
发布时间 : 星期日 文章八年级英语上册Unit9闯关冲刺卷更新完毕开始阅读



( )1. As a student, you should_______to your teachers actively and carefully.

A.answer B reply C. ask D. tell

( )2. I have a good sister. We often_______around the shopping center to buy some inexpensive clothes.

A hang on B. stay with C hang out D stay up

( )3.Tom, can you cook dinner tonight? I have to meet your uncle at the airport with your father.

Sorry, you know I have to_______the trip tomorrow

A. prepare for B. ask for C.get ready D. look after

( )4. -Jane, we are planning a(n)_______at our new house. Can you come? I'd really like to show you around my new house. Sure. I’d love to.

A. English party B housewarming party C English competition D. small concert

( )5. We have too many family rules. I have to be back home_______ 10:00pm A. by B. after C from D. on

( )6. Jim got an A in math in the last test. We were really_______his progress.

A.sensed at B. angry at C. pleased at D. disappointed at ( )7. They are busy_______the English exam.

A prepare to B. preparing to C. preparing for D. prepare for

( )8. There_______a football game tomorrow evening, and I must stay at home to watch.

A is going to be B.is C is going to have D has

( )9. They arrived at the hotel near the sea_______a snowy evening. A.on B. at C in D. for

( )10. I am really sorry that I can't visit you because I have to help______ My sister.

A learning math B learns math

C for learning math D with learning math ( )11. I visited_______animals last Sunday. I loved them_______. A. a lot;a lot of B. a lot of;a lot of C a lot; a lot D. a lot of; a lot

( )12. -I don't like the colour of this jacket. Would you show me_______ one? ---Of course. What about this one?

A. the other B.another C. other D. others

( )13._______the end of the class meeting. we sang a song together. A.In B. By C On D. At

( )14. I will have to arrive at the theater one hour earlier_______I won't miss the concert.

A.so B. that C. until D. so that

( )15. I would like_______my cousin_______dinner with me.

A. to invites to he B invite: to have C to invite: have D inviting: to have II.根据括号里所给词的适当形式填空(共10分) 16. Keep_______(quiet), my little sister is sleeping. 17. How about_______(go ) to the mall this evening?

18. I'd love_______(go)to your English party this Wednesday. 19. Miss Wang_______(go) to see the doctor next Friday. 20. Thank you for_______(invite)me to your birthday party. 21. He often asks me_______( have )dinner on the weekend. 22. Can you_______( play )tennis with me?

23. Do you like going bike_______( ride ) with friends on the weekend? 24. Bob helped Gina with her_______(prepare )for the Christmas party.

25.There were so many_______(guest )on my 12th birthday. They all had fun. III.完形填空(共10分)

A young man was going to spend his holiday in a mountain village. That night he 26_______at a small hotel near the train station. 27_______ going to bed.he went to the owner of the hotel and said“Excuse me, sir. Will you please 28_______ me up at four forty-five tomorrow morning? Ill take the five o’clock 29_______.”

“Oh, sorry. \ up so30_______.”

31 _______the young man was going to return to his room, he stopped and asked, “Have you got an alarm clock? Maybe it can help me.”

“Yes, here you are, young man. \

The young man thanked the owner 32 _______.But as he looked at the alarm clock closely. It seemed there was 33 wrong with it. \

“Sure! You just give it a good shake at a quarter 35_______ five, and it will do!

( )26.A worked B. stayed C studied D. ate ( )27.A. Before B After C. While D Between ( )28. A wash B. beat C wake D. ask ( )29.A.ship B. plane C train D bike ( )30. A. early B. late C quickly D slowly ( )31. A. When B. Because C. Until D. Unless ( )32. A. angrily B happily C. sadly D. lonely

( )33.A.something B. nothing C anything D.everything ( )34. A shout B cry C ring D. talk ( )35.A past B. to C. of D down IV.阅读理解(共20分)


John is ten years old. One day his friend Tom said to him, \have a birthday party on Saturday. John, can you come to my party? I'll be glad to. \

Before John went to the party on Saturday afternoon. his mother said to him, \有礼貌的). Don't ask for food until someone gives it to you”

“All right. Mum, \There were a lot of children at the party. They played together for an hour. Then Tom’s mother gave them some foo. But she forgot to give any to John. He waited politely for ten minutes and then he held his plate(ft f)up in the air and said loudly, \” ( )36. John is_______.

A. eight B. ten C twenty D. five ( )37. Tom was going to_______on Saturday. A have a birthday part B have a talk C have a football game D have an English party ( )38. John went to Tom's house_______.

A by bus B. by taxi C by bike D. on foot ( )39. Which of these statements is TRUE? A. There were few children at the party. B. John threw his plate out of the window. C. Tom’s mother forgot to give John any food. D. John couldn’t go to Tom's birthday party. ( )40. We can see that John is_______.

