
发布时间 : 星期四 文章张能彦英语语法更新完毕开始阅读

156. Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely _____ to the outside world.

A. being lost B. having lost C. losing D. lost

157. _____ the claim about German economic might, it is somewhat surprising how

relatively small the German economy actually is.

A. To give B. Given C. Giving D. Having given

158. Just as the value of a telephone network increases with each new phone _____ to the

system, so does the value of a computer system increase with each program that turns out.

A. adding B. to have added C. to add D. added

159. Good news was sometimes released prematurely, with the British recapture of the port

_____ half a day before the defenders actually surrendered.

A. to announce B. announced C. announcing D. was announced

160. I found myself _____ to the spot where the experiment was being performed whenever

I had some time to spare.

A. draw B. drawing C. drawn D. drew

Unit Five

1. The twins are so much _____ that it is difficult to tell one from the other.

A. similar B. equal C. like D. alike

2. Beethoven is my favorite musician, I regard him as _____ other musicians.

A. superior to B. more superior than C. more superior to D. superior than

3. True hibernation takes place only among _____ animals.

A. whose blood is warm B. warm- blooded C. blood warm D. they have warm blood

4. Guava fruit is round or _____and about the size of a hen’s egg.

A. shape of a pear B. shaped pear C. pear-shaped D. pear in shape

5. The rain was heavy and _____ the land was flooded.

A. consequently B. continuously C. constantly D. consistently


6. She is _____a musician than her brother.

A. much of B. much as C. more of D. more as

7. Americans eat _____as they actually need every day.

A. twice as much protein B. twice protein as much C. protein as much twice D. protein as much twice

8. If tap water were as dangerous as some people think _____would be getting sick.

A. a lot of more us B. more a lot of us C. a lot of us more D. a lot more of us

9. “Anne acts quite unfriendly.” “I think she’s _____than unfriendly.”

A. shyer B. shy C. more shy rather D. more shy

10. “This cake is delicious.” “Well, at least it’s _____ the one I baked last week.”

A. as worse as B. no worse than C. as better than D. not better as

11. Most doctors recognize that medicine is _____.

A. an art as much it is a science B. much an art as it is a science C. as an art as much it is a science D. as much an art as it is a science

12. The population of many Alaskan cities has _____doubled in the past three years.

A. larger than B. more than C. as great as D. as many as

13. This _____ girl is Mary’s cousin.

A. pretty little Swedish B. Swedish little pretty C. Swedish pretty little D. little pretty Swedish

14. I must go now. _____if you want that book I’ll bring it next time.

A. Incidentally B. Accidentally C. Occasionally D. Subsequently

15. This _____ girl is Mary’s cousin.

A. pretty little Swedish B. Swedish little pretty C. Swedish pretty little D. little pretty Swedish

16. I must go now. _____if you want that book I’ll bring it next time.

A. Incidentally B. Accidentally C. Occasionally D. Subsequently


17. My watch is old; _____, it is in good condition.

A. therefore B. so C. but D. nevertheless E. moreover

18. It’s true that the old road is less direct and a bit longer. We won’t take the new one, _____,

because we don’t feel as safe on it.

A. somehow B. though C. therefore D. otherwise

19. She writes as _____as her sister.

A. clear B. more clear C. clearly D. most clearly

20. Andrew, my father’s youngest brother, will not be at the picnic, _____ to the family’s


A. much B. more C. too much D. much more

21. The boy students in this school are nearly _____as the girl students to say they intend to get a

college degree in business.

A. as likely twice B. likely as twice C. as twice likely D. twice as likely

22. You sang well last night. We hope you’ll sing _____.

A. more better B. still better C. nicely D. best

23. Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills _____ people each year than

automobile accidents.

A. seven more times B. seven times more C. over seven times D. seven times

24. You sang well last night. We hope you’ll sing _____.

A. more better B. still better C. nicely D. best

25. The heart is _____intelligent than the stomach, for they are both controlled by the brain.

A. not so B. not much C. much more D. no more

26. There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, _____they can limit how

much water you drink.

A .much more than B. no more than C. no less than D. any more than w

27. Language belongs to each one of us, to the flower-seller _____to the professor.

A. as much as B. as far as C. the same as D. as long as

28. I should say Henry is not _____much a writer as a reporter.


A. that B. so C. this D. as

29. The chief reason for the population growth isn’t so much a rise in birth rates _____ a fall in

death rates as a result of improvements in medical care. A. and B. as C. but D. or

30. It wasn’t so much that I disliked her _____that I just wasn’t interested in the whole business.

A. rather B. so C. than D. as

31. Indeed, almost every scientist now finds it impossible to read all the works relevant to his

own subject, _____extensively outside of it.

A. much more to read B. much less to read C. much less reading D. still more reading

32. He knows little of mathematics, and _____of chemistry.

A. even more B. still less C. no less D. still more

33. The individual TV viewer invariably senses that he or she is _____an anonymous,

statistically insignificant part of a huge and diverse audience.

A. everything except B. anything but C. no less than D. nothing more than

Unit Six

1. Organisms regulate their movements _____ positions in response to environmental


A. have B. where C. as D. and

2. Protein digestion begins in the stomach _____ ends in the small intestine.

A. while B. and C. how D. because

3. Five minutes earlier, _____ we could have caught the last train.

A. and B. but C. or D. so

4. Until the ninth century, written words were not separated, _____ in some literary writing,

dots or points were used to indicate divisions.

A. in spite of B. contrary C. contrast to D. but

5. A knot is a joining of two pieces of rope _____ of cord.

A. with B. or C. because D. where

