
发布时间 : 星期三 文章广东省博物馆木陶瓷展英文讲解词更新完毕开始阅读

理景德镇窑务时烧造成功,故名。郎窑红以铜为着色剂,对烧成的气氛、温度等技术指数要求很高,故烧成难度大。其特点是色泽浓艳。越往器体下部红色越浓艳,这是由于釉在高温下自然流淌、聚集器下之故,但底足旋削工艺高超,流釉不过足,故有―脱口垂足郎不流‖之称。 Langyao red glazed Guanyin vase, Jingdezhen ware Kangxi Period, Qing Dynasty (1662 – 1722 )

Langyao red glaze a kind of red glaze, which was made in the Kangxi Period in the style of the gem red made in the Xuande Period of the Ming Dynasty. It was named after Lang Tingji, a government official, for the glaze was first made when he was in the charge of the kilns in Jingdezhen. Copper was used as coloring agent .Technical indicators, such as the firing atmosphere, temperature and so on had to be accurate. Therefore, it was hard to be made and very precious.

72.景德镇官窑洒蓝釉描金山水盘口瓶 清·康熙(1662—1722) Snowflake blue glazed vase, official ware, Jingdezhen Kangxi Period, Qing Dynasty (1662 – 1722)

73.景德镇窑五彩瑞兽纹大盘 清·康熙(1662—1722) Polychrome plate with design of auspicious animal, Jingdezhen ware Kangxi Period, Qing Dynasty (1662 – 1722)

74.景德镇官窑黄釉大碗 清·康熙(1662—1722)

黄釉碗是明、清时期每朝官窑的必烧品种。康熙朝黄釉碗的规格最多,不下十种。如此大口径的黄釉碗仅康熙朝有见,用于祭祀时盛酒。这种大碗体形硕大,胎体轻薄,釉色匀润。是祭祀中用以代替青铜酒器的器物。 Yellow glazed bowl, official ware, Jingdezhen Kangxi Period, Qing Dynasty (1662 – 1722)

Yellow glazed bowl was the essential type made in official kilns during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. There were more than ten sizes of yellow glazed bowls in the Kangxi Period. Such a big mouth yellow glazed bowl was only seen in the Kangxi Period. It could take the place of a bronze wine container in the ritual ceremony.

75.景德镇官窑胭脂红釉罐 清·雍正(1723—1735)

胭脂红釉是以黄金为着色剂的低温粉红色釉的一种(含金量大约在万分之二,较浅色的称―胭脂水‖,含金量大约万分之一),清康熙末年从西方国家传入我国,故又称洋红。康熙时只见在珐琅彩瓷器上使用金红彩,极少见单色釉器。胭脂红釉器全部是官窑制品,至清末一直都有生产,但以雍正、乾隆两朝最精。 Rouge red glazed jar, official ware, Jingdezhen


Yongzheng Period, Qing Dynasty (1723 – 1735)

Rouge red glaze is one type of lower-fired pink glazes, which takes gold as coloring agent. It was introduced into China from the West in late Kangxi Period of the Qing Dynasty. Rouge red glazed wares were all made in official kilns until the late Qing Dynasty .Among them, the ones made in the Yongzheng and Qianlong Periods are the most exquisite.

76.景德镇官窑天蓝釉小碟 清·雍正(1723—1735) Small sky blue glazed dish, official ware, Jingdezhen Yongzheng Period, Qing Dynasty (1723 – 1735)

77.景德镇官窑祭蓝釉大缸 清·雍正(1723—1735) Big sacrificial blue glazed urn, official ware, Jingdezhen Yongzheng Period, Qing Dynasty (1723 – 1735)

78.景德镇官窑青花缠枝莲纹罐 清·雍正(1723—1735) Blue-and-white glazed jar with design of interlocking lotus, official ware, Jingdezhen Yongzheng Period, Qing Dynasty (1723 – 1735)

79.景德镇窑哥釉青花洗口瓶 清·雍正(1723—1735) Blue-and-white glazed vase in style of Ge ware, Jingdezhen ware Yongzheng Period, Qing Dynasty (1723 – 1735)

80.景德镇窑粉彩仕女图大盘 清·雍正(1723—1735) Big plate with design of classical lady in famille rose, Jingdezhen ware Yongzheng Period, Qing Dynasty (1723 – 1735)

81.景德镇官窑釉里红折枝花果纹天球瓶 清·雍正(1723—1735) Vault-of-Heaven vase with design of flowers and fruits in underglaze red, official ware, Jingdezhen

Qing Yongzheng Period (1723 – 1735)

82.景德镇官窑矾红彩八宝团龙纹盘 清·雍正(1723—1735) Plate with design of the Eight Auspicious Symbols and dragon roundels in red color, official ware, Jingdezhen

Yongzheng Period, Qing Dynasty (1723 – 1735)

83.景德镇官窑粉青釉瓶 清·雍正(1723—1735) Light greenish blue glazed vase, official ware, Jingdezhen Yongzheng Period, Qing Dynasty (1723 – 1735)