A. clever B. old C. tall D. impossible


Laura couldn't wait to have the class meeting. She had a feeling that it had something to do with a class contest. Laura loved contests. She didn’t care what the prize was.She just liked to compete, and more than that. she liked to win.

\as a class leader for each month. The person help me send out papers, write on the blackboard and decide on the theme for the class project.

Laura wasn't listening anymore. It was a contest! She had to win. She put her hand up in the air. \down the name on the paper. Laura took a look at the names, Her good friend Melissa was on it, too.

“Good luck! \ project. I have a great idea for it.”

Laura suddenly felt ashamed. Melissa didn’t just want to win: she wanted to help the class.She put up her hand again, \Melissa. She has a great idea for the class project, and she always helps others. She will be a great class leader.

( )41. Why did Laura want to become a class leader

A. She liked to compete in contests. B. She wanted to get the prize.

C. She wanted to help the class. D. She wanted to do better than Melissa. ( )42. Which of the following is not the duty of the class leader? A Sending out papers. B. Writing on the blackboard

C. Deciding on the theme for the class project. D. Checking the exam papers.

( )43. What kind of gir would you say Melissa was? A. She was stupid B. She was warm-hearted C. She was polite D. She was hard-working

( )44. What does the underlined word ashamed\A.开心的 B.恐惧的 C.羞愧的 D.伤心的 ( )45. What can we learn from this story?

A. It is more important to win than to keep your friends B. Helping others is more important than winning a contest C. It is very difficult to become a class leader. D. You should always take part in new activities V.根据汉语提示完成句子(共15分) 46.很抱谦我没能参加你的生日聚会。

_______ _______for missing your birthday party. 47.后天你准备做什么?

What are you going to do_______ _______ _______ _______? 48.我们将等到12点钟。

We are going to______________ twelve o'clock 49.我得准备英语考试。

I have to_______ _______an English_______. 50. 这周末你去度假吗?假期回来请给我打电话。

Are you_______ _______vacation this weekend? Please_______me _______the vacation. VI.补全对话(共10分)


A: Hello, Doris. Let's go to the movies this afternoon.

B: Sorry, I’ve got to do the washing. But what about coming to help me? 51._______

A: Well, er, that might be difficult. B:52._______

A: Um, ah, I don't know how to use a washing machine. B: No problem. We haven't got one. 53._______ A: But you see, er, I’m a boy. 54._______

B: What rubbish! If you don't help me, I'll never go to the movies with you again.


A.Boys don't wash clothes. B We use our hands.

C. Why? D. Then we can finish early and

E. Perhaps we'll go shopping F. I'm coming immediately to help you. G. So do I 51. _______ 52_______ 53._______ 54_______ 55_______ VII.书面表达(20分)

Tom邀请 Li Ping参加他这周日的生日宴会。但Li Ping的父母星期天要上班,奶奶生病了,需要人照顾,并且数学考试即将来临,因此,他无法前去参加生日宴会。 Li Ping感到很抱歉,只好写信拒绝。请根据以上内容替Li Ping给Tom写一封信。要求:80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Tom

Thank you for____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


I.1.B考査动词。 reply to sh为固定用法,意为”答复某人”,此处表示答复老师,故选B

2.C考童动词短语。后句句意为:”我们经常在购物中心闲逛,为了买到便宜的衣服。”故选 hang out“闲逛”

3.A考查动词短语。下句句意为:“对不起,你知道我必须为明天的旅行做准备。“故选prepare for"为……做准备”。

4.B考查名词。上句强调“我的新家”,所以是在准备乔迁聚会。故选 housewarming party“乔迁聚会”。


6.A考查形容词短语。句意为:“吉姆在上次数学考试中得了A,我们对他的进步感到惊。" be surprised at意为“对……感到吃惊,故选A 7. C be busy doing sth.忙于做某事 prepare for为…做准备 8.A 9.A

10. D help sh. with sth.帮某人做某事。 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.A


27.A由上下文可知,年轻人应该是在睡觉之前去找旅馆的主人的,故选A 28. C根据句意可知,此处是说年轻人要老板叫醒他,故选C 29. C由文章第二句话可知他要赶火车,故选C

30.A结合上文可知,老板不会那么早起床,故选A。 31.A此处是说,当年轻人就要返回房间的时候,故选A。 32.B由上下文可知年轻人高兴地感谢旅馆老板,故选B 33.A间钟似平有问题,故选A


35.D器上文可知,年轻人想在4:45起床,4:45的另一种表述是a quarter to five,故选B

IV.36.B 37.A 38.C 39.C 40.A 41A 42.D 43.B 44.C 45.B

V. 46. I'm sorry 47. the day alter tomorrow 48. wait untill 49. prepare for: test 50. going on: call: after

VI.51.D 52C 53.B 54.A 55.F
