
发布时间 : 星期三 文章新视野大学英语第三版第三册第一到第六单元选词填空更新完毕开始阅读

v1.0 可编辑可修改 is understandable that the health and welfare of their family is a(n) perpetual concern for this young couple.


cluster imprison offset ambiguity globalize stubborn compulsory contemplate console groan 1. Although secondary education is compulsory, parents are not required to send their children to state schools. 2. The economic situation has been worsening, causing economists to


whether the present policies are sustainable. 3. He was found guilty and was imprisoned in the Tower of London,

where he died very quickly, aged only 47.

4. It is obvious that the future of the Internet is to globalize more and more areas of the world, and that e-commerce and e-entertainment are going to go for more and more markets.

5. However, your current losses should soon be offset by gains; the fund will produce a positive return of percent over a nine-month period.

6. Because she was so tall and slim, all the clothes looked marvelous on her and the other girls would groan their


v1.0 可编辑可修改 envy.

7. This can be a helpful approach in discussion someone may regard you as stubborn

since you never want to change your mind, whereas you see yourself as determined.

8. At weekends, the school park is almost empty except that a few cars cluster near the entrance.

9. In the photographer's finest pictures there is also a degree of ambiguity , which allows them to be interpreted in a variety of ways.

10. Tim stretched out a hand in apology for his thoughtless remarks and was consoled by a firm handshake from Mark.


gauge suffice prone dedicate foster incentive commonplace innovation revenue simultaneous 1. The general considered all the information that had been gathered and gauged what possible moves the enemy might make before issuing his orders.

2. The new president said she would dedicate herself to protecting the rights of the old and the homeless, who are otherwise helpless and vulnerable.

3. Cell phone conversations, which are fairly commonplace on


v1.0 可编辑可修改 commuter trains, can be annoying to fellow commuters. 4. Ask your doctor whether a low-fat diet and a daily walk will suffice to reduce your high blood pressure.

5. The revenue from tourism is the biggest single contribution to GDP in the Maldives; every year many tourists from all corners of the world spend their holidays there. 6. Since the beginning of this century, China has built many modern conference centers with underground parking, air-conditioning and simultaneous translation systems. advertising offers a stimulus (

激) to buy, sales promotion offers a(n) incentive to buy, but consumers must have their own reason to buy.

8. In general, smokers living in cities are slightly more prone to lung cancer than smokers who are living in the country.

9. A large proportion of important innovations are brought about by people who step outside of conventional categories or traditional assumptions.

10. The habit of going to coffee houses was fostered by the city's relatively small size, safe streets, good public transportation, and moderate climate.


gigantic standpoint evacuate naive permeate


v1.0 可编辑可修改 nutrition inflict stray dilute pervasive 1. Much of the city was evacuated before the storm but thousands remained, many of whom were trapped by the water for days.

2. Located in the heart of the city, the Dogs’ Home is open seven days a week, 365 days a year to receive stray dogs.

3. With the development of modern industries, a lot of traditional values that developed from a farm-based economy have been enormously diluted. 4. There are gigantic changes in environmental conditions from freezing cold to extremely hot, and from dry to very humid(潮湿的).

5. From a practical standpoint, how can you reduce production costs and at the same time minimize the risks involved

6. Child mortality(死亡率) decreased due to improvements in medical care and greater attention to problems related to proper nutrition. 7. The disaster is already set to be the world’s worst for ground casualties inflicted by a crashing aircraft.

8. With Spring Festival drawing nearer, people are glowing with happiness, and are full of hope: this excitement is pervasive before New Year’s Eve.

9. Don’t be too naive! If the manger of the car dealership intended to give you the job, he would have called you by now.

10. To a large extent, computers have already permeated most aspects of our lives, from transportation and telecommunications to entertainment.

