅读


题 目 中小企业web邮件系统的设计与实现 作 者 完成日期

培养单位 四 川 大 学 指导教师 指导教师 工程领域 软 件 工 程 授予学位日期 2011年10月 日


软件工程 领域

研究生 关 冀 指导老师



论文首先阐述了电子邮件基本原理、相关协议,分析了MVC模式及J2EE架构。进而根据中小企业的需求分析介绍了中小企业web邮件系统的总体架构及Web server构架,对构成该邮件系统的结构进行了分别介绍。本邮件系统设计了用户注册、身份认证、邮件发送、邮件接收、通讯录管理、邮件夹管理、邮件过滤等应用功能。系统的功能实现采用了socket编程,多线程、线程池技术,oscache缓存技术等组件技术,运用Mysql数据库服务器管理用户信息、邮件信息以及系统配置参数等数据。本文对系统安全性、邮件收发及垃圾邮件过滤进行测试,自建的





邮件过滤 电子邮件协议

English title

Software Engineering

Graduate Student: Adviser:

With the development of Internet and networking office, email is becoming a popular communication way. According to the statistics, 66% of web accessing is email service. In the past, email client software, such as Outlook and Foxmail, is the only way to send and receive email. But this way is not enough for mobile office. WebMail technology can meet the need of mobile office, because it has the benefits of quickness and easiness. Users do not need to install any client software, by using the web browser, users can send and receive email or doing other operations.For application development, choosing a technical route which suits fou the development to a achieve this goal and develop a flexible, low-coupled,extensible, easy-to-maintain system is very necessary.

Since the WebMail system has such benefits, it is important to develop a new generation WebMail system with high performance/cost rate. In such background, this paper discusses the key aspects of designing a WebMail system. Based on the MVC model, we design a three layer architecture which includes presentation layer, business layer and persistence layer. The implementation tools we used include Spring, Struts and Hibernate. The E-mail system bases on the J2EE paltform, MVC open source framework, technical standards Java Bean, Servlet and achieves MVC design mode.

The author first describes the basic principles of e-mail and the related agreements and analyses the MVC model and J2EE architecture in the paper. Meanwhile, according to the demands of small and medium enterprises, the author has also introduced the general framework of web mail system、web server architecture and the structure of forming the mail system respectively. This e-mail system is designed including the user registration、authentication、message sending、e-mail receiving、contacts management、mail folder management、mail filtering and other applications. The functions of the system is accomplished by using socket programming as well as some component technology such as multithreading、thread pool and oscache cache technology and by using Mysql server
