
发布时间 : 星期六 文章(word完整版)高中英语时态语态讲义及习题更新完毕开始阅读

主动语态:主语是谓语动作的执行者。 被动语态:主语是谓语动作的承受者。 我们尊敬老师。___________________________.


(一) 构成: 助动词 be + 过去分词。



那位老人常受人嘲笑。__________________________________. 时间一定要充分利用。_________________________________. 那计划就要被他们放弃了。_________________________________. 2.含情态动词的被动态: 情态动词+ be + 过去分词 必须阻止他去。______________________________.



1. 句子谓语为不及物动词或系动词be时: Something happened to him. He is a teacher.

2.动词have虽及物, 但不用于被动语I have a new radio. We have a very good time here. ★3.谓语动词表示情况或状况:

This shirt fits you well. I lack words with which to express my thanks.

这类动词有:contain. Equal, fit, hold , join ,lack, mean , suit , look like , consist of, become of, belong to ;

★5.有些动词用主动形式表达被动含义:open, shut, wear, sell, wash, write, read.

这门打不开。___________________________. 这种布很耐洗、耐穿。_________________________. 你的笔写起来很顺滑。__________________________. 动词时态专项训练 专项练习:

1.We'll go swimming if the weather _______fine tomorrow.

A. is B.was C. will be D.is going to be 2.It ______ five years since he has left for Beijing.

A. was B. have been C.is D.is going to be 3.Please don't leave the office until your friend _____ back.

A.came B.comes C.have come D.will come

4.By the end of last year he ______ about 1500 English words.

A. learns B.learned C.was learning D.had learned 5.Listen ! Someone ______in the next room .

A.cried B.crying C.is crying D.has cried 6.You must tell him the news as soon as you ______him.

A.see B.sees C.will see D.is seeing 7.He told me that he_______to see us the next day.

A.comes B. came C. will come D. would come 8.We can't find him anywhere . Perhaps he ________ home.

A. is going B. went C. has come D. would come 9.The teacher told us that the sun _______ bigger than the earth.

A. is B. was C. has been D.will be 10.Could you tell me where the railway station ______ ?

A. was B. is C. will be D. would be 11.We ______to the Great Wall several times.

A. go B. were going C. have gone D.have been 12.It seemed that the old man ______ for something over there.

A. looks B. looked C. was looking D. has looked 13.He was sure that he _______ his wallet in the office .

A. left B. would leave C. had left D. has left 14.You must study hard if you _______ want to fail the exam.

A. won't B. don't C. haven't D. hadn't 15. -I'm afraid you can't sit here .---------Sorry , I _____know.

A. don't B. won't C. can't D. didn't 16. As she ______the newspaper , Granny ______ asleep.

A. read , was falling B. was reading , fell C. was reading , was falling D.read , fell 17. -__________my glasses ? -------Yes , I saw them on your bed a minute ago.

A. Do you see B. Had you seen C. Would you see D. Have you seen 18. -Jim is not coming tonight . -----------But he _______ !

A. promises(许诺) B. promised C. will promise D. had promised 19. -What's her name? -------I _______ .

A. forget B. forgot C. had forgotten D. am forgetting 20.You_______ your turn so you'll have to wait.

A. will miss B. have missed C. are missing D. had missed 动词时态能力综合测试

1.He often______ his clothes on Sundays.

A. washing B. washes C. has washed D. wash 2.I'm Chinese. Where ______ from?

A. do you come B. you are coming C. you come D. are you coming 3.Mary _______ to school.

A. never walks B. is never walking C. walk never D. never is walking 4.We will start as soon as our teacher ________.

A. comes B. will come C. come D. is coming 5.How long ago ______playing football?

A. have you stopped B. had you stopped C. did you stop D. do you stop 6.It _______hard when I left my house .

A. is raining B. rains C. was raining D. will rain 7.I think this question _________to answer.

A. easy B. is easy C. was easy D. will easy 8. Don't talk so loudly . Your father______.

A. sleeps B. is sleeping C. slept D. had slept 9.How many people does the doctor know who _______ of the disease (疾病)?

A. are dying B. is dying C. has died D. dies 10.I _________ my homework now.

A. finish B. finished C. have finished D. had finished 11.It _______ ten years since his father died.

A. is B. was C. had been D. will be 2.He _______for three years.

A. has joined B. has been in the army C. joined D. has served the army 13.His grandfather _______for thirty years.

A. died B. was dead C. has been dead D. has died 14.I ________from my brother for a long time.

A. not have heard B. have not heard C. have heard not D. do not hear 15.Maths , one of the most important subjects_______always interested him. A. has B. have C. are D. is 16.-Did your brother go to America last year? ---------_______ .

A. No , he did never go there B. No , he has never gone here C. No , he never was there D. No , he's never been there 17.He______that factory since 1958.

A. has left B. has worked in C. has gone from D. has come to 18.Since ten years ago great changes _______ in China.

A. happened B. have been happened C. have happened D. are taken place 19.Our teacher_____to Beijing three times.

A. went B. had gone C. has gone D. has been 20.It's the third time you______late this week.

A. had arrived B. arrived C. have arrived D. arrive 21.___________the film since I came here.

A. I've seen B. I will see C. I would see D. I see 22.Last week John _____ his leg.

A. felt and broken B. fell and broke C. feels and breaks D. fallen and broken 23.Jack _______his thick coat because it was snowing.

A. puts on B. put on C. takes on D. took on 24.He ________the picture on the wall.

A. hanged B. hung C. has hanged D. was hanged 25.Next month_______twenty five.

A. has my sister B. my sister will be C. my sister shall have D. my sister is going to be 26.You _______her again in a few weeks.

A. will see B. have seen C. had seen D. have been seen 27.My parents ________me to be a doctor.

A. hoped B. wanted C. decided D. withes 28.It_______________hard when we left.

A. is raining B. has rained C. rained D. was raining 29. By the end of last term we ____________English for two years.

A. have studied B. have been studied C. would studied D. had studied 30.She said that she________there for five years .

A. has worked B. had worked C. was working D. worked 31.Mrs Brown __________in New York for three years before she went to London. A. lived B. had lived C. has lived D. will live 32.When we arrived , the dinner________.
