
发布时间 : 星期六 文章广东省博物馆木陶瓷展英文讲解词更新完毕开始阅读


Covered celadon jar, unearthed in Guangzhou Southern Han Dynasty (917 – 971)

24、潮州窑青白釉佛像 北宋(960-1127) 潮州出土


Bluish white glazed Buddha, Chaozhou ware, unearthed in Chaozhou Northern Song Dynasty (960 – 1127)

This Buddha was unearthed in 1920s. The decoration was popular in the southeast seashore regions in the Northern Song Dynasty. There are many kilns of the Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties in Chaozhou. Among them, Bijiashan Kiln is the largest one, which was named as ―the Hundred-Kiln Village‖ by the local villagers.

#25、潮州窑青白釉莲瓣炉 北宋(960-1127) 潮州出土 Bluish white glazed incense burner, Chaozhou ware, unearthed in Chaozhou Northern Song Dynasty (960 – 1127)

26潮州窑白釉鱼篓形四耳小罐 北宋(960-1127) 征集 White glazed jar with four ears, Chaozhou ware, collected Northern Song Dynasty (960 – 1127)

27、潮州窑堆贴花瓜形壶 明(1368—1644) Melon-shaped pot with embossed and applied floral design, Chaozhou ware Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644)

28、潮州窑白釉观音立像 明(1368—1644) White glazed Guanyin (Mother of Mercy), Chaozhou ware Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644)

*29、潮州窑白釉刻花芭蕉觚(中陶59) 清(1644—1911) White glazed Gu (a slender beaker with trumpet-shaped mouth and spreading foot) with incised design, Chaozhou ware Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911)

#*30、潮州窑白釉瓜棱扁壶 (中陶64) 清(1644—1911) White glazed flask, Chaozhou ware


Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911)

31、西村窑青釉刻花盘 北宋(960~1127)

1989菲律宾棉兰岛布土湾出土 范迪士夫人捐赠


Celadon plate with incised floral design, Xicun ware, unearthed in Medan, the Philippines in 1898 Northern Song (960 – 1127)

Xicun Kiln, located in the northwest of Guangzhou, was an important kiln in Guangdong in the Northern Song Dynasty. Most products made in the kiln exported abroad. Bluish white glazed porcelain, green glazed porcelain, black glazed porcelain, brown glazed porcelain and low-temperature glazed porcelain were made here. Phoenix head, foliated edged vase, bowl, cup, incense burner jar, drum, plate, box and pillows were made with incised floral design, coloring decoration, stippling decoration, relief, sculpture and so on. Some products, such as phoenix head pot, stippling plate or basin with incised floral design were unearthed in Southeast Asian. *32、廉江窑青釉瓷坛 (中陶27) 宋(960~1280) 廉江出土 Celadon jug, Lianjiang ware, unearthed in Lianjiang Song Dynasty (960 – 1280)

33、廉江窑彩绘陶罐 (中陶23) 宋(960~1280) 廉江出土 Painted pottery jar, Lianjiang ware, unearthed in Lianjiang Song Dynasty (960 – 1280)

34、雷州窑釉下褐彩凤鸟纹荷叶盖罐 元(1260--1368)


Covered jar with design of phoenix in underglaze brown, Leizhou ware Yuan Dynasty (1260 – 1368)

This elegant piece was rich in decoration, smooth and lively in lines with compact composition. It was unearthed in the tombs of the West Lake Reservoir, Leizhou in 1957.

35、石湾窑翠毛釉梅瓶 明(1368—1644) 商承祚捐赠


翠毛釉是石湾窑仿宋钧釉的主要釉色之一,运用窑变的原理,在蓝釉中隐现浅色丝状的纹理,美似翠鸟的羽毛,故名。该件梅瓶是石湾窑早期的佳品。梅瓶因口径之小仅与梅之瘦骨相称而得名。宋代梅瓶瓶体修长,为盛酒用具。元代开始肩部逐渐丰满。明、清时演变为肥矮丰硕,并由日用瓷转变为陈设瓷。 Emerald green glazed prunus vase, Shiwan ware, donated by Shang Chengzuo Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644)

Emerald green glaze was one of the glazes in type of the Jun ware made in the Shiwan Kiln. It was named, for it was as beautiful as kingfisher‘s feather. This prunus vase was a fine piece made in the Shiwan kiln in the early times. Prunus vase was named, for its mouth was small as thin as prunus blossom. The body prunus vase made in the Song Dynasty was long and thin, used as a wine container. Prunus vase had gradually become shorter and fatter since the Yuan Dynasty. In the Ming and Qing Dynasty, prunus vase had changed from household utensil into furnishings.

