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Collect by Shine Zhang

C. Yes, without a doubt. D. Yes, if he goes to university.

27. Dave would sell his car if he didn’t need it so much. Question: Did Dave sell his car? A. No, even through he didn’t need it. B. No, because he need it so much. C. Yes, because he doesn’t need it. D. Yes, even through he need it.

28. There are many students as intelligent as Rex, but only a few as diligent. Question: what does the writer say what Rex? A. He is unusually diligent. B. He is unusually intelligent.

C. He is less intelligent than most students. D. He is diligent than most students.

29. The boy’s development was retarded, but not so much so that he was unable to cope with the curriculum in the middle school. Question: the boy…?

A. was superior to the average student B. was an average student

C. was slow, but could keep up with the other students D. was slow, and couldn’t lamp up with the other students.

30. The population of Palmerton as premier was based on the important he gave of aggressiveness in foreign policy, but now we realize that his polices were exceedingly cautious. Question: People liked Palmerton because… A. he was premier B. his policies were flexible C. they thought he was cautious D. they thought he was aggressive 31. If it were not for Magret’s excellent recommendations, Emily, who was impressed by her at interview, wouldn’t have hired her.

Question: what happened after the interview? A. Magret hired Emily B. Emily hired Magret C. Magret recommended Emily D. Emily didn’t hire Magret

32. Bullet, last season’s top, one-year-old dog, came back to the race at walland last week looking as good as ever. Question: how has Bullet been performing? A. better last year than this year B. better this year than last year C. poorly last year and this year D. well this year and last year 33. Jackson was such an intellectual giant that one famous scholar believed that he, rather than Samule, an obscure author, must have written Freeways.

Question: what did the scholar mentioned in this sentence believe? A. that Jackson helped Samule write freeways B. that Samule wrote Freeways. C. that an obscure actor wrote Freeway.

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Collect by Shine Zhang

D. that Jackson wrote Freeway 34. According to these figures, the richest student in class one is poorer than the poorest student in class two. Question: how does the economic stature of students in class two? A. only one student in class one is richer than students in class two. B. all the students in class one are richer. C. all the students in class one is poor.

35. It wasn’t until she left home that he realize the great extent to which she depended on her parents. Question: how much did she depend on her parents? A. quite B. a little C. never D. some 36. Had Josehp not stayed up so late last night, he wouldn’t be so exhausted today. Question: how does Josehp feel today? A. he’s not tired because he went to bed early. B. he’s not tired although he went to bed early. C. he’s tired because he went to bed late. D. he’s tied although he went to bed early.

37. Throughout his life, Trigger remained a child of the lower middle classes. Question: According to this sentence, Trigger… A. kept his original social status B. raised his social status C. retained a youngful attitude D. died while still young

38. It is doubtful that Wyatt is smart enough to win the scholarship. Question: what does the writer say about Wyatt? A. Wyatt probably won’t win. B. Wyatt probably will win. C. Wyatt doubts he will win. D. Wyatt is smart.

39. Keams said it wasn’t enough for Kerloy to say he was sorry he must also make good the damage he done to the motorcycle. Question: Keams wanted Kerloy to… A. stop damaging his motorcycle B. pay for damages. C. apologize D. return his motorcycle

40. Chicago and Washington are expanding their once declining trolley systems with modern trolley cars. Question: the Chicago and Washington trolley systems are… A. now declining B. now growing C. beginning to use old cars D. expanding the size of their cars

41. Cramer told me that he can’t believe it has been such a long time since he has seen Marid. Question: has Cramer seen Maria recently? A. no, but Marin has seen him B. no, but he saw her along time ago C. no, but he will see her for long time D. yes, he saw her for long time

42. Harry says that sometimes he is ordered to undertake certain but is given insufficient funds or authority to accomplish the

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Question: Harry says he is unsuccessful because he lacks… A. money and power B. time and manpower C. specific knowledge D. confidence

43. Born and raised a Catholic in a fatherless home, Royer Smith, who as a child used to put religious clothing on paper dolls never wanted to be anything but a priest. Question: what was Smith’s childhood ambition? A. to find his lost father B. to become anything but a priest C. to become a priest D. to make anything but a priest

44. She was an admirable woman in many ways, but having raised a large family on very little money and very high ideals. She felt entitled in her old age to put her own interests ahead of the interests of anyone else. Question: as an old woman, she felt it was her right to… A. spend money B. be selfish

C. have high ideals D. live with her family

45. The executive stupidly expects everyone else to work long hours that he does. Question: who work long hours?

A. everyone expect the executive B. only the fools C. the executive D. everyone 46. As if Jone’s appearance were not enough to turn the accidence against him, he also gave a boring speech. Question: How did the audience feel about Jone? A. They liked his appearance, but not his speech B. they like his speech, but not his appearance C. they didn’t like his speech or his appearance D. they liked his speech and appearance

47. Had Jone not broken his leg, he might have gone skating with his classmates. Question: what happened to Jone?

A. he went skating B. he may have gone skating C. he broken his leg D. he didn’t break his leg

48. For a variety of reasons, she had not been back home for six years, and new felt worried about it, unsure about how disfigured or strange it might seem to. Question: how did she feel about going home? A. she was happy about it B. she was worried about it C. she didn’t want to go at all D. she didn’t care if she went or not

49. James told Simon that he should have done what his father asked him to. Question: James…

A. asked Simon to tell his father something B. will do what his father asked C. asked his father to do something D. didn’t do what his father asked

50. The Minister’s visit to Japan followed by 1 week his visit to South Korean. Question: what did the Minister do?

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Collect by Shine Zhang

A. he went to Japan first B. he went to Korean first C. she didn’t want to go at all D. she didn’t care if she went or not

51. According to these figure, the largest country in Henan is smaller than the smallest country in Shandong. Question: How does the size of countries in Henan compare with those of Shandong? A. only one country in Henan is larger than countries in Shandong. B. all countries in Henan are larger.

C. the largest country is in Henan and the smallest is in Shandong. D. all the countries in Henan are smaller.

52. Nielson seldom plays worse than he did against Mike today. Question: How does Nielson play? A. he usually plays better than today B. he usually plays worse than today C. he usually plays worse than Mike D. he usually plays better than Mike

53. Our problem is to comprehend our cultural and history toots but not to romanticize them. Question: Our attitude towards the past should be… A. negative B. respectful C. romantic D. realistic 54. So--called “wolf children” are children abandoned at an early age found living in isolation. They are natural examples of complete social deprivation.

Question: What is unusual about wolf children? A. they are young wolves who have been abandoned B. they are young children who think they are wolves C. they abandoned society at an early age D. they have had almost no social contract 55. While everyone in the Canada society know what T.V cameras look like, some might be surprised by the appearance of the medical school color cameras, which are equipped with massive close—up lens and a pole on which is hung a mirror. Question: What might surprise some people? A. that T.V cameras are used in the medical school B. what T.V cameras in the medical school look like C. Any TV camera D. A color T.V camera 56. Mary would have studied engineering last year if she hadn’t been as sick as she was. Question: What happened to Mary? A. she was sick of studying engineering B. she is sick because she studied too much C. she studied even though she was sick D. she was too sick to study 57. The conservative attitude of the Institute’s oldest members towards were vigorously expressed in a paper by the sculptor Jim at a 1910 meeting.

Question: Some member have conservative ideas about… A. a certain paper B. Jim C. The institute D. Art 58. This interpretation suffers from certain intrinsic implausibilities and in consequence of( as a result of) severe criticism has in

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