84.景德镇窑粉彩花蝶纹笔筒 清·雍正(1723—1735) Brush holder with design of flowers and butterflies in famille rose, Jingdezhen ware


Qing Yongzheng Period (1723 – 1735)

85.景德镇窑墨彩山水纹盘 清·雍正(1723—1735) Plate with design of landscape in famille noire, Jingdezhen ware Yongzheng Period, Qing Dynasty (1723 – 1735)

86.景德镇官窑青花缠枝莲纹贯耳尊 清·乾隆(1736—1795) Blue-and-white glazed vase with pierced handles, official ware, Jingdezhen Qianlong Period, Qing Dynasty (1736 – 1795)

87.景德镇窑青花釉里红云龙纹天球瓶 清·乾隆(1736—1795) Blue-and-white glazed vault- of-Heaven vase in underglaze red, Jingdezhen ware Qianlong Period, Qing Dynasty (1736 – 1795)

88.景德镇官窑黄地青花云龙福寿纹碗 清·乾隆(1736—1795) Blue-and-white glazed bowl with design of dragons and clouds over a yellow ground, official ware, Jingdezhen

Qianlong Period, Qing Dynasty (1736 – 1795)

89.景德镇窑松石绿地粉彩花卉纹唾盆 清·乾隆(1736—1795 Spittoon with design of flowers in famille rose over a green ground, Jingdezhen ware Qianlong Period, Qing Dynasty (1736 – 1795)

90.景德镇窑粉彩瓷佛像 清·乾隆(1736—1795)


Buddha in famille rose, Jingdezhen ware Qianlong Period, Qing Dynasty (1736 – 1795)

This is a Tibetan Buddhist Buddha. In the Qianlong period, a large numbers of Buddha statues and ritual implements were made according to the imperial edict. 91.景德镇窑大理石釉葫芦瓶 清·乾隆(1736—1795) Marble gourd-shaped vase, Jingdezhen ware Qianlong Period, Qing Dynasty (1736 – 1795)

92.景德镇官窑斗彩八吉祥纹大盘 清·乾隆(1736—1795) Big plate with design of the Eight Buddhist Emblems in strongly contrasting colors, official ware, Jingdezhen

Qianlong Period, Qing Dynasty (1736 – 1795)


93.景德镇窑炉均釉八卦纹斜方瓶 清·乾隆(1736—1795) Lavender-blue glazed vase with design of the Eight Divinatory Trigrams, Jingdezhen ware

Qianlong Period, Qing Dynasty (1736 – 1795)

94.景德镇官窑窑变釉敞口瓶 清·乾隆(1736—1795) Flambé glazed vase, official ware, Jingdezhen Qianlong Period, Qing Dynasty (1736 – 1795)

95.景德镇窑粉彩玲珑花果纹小碗 清·乾隆(1736—1795)

所谓玲珑瓷,即在坯体花纹透雕后,通体施釉,使洞眼被釉汁漫平,在光照下洞眼呈半透明状,俗称玲珑眼、芝麻眼或米通。明清景德镇玲珑瓷最早出现于明永乐官窑,清乾隆后官窑、民窑均有制作,并从单釉色发展为多彩色玲珑瓷。 Fine openwork carving bowl with design of flowers and fruits in famille rose, Jingdezhen ware

Qianlong Period, Qing Dynasty (1736 – 1795)

Fine openwork carving porcelain was first made in the official kilns at Jingdezhen in the Xuande Period of the Ming Dynasty and had been made and developed from one color to multicolor glaze in both the official kilns and civilian kilns since the Qianlong Period of the Qing Dynasty.

96.景德镇官窑黄地粉彩开光花卉纹茶壶 清·嘉庆(1796—1820)

该器物圆球形腹、弯耳形柄、S形曲流、穹形盖、珠纽。施草绿釉为地,上绘粉彩缠枝花卉,纹饰层次分明有序。底施松石绿釉,书矾红彩―大清嘉庆年制‖篆书款。壶腹部开光,白地墨彩题诗:―佳茗头纲贡,浇诗必月团。竹炉添活火,石铫沸惊湍。鱼蟹眼徐扬,旗枪影细攒。一瓯清兴足,春盎避轻寒。‖署款 ―嘉庆丁已小春月之中瀚御制‖,钤―嘉‖―庆‖两印。

Teapot with floral design in famille rose over a yellow ground in the reserved panels, official ware, Jingdezhen

Jiaqing Period, Qing Dynasty (1796 – 1820)

The design of interlocking flowers in famille rose is over a grass green ground. Chinese characters ―Made in the Jiaqing Period of the Qing Dynasty‖ in red color are written over a green ground. Black inscribed poem is written over a white ground in the reserved panel.

97.景德镇官窑粉彩花果蝶纹盘 清·嘉庆(1796—1820) Plate with design of flowers, fruits and butterflies in famille rose, official ware, Jingdezhen

