
发布时间 : 星期日 文章专业四级英语语法和词汇更新完毕开始阅读

16. We covered a wide ______ of topics in the interview. A. extent B. collection C. number D. range

参考答案: D

TIP:a wide range of“一系列”,extent“程度”,collection“收集”,a number of“许多,若干”,但是number不能用wide来修饰。

17. What you say is true, but you could have ______ it more tactfully. A. talked B. phrased C. observed D. remarked

参考答案: B


18. If you are under 18, you are not ______ to join this club. A. legitimate B. legible C. eligible D. permissible

参考答案: C


19. When I arrived in this country I had to start learning the language from ______. A. scratch

B. introduction C. ignorance D. blank

参考答案: A

TIP:from scratch为固定词组,意为“从头开始”。

20. I spoke to him, but he was too ______ to hear what I said. A. preoccupied B. concentrated C. attentive D. thoughtful

参考答案: A


21. To ______ greater accuracy, we will double-check all invoices before they leave the office. A. assure B. ensure C. insure D. ascertain

参考答案: B

TIP:ensure something“确保(无误)”,assure somebody that ... / assure somebody of something“使某人放心(无虑)”,insure“给??保险”,ascertain“弄清楚”。

22. His letter was so confused that I could hardly make any ______ of it at all. A. interpretation B. message C. sense D. meaning

参考答案: C

TIP:make sense of something为固定词组,意为“理解”。

23. According to the weather forecast, which is usually ______, it will snow this afternoon. A. accurate B. precise C. exact D. perfect

参考答案: A


24. I cannot bear the noise of my brother's radio; it ______ me from my work. A. disturbs B. perturbs C. interrupts D. distracts

参考答案: D

TIP:distract“分散注意力”,用法为distract somebody from something;disturb“打搅”,perturb“使不安”,interrupt“打断,中断”。

25. I congratulate you on your ______ in jewelry. A. selection B. choice

C. flavour D. taste

参考答案: D


26. Even though the football match was not very exciting, the ______ managed to make it sound interesting. A. commentator B. newscaster C. announcer D. narrator

参考答案: A


27. Ask the publishers to send you their latest ______ of English textbooks. A. catalogue B. brochure C. pamphlet D. booklet

参考答案: A

TIP:catalogue“商品目录,图书目录”,brochure, pamphlet, booklet三词意为“小册子,(关于某事、某旅馆等的)情况介绍手册”。

28. I haven't the ______ idea of what you mean. A. lightest B. dimmest C. faintest D. smallest

参考答案: C

TIP:haven't the faintest idea为固定搭配,意为“一点也不明白”。

29. — I'm glad to see you looking so well. — Yes, I feel as ______ as a fiddle. A. well B. straight C. fit D. fine

参考答案: C

TIP:as fit as a fiddle 是习语,表示“非常健康,精神很好”。

30. I only know that it is true that he has broken ______ his engagement to Pamela. A. off B. with C. up D. down

参考答案: A

TIP:break off“中断,绝交”;break with“与??决裂”,其后所用的名词通常指的是决裂的对象;break up“打碎”,break down“损坏,垮掉”。


1. He lost his job ______ no fault of his own. A. through B. by C. with D. over

参考答案: A


2. He didn't know anyone at the wedding ______ than the bride and groom. A. except B. other C. apart D. rather

参考答案: B

TIP:other than为一固定词组,意为“除了”(相当于except)。

3. Supposing I ______ to agree to your request, how do you think the other students would feel? A. would B. am C. were D. could

参考答案: C


4. There was a storm ______ I had never experienced before. A. such as B. as which C. with which D. for such
