
发布时间 : 星期六 文章广东省博物馆木陶瓷展英文讲解词更新完毕开始阅读

该器物以瓜形为壶身,以莲藕为流,以桃为把,以核桃、菱角、荔枝为足,壶盖为反扣的蘑菇,上粘瓜子、蚕豆作纽。壶身再衬以白果、茨菇、红枣、花生、苹果。腹部刻楷书―仙家瓜果四时同‖,后书―鹤邨‖,钤阳文篆书―陈‖、―鸣远‖一圆一方二印。清初宜兴紫砂陶开创了象生陶瓷的制作先河,以瓜果的形象逼真而著称。陈鸣远号鹤峰,清康熙、雍正间人,善制紫砂茶具,款字有晋、唐风格。 Purple stoneware melon-shaped teapot, Yixing ware Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911)

Purple stoneware was made in Yixing in the early Qing Dynasty, famous for the one in shape of melon. Chen Minyuan, a famous artist in the Kangxi and Yongzheng Periods of the Qing Dynasty, was good at making purple stoneware in type of the one made in the Jin Dynasty or Tang Dynasty.

16.三彩浮雕花卉四足方鼎 明(1368—1644) 山西窑口 Tricolor tripod with floral design in relief Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644)

17.珐华三彩瓶 明(1368—1644) 山西窑口

珐华器指施珐华釉的低温彩釉陶器,萌芽于元、盛行于明,主要在北方窑口生产。陶胎珐华多为山西所烧。珐华釉是陶瓷器源于琉璃的一种低温色釉。明代宣德时,景德镇开始效仿山西珐华的工艺生产瓷胎珐华,并兴盛于明代中期,但胎质、彩料及装饰更为丰富和考究,艺术效果更为雅致。 Tricolor vase with contour-raised design Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644)

Porcelain with contour-raised design was first made in the Yuan Dynasty and became popular in the Ming Dynasty. It was mainly made in the north of China. 18.景德镇窑―东卫‖卵白釉印花盘 元(1260—1368)

卵白釉是元代景德镇创烧的一种青白色釉,色泽白中微泛青,釉面透明度低甚至呈失透状,恰似鹅蛋壳,故名―卵白‖。这种釉色的成功创烧,为明永乐甜白釉的烧制成功奠定了基础。又因这种釉色的瓷器多为元代枢密院定烧,印有―枢府‖铭文,故又称―枢府釉‖。这件器物上印的是―东卫‖铭。 Egg -white glazed plate with stamped decoration, Jingdezhen ware Yuan Dynasty (1260 – 1368)

Egg-white glaze was a kind of bluish white glazes first made in Jingdezhen in the Yuan Dynasty, which laid the foundation of sweet white glaze made in the Yongle Period of the Ming Dynasty.

19.景德镇窑青花人物纹玉壶春瓶 元(1260—1368)



Blue- and -white glazed pear-shaped vase with flaring lip, Jingdezhen ware Yuan Dynasty (1260 – 1368)

Pear-shaped vase with flaring lip was normally made in the Ding Kiln, the Ru Kiln, the Yaozhou Kiln and the Cizhou Kiln in the Song Dynasty and popular from the Yuan to the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

20.景德镇窑青花菱口单凤纹茶碟 元(1260—1368) Blue-and-white glazed tea dish with design of phoenix, Jingdezhen ware Yuan Dynasty (1260 – 1368)

21.景德镇窑卵白釉梅花双耳瓶 元(1260—1368) Egg-white glazed vase with design of prunus blossom, Jingdezhen ware Yuan Dynasty (1260 – 1368)

22.景德镇官窑釉里红菊花纹大盘 明·洪武(1368—1398)


Plate with design of chrysanthemum in underglaze red, official ware, Jingdezhen Hongwu Period, Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1398)

Porcelain in underglaze red was first made in Jingdezhen in the Yuan Dynasty. Wares in underglaze red made in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties were seldom seen, for they were hard to be made. Ware in underglaze red made in the Hongwu Period of the Ming Dynasty had the nature of the one made in Yuan Dynasty. Red color was not bright. White glaze was bluish white with brown dots. Multilayer decoration was not messy.

