
发布时间 : 星期三 文章高考英语单句改错200题(带详细解析)更新完毕开始阅读

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151.It?s raining.The mother told her child don?t to play outside.

152.There is nothing to do but to leave now.

153.I graduated from a university last year.Now I work like a teacher in a middle school.

154.The students expected there be more reviewng classes before the final exams.

155.I?m going to travel to America.Would you please tell me about your experience there?

156.An advertisement is useful in which it lets customers know of the kinds of goods in the shops.

157.I tried hard to get on the bus, but when I could, It started moving.

158.The two sisters, having separated so long, held each other and burst into tears.

159.There must be a dozen pens in this house, but I can never find it when I need one.

160.He spent several hours in the wind and snow, being cold and hungry.

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161.The police searched for the village but they found nothing.

162.You can bring the magazine away now, but you must return it next week.

163.Education in the mountain village has dropped far behind the other area, and they are much in need of teachers.

164.In the middle of the room stood a table with a lit candle on it.

165.When I was at college, I wrote a letter to my parents every other months.

166.I am working hard to turn my dream to go to that famous university in the world.

167.When you go out to the mountain, bring your umbrella with you in case the rain, the weather in the mountain often changes.

168.We were reading in the reading room while the lights went out.

169.I have made this clear to her that the job is very important.

170.Jane hasn?t come yet.What do you suppose having happened to her?

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171.The idea that, if your house is built in the right position, it might help you succeed in life, seem strange to many people.

172.He must be studying in the classroom now, mustn?t he?

173.In order not to be disturbed, I spent three hours locking in my study.

174.He kept putting his dream to the test even though it meant live with uncertainty and fear of failure.

175.There is something for everyone here and few visitors leave Xi?an felt disappointed.

176.Kitzbuhel is also the home to one of the most challenging downhill slopes in the world.

177.From the hill of top you can see a lot of islands to the coast.

178.I hate that when people talk with their mouths full.

179.During the examination we are asked to stay in our seats, keep eyes on our work, and not to speak to anyone.

180.However valuable suggestions I offered him, he had none of mine.He was always too sure of himself.

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181.I can hardly imagine Mary?s marrying with such a man.

182.Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be succsssful, but we must also realize that we know and what we have learned may also limit our thinking.

183.Distance learning is being adopted in several countries to help children in remote rual schools, and it is also becoming increasingly popular with individuals as a mean of obtaining higher or further education.

184.He had changed so much that I could hardly know him.

185.If you are thinking of spending some times as a student in a foreign country, you should begin by finding out as much as possible about different programmers.

186.I don?t doubt whether I?m able to finish the work on time.

187.Suddenly there appeared a young lady dressing in green.

188.In fact this is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.

189.The two scientists are believed to be worth of the fame honoured by the government and people.

190.A number of overseas Chinese has grasped the opportunity to develop their ideas at home.

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191.Zhongguancun made possible for them to follow their dreams and help the country they love.

192.Water is actually quite simple, but the way how the water molecule is formed gives water its unique properties.

193.Despite of the hardship of the years, the people of Atlanta continued to develop the area.

194.I know people are trying to help, but I wish they wouldn?t treat me as if I am a child.

195.Mental disability was considered being shameful and the mentally disabled received little treatment and encouragement.

196.You might as well to go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea.

197.If Shylock cuts deeply enough, I?ll pay him back with all my heart.

198.Teachers and officials came to his home, but neither of them could tell when the objects were made.

199.All the books that were on the table were seen fall off onto the floor.His English is so poor, He mustn?t be an English native speaker.

200.His English is so poor, He mustn?t be an English native speaker.

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1.very 改为 so.句型错误:so…that 为固定句型。

2.learns 改为learn.动词错误:定语从句的先行词为people,是复数,所以who也是复数,谓语动词要用复数。

3.Except 改为Except for.介词错误:因为except 不能放在句首。

4.去掉nature前的the:冠词错误:nature 为不可数名词。不可数名词前不能加冠词。


6.out 后加of: 介词错误:out 是副词,后面不能跟宾语,加个介词就可以跟宾语了。

7.read改为 covered: 动词错误:此句的意思是,“看完了多少页书?” read 无此意;而cover有“看完了多少页书”之意。

8.from 改为of: 介词错误:make from “由?制成”(看不出原材料); make of “由?制成”(能看出原材料)

9.try 改为 trying: It is useless…动词错误: “ 干?没用” 后的动词之可以用动名词。

10.where 改为what: 连词错误:此句的关键是they thought。they thought 在此句中是插入语,不做句子成分,where应该是句子的主语,但由于where是副词,不能作主语,所以要改为what。

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11.expressing 改为 expressed: 非谓语动词错误:“美的概念在艺术和建筑中 ?被’表现出来.” 过去分词表示被动。

12.last 改为 stay: 动词错误:last和stay都有“持续”的意思,但last 是不及物动词,后面不能跟东西;stay在此句中为系动词,后面可以跟形容词,名词或副词。

13.在第二句的he前加so: 连词错误:“所以他派另一个学生去叫她到他的办公室。”

14.seating 改为 seated: 动词使用错误:seat一词在表示“座”时,只能用seated形式。

15.that 改为what: 连词错误:此句为名词性从句,名词性从句中that不能做句子成分;而what可以作主语,宾语或表语。此句中what作宾语。

16.mustn?t 改为needn?t: 情态动词错误:不是“不应该”;而是“没必要”。

17.will been teaching 改为 will have been teaching: 时态错误:将来完成进行时态由will have been + doing 构成。
