
发布时间 : 星期一 文章C#调用把BarTender模板更新完毕开始阅读

1、应用“ Seagull.BarTender.Print “命名空间,

2、代码如下: using System;

using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text;

//using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using Seagull.BarTender.Print; //using Seagull.BarTender; namespace BarTenderPrintTest1 {

public partial class Form1 : Form {

public Form1() {

InitializeComponent(); }


string dc =

@\n\\Debug\\HW_CaiHe_and_packbox.btw\ intff = 163704004;

string aa = \ int i = 1;

private void btn_print_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

PrintLabel3(); }

#region 第一种写法

private void PrintLabel1()


//创建一个BarTender打印引擎 ,并启用 Engine engine = new Engine(true); //创建一个模板对象

//LabelFormatDocument format = engine.Documents.Open(\

LabelFormatDocument format =

engine.Documents.Open(@\BarTenderPrintTest1\\bin\\Debug\\HW_CaiHe_and_packbox.btw\ format.Print(\

//format.Print(\printer\out messages); //format.Close(SaveOptions.SaveChanges ); format.Print(); engine.Dispose(); }


#region 打印第二种方法

private void PrintLable2() {

using (Engine engine = new Engine()) {

//启用一个打印引擎 engine.Start(); //创建一个模板对象

LabelFormatDocument format =

engine.Documents.Open(@\BarTenderPrintTest1\\bin\\Debug\\HW_CaiHe_and_packbox.btw\ //打印

//format.Print(\ //改变标签打印数份连载

format.PrintSetup.NumberOfSerializedLabels =1;


format.PrintSetup.IdenticalCopiesOfLabel = 1;

Result nResult = format.Print(); //指定打印机打印,不指定则使用默认打印机

format.PrintSetup.PrinterName = \Code Printer T-4503E\

// Display the print result.


MessageBox.Show(\打印提示:\); // Close the current format without saving.

//SaveOptions 有三个值

DoNotSaveChanges:不保存 ,PromptSave:提示是否保存 SaveChanges:保存


//结束打印引擎 engine.Stop(); } }


#region 第三种打印方法改变标签的值 private void PrintLabel3() {

using (Engine engine = new Engine(true)) {

LabelFormatDocumentbtFormat = engine.Documents.Open(dc);



//string AddressSubstring = btFormat.SubStrings[\

//MessageBox.Show(AddressSubstring); //修改标签的值

//btFormat.SubStrings[\= \


//btFormat.SubStrings[\e = \

intdd = ff + i; i++;

btFormat.SubStrings[\e = aa+dd.ToString ();


btFormat.PrintSetup.NumberOfSerializedLabels = 1;

abel = 1;

Code Printer T-4503E\ anges);

} }

#endregion } }


btFormat.PrintSetup.IdenticalCopiesOfL Result nResult = btFormat.Print(); //指定打印机打印,不指定则使用默认打印 btFormat.PrintSetup.PrinterName = \ MessageBox.Show(\打印提示:\+ nResult); btFormat.Close(SaveOptions.DoNotSaveCh //结束打印引擎 engine.Stop();

三、bartender 说明文档部分

Creating a BarTender Print Engine