23.景德镇官窑青花缠枝莲纹八角烛台 明·永乐(1403—1424) Blue-and-white glazed octagon candlestick with design of interlocking lotus, official ware, Jingdezhen


Yongle Period, Ming Dynasty (1403 – 1424)

24.景德镇官窑青花带盖梅瓶 明·永乐(1403—1424) Covered blue-and-white glazed prunus vase, official ware, Jingdezhen Yongle Period ,Ming Dynasty(1403 – 1424 )

25.景德镇官窑白釉玉壶春瓶 明·永乐(1403—1424)


White glazed pear-shaped vase with flaring lip, official ware, Jingdezhen Yongle Period, Ming Dynasty (1403 – 1424)

Sweet white glaze is a kind of white glazes first made in the official kiln in Jingdezhen in the Yongle Period of the Ming Dynasty. It is as white as white sugar, so it is called sweet white.

26.景德镇官窑白釉高足碗 明·宣德(1426—1435) White glazed stem bowl, official ware, Jingdezhen Xuande Period, Ming Dynasty (1426 – 1435)

27.景德镇官窑青花缠枝莲纹盘 明·宣德(1426—1435) Blue-and-white glazed plate with design of interlocking lotus, official ware, Jingdezhen

Xuande Period, Ming Dynasty (1426 – 1435)

28.景德镇官窑蓝地白花盘 明·宣德(1426—1435)

蓝釉白花就是以宝石蓝釉作地,留出空白作纹饰图案,以刻、堆、镶嵌等方法使白色花纹具有立体感。这种装饰方法始于元代,明代宣德、成化、万历和清代雍正均有少量烧造。其中以明宣德时的制品最为精美、最为珍贵。 ―White on blue‖ plate with design of flowers, official ware, Jingdezhen Xuande Period, Ming Dynasty (1426 – 1435)

―White on blue‖ decoration was first made in the Yuan Dynasty and made on small scale in the Xuande, Chenghua and Wanli Periods of the Ming Dynasty and the Yongzheng Period of the Qing Dynasty. Among them, the one made in the Xuede Period was the most exquisite and valuable.

29.景德镇官窑宣德款红釉盘 明·宣德(1426—1435) Red glazed plate, official ware

Xuande Period, Ming Dynasty (1426 – 1435)


30.景德镇窑青花花卉纹双兽耳瓶 明·天顺(1457—1464) Blue-and-white glazed vase, Jingdezhen ware Tianshun Period, Ming Dynasty (1457 – 1464)

31.景德镇窑青花人物纹梅瓶 明·天顺(1457—1464)

明代正统、景泰、天顺(1436~1464)这三十年间,由于战争频繁、饥荒不断、皇室内部因争夺皇位而屡发冲突,因而景德镇官窑生产的瓷器较少、而且多不写年款,致使人们对这一时期的瓷器认识不清。陶瓷史上称这一时期为―空白期‖或―黑暗期‖。随着对窑址和墓葬出土物的研究,空白期瓷器的面目才日渐明朗。梅瓶的颈部上窄下宽呈梯形状,正是空白期瓷器的典型特征之一。 Blue-and-white glazed prunus vase, Jingdezhen ware Tianshun Period, Ming Dynasty (1457 – 1464)

Few porcelain wares were made in the official kilns in Jingdezhen in the Zhengtong, Jingtai and Tianshun Periods of the Ming Dynasty (1436-1464) due to frequent wars. The period was named as the ―Blank Period‖ or ―Dark Period‖. Trapezoid neck was a unique feature of prunus vase made in this period.

32.景德镇窑青花缠枝花八宝纹盘 明·成化(1465—1487)

Blue-and-white glazed plate with design of interlocking flowers and the Eight Auspicious Symbols, Jingdezhen ware Chenghua Period, Ming Dynasty (1465 – 1487)

33.景德镇窑哥釉印坭池 明·成化(1465—1487) Chinese vermilion seal paste container, Jingdezhen ware Chenghua Period, Ming Dynasty (1465 – 1487)

34.景德镇窑蓝釉双狮头罐 明·成化(1465—1487) Blue glazed jar with design of double-lion heads, Jingdezhen ware Chenghua Period, Ming Dynasty (1465 – 1487)

35.景德镇窑五彩人物花卉纹瓶 明·成化(1465—1487) Polychrome vase with design of figures and flowers, Jingdezhen ware Chenghua Period, Ming Dynasty (1465 – 1487)

36.景德镇官窑黄釉碗 明·弘治(1488—1505)

低温黄釉的烧造成功是弘治瓷器的最大成就。弘治黄釉均匀光润,含蓄深沉,由此成为明清两代皇家专用的瓷器颜色。 Yellow glazed bowl, official ware, Jingdezhen Hongzhi Period, Ming Dynasty (1488 – 1505)

Low temperature yellow glaze was a greatest achievement made in the Hongzhi

