
发布时间 : 星期四 文章基于FPGA的交通灯课程设计报告更新完毕开始阅读






library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity jtdkz is

port(clk,sm,sb:in std_logic;

mr,my,mg,br,by,bg:out std_logic); end entity jtdkz;

architecture art of jtdkz is type state_type is(a,b,c,d); signal state:state_type; begin


variable s:integer range 0 to 45; variable clr,en:bit; begin

if(clk'event and clk='1')then if clr='0'then s:=0; elsif en='0'then s:=s; else s:=s+1; end if;

case state is

when a=>mr<='0';my<='0';mg<='1'; br<='1';by<='0';bg<='0';

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if(sb and sm)='1'then if s=45 then

state<=b;clr:='0';en:='0'; else

state<=a;clr:='1';en:='1'; end if;

elsif(sb and(not sm))='1'then state<=b;clr:='0';en:='0'; else

state<=a;clr:='1';en:='1'; end if;

when b=>mr<='0';my<='1';mg<='0'; br<='1';by<='0';bg<='0'; if s=5 then

state<=c;clr:='0';en:='0'; else

state<=b;clr:='1';en:='1'; end if;

when c=>mr<='1';my<='0';mg<='0'; br<='0';by<='0';bg<='1'; if(sm and sb)='1' then if s=25 then

state<=d;clr:='0';en:='0'; else

state<=c;clr:='1';en:='1'; end if;

elsif sb='0' then

state<=d;clr:='0';en:='0'; else

state<=c;clr:='1';en:='1'; end if;

when d=>mr<='1';my<='0';mg<='0'; br<='0';by<='1';bg<='0'; if s=5 then

state<=a;clr:='0';en:='0'; else

state<=d;clr:='1';en:='1'; end if; end case; end if;

end process cnt;

end architecture art;

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5.2 45s模块源程序

library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; --------------------------------------- entity time_45 is

port(sb,clk,en45:in std_logic; dout45m,dout45b:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); end entity time_45;

--------------------------------------- architecture art of time_45 is

signal cnt6b:std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); begin process(sb,clk,en45)is begin if sb='0'then cnt6b<=cnt6b-cnt6b-1; elsif(clk'event and clk='1')then if en45='1' then cnt6b<=cnt6b+1; elsif en45='0'then cnt6b<=cnt6b-cnt6b-1; end if; end if; end process; process(cnt6b)is begin case cnt6b is when \ 50 when \ 49 when \ 48 when \ 47 when \ 46 when \ 45 when \ 44 when \ 43 when \ 42 when \ 41 when \ 40 when \ 39 when \ 38 when \ 37 when \ 36 when \ 35 when \ 34

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when \ 33 when \ 32 when \ 31 when \ 30 when \ 29 when \ 28 when \ 27 when \ 26 when \ 25 when \ 24 when \ 23 when \ 22 when \ 21 when \ 20 when \ 19 when \ 18 when \ 17 when \ 16 when \ 15 when \ 14 when \ 13 when \ 12 when \ 11 when \ 10 when \ 9 when \ 8 when \ 7 when \ 6 when others=>dout45m<=\ --0 0

end case; end process; end architecture art;

5.3 25s模块源程序

library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; ------------------------------------ entity time_25 is

port(sb,sm,clk,en25:in std_logic;

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