
发布时间 : 星期一 文章2003江苏省专转本英语真题以及答案更新完毕开始阅读

such certainty. We know the train will take one of the tracks leading out, but we have no idea which

one. The unseen switches are the true decision points in the future, and what happens when we

arrive at them determines the entire subsequent course of events.

When we think about the future of the universe, we can see our \billions of years into

the future, but after that there are decision points to be dealt with and possible fates to consider. The

goal of science is to reduce the ambiguity at the decision points and find the true road that will be followed.

16. According to the passage, it is difficult to be certain about the dist universe because we ____.

A. have too many conflicting theories

B. do not have enough funding to continue our research C. are not sure how the universe is put together

D. have focused our investigations on the moon and planets

17. What does the author see as the function of the universe's unseen \A. They tell us which one of the tracks the universe will use. B. They enable us to alter the course of the universe. C. They give us information about the lunar surface.

D. They determine which course the universe will take in the future. 18. In the second paragraph, the word \of the following?

A. Band B. Rails C. Path D. Sequence

19. For whom is the author probably writing this passage? A. Train engineers. B. General audiences. C. Professors of statistics. D. Young children.

20. Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the passage?

A. A statement illustrated by an analogy (类比). B. A hypothesis supported by documentation (引用文献). C. A comparison of two contrasting theories. D. A critical analysis of a common assumption.

PartⅡ Vocabulary and Structure(20﹪,25minutes)

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four

choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then

mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

21. A great many cancers can be cured but only if ____before they have begun spread or

\A. properly treat B. properly treating C. being properly treated D. properly treated

22. ____she is a likeable girl, she is very difficult to work with. A. Since B. However C. As far as D. While

23. All the ____tourists gave the robber their money. A. frightened B. frightening C. frighten D. frightful

24. ____her age, she really did a good job in such a short time. A. Giving B. Gives C. Give D. Given

25. The soldier was ____with neglecting his duty. A. charged B. conducted C. changed D. committed 26. The reason why the car stopped was ____. A. because the road was not good B. that the road was not good C. due to the bad road D. because of the had road

27. You'd better hurry; ____you might be late for class. A. or B. and C. unless D. but

28. They ____on a trip into the desert in the following year. A. set in B. sent for C. set off D. sent off

29. The doctor felt John's arm to ____if the bone was broken. A. work out B. find out C. look at D. see out

30. He just ____my suggestion at the meeting yesterday. A. put away B. shut down C. showed off D. brushed aside 31. The question ____at the next meeting remains a secret. A. discussed B. to discuss C. to be discussed D. being discussed 32. His laziness ____his failure in the final exam. A. gave up B. contributed C. resulted in D. distributed

33. The teacher's ____to my statement about this poet led me to read widely about poems.

A. change B. charge C. challenge D. chance

34. On most of the nights, Jane ____reading letters from her boyfriend. A. stayed off B. stayed on C. stayed out D. stayed up

35. The first-year students were learning from the army in Miyun, a suburb of Beijing near ____I lived.

A. what B. where C. that D. which

36. Lynda and hundreds of young people like him ____the post of typist. A. approached B. applied for C. appealed to D. approved of 37. Prices have been ____rapidly in many cities. A. went up B. gone up C. going up D. go up

38. In this building each apartment could ____a family of six. A. house B. cover C. make D. include

39. I can hardly hear what he's saying, and ____. A. so can all the other people B. nor can all the other people C. so can hardly all the other people D. nor all the other people can

40. When he explained it again and again, the students' patience ____. A. ran over B. ran on C. ran out D. ran off

41. When her neighbor Grandma Wang became ill, the girl often ____. A. fitted in B. worked out C. held back D. helped out

42. If you really want to apply for the dangerous job, I won't ____, though I
