大学英语1 课后填词和翻译答案汇总

发布时间 : 星期二 文章大学英语1 课后填词和翻译答案汇总更新完毕开始阅读

7) My parents managed ____________ a big family on a small income. (feed)

8) It’s better to avoid ____________ to the dining hall between 11:30 and 12:00. (go) 9) My grandpa is seventy years old but he didn’t want to give up ____________. (farm) 10) This is said to be the best film of the year. I can’t afford ____________ it. (miss)

1) drink 2) getting 3) trying 4) buying 5) eating 6) make / to make 7) to feed 8) going 9) farming 10) to miss

2. Vocabulary Review

Directions: In this unit, we have learned some words that are related to the word ―produce.‖

In the following box, seven words are given. Work in pairs to complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box. Change the form if necessary. Some of the words may be used more than once.

produce producer product reproduce production productivity productive

1) If you don’t believe in your company’s ____________, it’s very hard to sell it. 2) Wheat ____________ has risen over the years.

3) The size of the crop depends on the ____________ of the soil. 4) France ____________ a great deal of wine for export (出口).

5) Cattle, sheep, wheat, corn, and fruits are the major ____________ of that country. 6) A new factory was built for the ____________ of farming machines.

7) The state of Iowa has the most ____________ farm land in the United States. 8) Saudi Arabia (沙特阿拉伯) is the world’s leading oil ____________.

9) Our rabbits ____________ often, and soon we had 30 rabbits.

10) A police officer stopped a speeding car and asked the driver to ____________ her driver’s

license (驾驶执照).

1) product 2 ) production 3) productivity 4) produces 5) products 6) production 7) productive 8) producer 9) reproduced 10) produce

2. Translation Practice A. Interpreting a Poem

Directions: The following is the English version of a well-known Chinese poem. Work in pairs

to figure out what it is in Chinese.

Hoeing 锄 禾(唐)李绅

They’re weeding in the fields at high noon, 锄禾日当午, With beads of sweat dripping into the soil. 汗滴禾下土。

Who would know that each grain in the plate, 谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。

B. Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English.

1) Every day, tons of food are thrown away by restaurants, canteens, supermarkets, and household.

2) We are not only wasting our precious resources but also polluting the environment with waste.

3) Rules must be made so that everyone pays for his or her own meals.

4) Government agencies should not allow their employees to have expensive meals at public expense.

5) The general food culture should be changed so that all people will have a healthy and balanced diet.


Directions: From the poem above, we have learned about the hardship that farmers had to

experience to produce food. However, many people today are very wasteful with food. Write a short composition with the title ―STOP WASTING FOOD‖ in no less than 120 words. You may use any words you like from the translation practice above. Also try to use as many words you’ve learned from this unit as possible. Your composition may include the following points:

1) How serious the problem of food waste is. 2) How to solve the problem.

Stop Wasting Food

With the rapid economic development in recent years, starvation is no longer a real threat to Chinese people. However, a new problem has arisen: food wastefulness. Every day, tons of food are thrown away by restaurants, canteens, supermarkets, and households. We are not only wasting our precious resources, but also polluting the environment with waste.

It’s time that we did something to stop wasting food. First, rules should be made so that everyone pays for his/her own meals. Government agencies and businesses should no longer allow their employees to have expensive meals at restaurants at public expense. Second, prices for such food items as rice should be raised to discourage people from wasting them. Third, young people should be educated to respect the hard work of farmers. Finally, the general food culture should be changed so that all people will have a healthy and balanced diet. (146 words) Came to the table out of bitter toil?