36、石湾窑钧蓝釉蟠螭纹瓶 明(1368—1644) Blue vase in type of Jun ware glaze, Shiwan ware Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644)

37、石湾窑月白釉―粤彩正记‖款挂壁 明(1368—1644) Bluish white glazed wall vase, Shiwan ware Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644)

#38、石湾窑―祖堂居‖ 款黄釉鼓型三足炉 明(1368—1644) Yellow glazed incense burner in shape of drum, Shiwan ware Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644)

39、石湾窑黄炳塑素胎金丝猫 清·嘉庆-光绪(1815—1894)

该作品采用胎毛技法,利用泥胎烧成后的自然色呈现金丝猫的毛色,把猫擒鼠前的瞬间神态雕塑得活灵活现、栩栩如生。黄炳是清代中后期石湾陶塑名家,字云渠,别号云屿,又号云渔,约生于嘉庆二十年(1816),光绪二十年逝世(1895),享年八十岁。擅长制作鸟兽和人物,尤精于塑造鸭、猫和猴子。 Golden cat by Huang Bing, Shiwan ware

Jiajing and Guangxu Periods, Qing Dynasty (1815 – 1894)

Huang Bing, an artist in the middle and late Qing Dynasty, was good at making figures and animals, especially duck, cat and monkey.

40、石湾窑古珍彩绘百福迎祥挂壁 清·道光-光绪(1821—1908) Coloring wall vase, Shiwan ware

Daoguang and Guangxu Periods, Qing Dynasty (1821 – 1908)


41、石湾窑仿哥釉米佛拜石像 清末(1875—1911) Mi Fu prostrating himself before a stone in style of Ge ware glaze, Shiwan ware End Qing Dynasty (1875 – 1911)

42、石湾窑―陈渭岩‖孩童像 清·光绪—民国(18?—1926)

孩童持蛤立于石台上,喜笑颜开,活泼可爱。座左方留一长方空白上书―广州石湾陈渭岩塑‖楷书款。陈渭岩是清光绪至民国年间陶塑名家,号养云居士,别号诚一道人,又名惠南。偷师于黄炳,善作人物和动物。曾偕徒弟潘玉书应邀去江西景德镇交流雕塑技术,仿景德镇瓷塑技法,用瓷土塑造一批作品。 Boy by Chen Weiyan, Shiwan ware

Guangxu Period of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China (18? – 1926) A boy with a toad is standing on a stone smiling, lovely and vivid. Chinese characters inscribed in the blank space on the left. Chen Weiyan was a famous sculptor in the Guangxu Period of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. He learned secretly from Huang Bing and was good at making figures and animals. He and Pan Yushu, his disciple, were invited to Jingdezhen to communicate the sculpture technique. He made a number of porcelain sculptures in style of Jingdezhen ware.

43、石湾窑―佐朝作‖款蓝釉老人读书像 清·光绪—民国(18?—1933) Reading old man with inscription of ―Zuo Chaozuo‖, Shiwan ware Guangxu Period, Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China ( 18? – 1926 )

44、石湾窑潘玉书塑老人像 清末—民国(1889—1936)

老人坐在石座上,双目凝视,沉思的神情刻划得甚为传神。衣衫施青白色釉。褐色石座上钤篆书―潘玉书制‖方形印章。潘玉书是清光绪至民国年间石湾陶塑名家,善作人物塑像,尤长于人物性格感情的塑造。他的作品对后世影响很大。 Old man by Pan Yushu , Shiwan ware

Late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China (1889 – 1936)

An old man is sitting on a stone, staring and meditating with vivid expression. His clothing is glazed white. The seal mark ―by Pan Yushu‖ is inscribed on the brown glazed base .Pan Yushu was a famous pottery sculptor in the Guangxu Period of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. He was good at expressing figure‘s character and feelings. His work had a great impact on the later generations. 45、石湾窑―梁南隆制‖青白釉卧狮 清末--民国初期(1911—) Blue white glazed lion, Shiwan ware

Late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China (1911 - )

46、广彩开光人物瓶 清·雍正(1723—1735)

