
发布时间 : 星期一 文章(新课标)2020高考英语第一讲语法填空题型一有提示词类1.1.2非谓语动词专题限时训练更新完毕开始阅读

1.1.2 非谓语动词


(2019·济南市高三模拟考试)Paper-cutting was recognized as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2006. According to experts, paper-cutting conveys the culture shared between China 1.________ foreign countries to wish for family reunions and maintain links with loved ones, alive or dead.

In the movie Coco, for instance, the 12-year-old Miguel and his family dance and sing to celebrate a 2.________(tradition) festival in Mexico when colorful paper-cuts are hung on the festival street. Chinese people also cut images of small figures 3.__________(memorize) their family who have passed away. The difference is that most Chinese paper-cuttings are red, while those in other countries 4.________(be) often made in many other colors.

The fairy tale writer Hans Christian Andersen liked to cut the 5.__________(character), such as princesses, out of paper. When you

6.__________(tell) stories to children in China, female friends and family members used to chat and make paper-cuttings together.

“7.__________ the patterns and colors may be different, paper-cuttings share the same function of maintaining emotional ties among people,” says Yang Huizi, 8._________ art teacher at Beijing Union University.

Yang 9._________ (study) and performed the art for over a decade. Besides routine university courses, she also organizes nonprofit paper-cutting activities, 10.__________ are open to the public in Beijing to promote basic knowledge of paper-cutting.

【答案】1.and 2.traditional 3.to memorize 4.are 5.characters 6. telling 7.Though/Although/While 8.an 9.has studied 10.which



Should naps (小睡) actually 11.________ (take) during the day? Well, we certainly know from 12.________(evident) in our own sleep center and that of many other scientists that naps can give you benefits for both your brain 13.________ your body. But naps can actually be 14.________ double-edged sword because while

we're awake during the day, we're building up sleepiness or sleep pressure. So that when you try to fall asleep at night, you'll fall asleep quickly, 15.________ is a basic guarantee for a good sleep. And when we sleep, we actually release that sleepiness, almost like a valve (阀门), on a pressure cooker, so that we wake up the next morning feeling 16.________ (refresh).

So if you take a nap during the day, especially if you take it too late in the afternoon, you will actually release some of that sleepiness and it will make it much 17.________ (hard) to fall asleep and stay asleep 18.________ (sound) throughout the night. So the advice is if you don't struggle 19.________ your sleep and you can nap regularly, then naps are just fine.

But if you do have trouble 20.________ (fall) asleep at night, then you should avoid naps and try and build up that healthy sleepiness in the evening. 【答案】11.be taken 12.evidence 13.and 14.a 15.which 16.refreshed 17.harder 18.soundly 19.with 20.falling



The Common Wealth is a group of 53 countries. The member 21.________ (state) all use English as a common working language and have similar legal and education systems, but represent nearly every religion, race and political system 22.________ the planet.

The Common Wealth is active in a huge number of areas such as health and economics. 23.________ heads of government meeting 24.________ (hold) every two years where the leaders of the member states get together 25.________(discuss) current issues.

Common Wealth Day happens in the second week of March every year when Common Wealth's citizens, 26.________ (particular) children, have a chance to celebrate their friendship. The Common Wealth also holds sporting and arts events. 27.________ is also an annual writer's prize and a yearly arts and crafts 28.________(compete).

Perhaps the most well-known event 29.________ (sponsor) by the organization is the Common Wealth games, 30.________ is held every four years in one of the member countries. The games has gained another name—the friendly games because of its reputation for good-natured competitiveness.

【答案】21.states 22.on 23.The 24.is held 25.to discuss 26.particularly 27.There 28.competition 29.sponsored 30.which


百校联盟2018届高三Top 20一月联考英语试题

Table tennis is now a fast, high-tech sport and has 31.________ most players of all sports in the world.

32.________ is believed that upper-class Victorians in England invented table tennis in the 1880s, using whatever they could find as 33.________(equip). A line of books would often be the net, and sometimes a cigarette box cover would be a racket(球拍).

In 1926, at a meeting 34.________ (hold) in Berlin, the International Table Tennis Federation was formed. The first World Championships were hosted in London in the same year, but the sport had to wait a long time before it was given a chance 35.________ (make) its first appearance at the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games.

The sport has greatly progressed since it was first invented. Nowadays, players use 36.________ (special) developed rackets and a lightweight,hollow(空心的)ball. Thanks to the high-tech rackets, they can now enjoy the magical feeling of 37.________ (hit) the ball at over 150 kilometres per hour!

Over the years, table tennis 38.________(develop) into a worldwide sport. There are perhaps 40 million competitive table tennis 39.________ (player) and countless ordinary people 40.________ play less seriously.

【答案】31.the 32.It 33.equipment 34.held 35.to make 36.specially 37.hitting 38.has developed 39.players 40.who/that
