
发布时间 : 星期二 文章密九语法部分更新完毕开始阅读

Collect by Shine Zhang

146 The intricate directions were difficult to understand. a. vague b. unusual c. routine d. complicated (d)

147 The horse finally came to a halt on the very rim of the cliff. a. top b. edge c. slope d. base (b)

148 According to investigators, the recent report of a sea monster was a hoax. a. breakthrough b. mistake c. trick d. crime (C)

149 In his statements to the press, the administrator was consistently equivocal. a. ambiguous b. reasonable c. friendly d. frank (a)

150 The governor’s impromptu remarks caused his political party much embarrassment. a. unrehearsed b. forceful c. unrestrained d. absurd (a)

151 When the man handed the boy a coin he grabbed it and ran. a. seized b. dropped c. looked at d. touched (a)

152 Lu Xun was not the author’s real name; it was a _____.

a. nickname b. paseudonym c. family d. sign (b)

153 Uncle Tom used to climb mountains but he isn’t as _____ as before. a. aged b. agile c. astringent d. antic (b)

154 Polly is a very gregarious young lady. a. beautiful b. sociable c. intelligent d. hardworking (b)

155 When you read his books you have to read between the lines; there’s so much ____ in his writing. a. irony b. vocabulary c. grammar d. idiom (a)

156 When the singer finished, the audience _______.

a. bestowed b. applauded c. crabbed d. decanted (b)

157 Does Jimmy take after his father? a. walk behind b. fight with c. help d. resemble (d)

158 Cathy is very fastidious. a. rapid b. impatient c. particular d. careless (c)

159 I don’t like either solution. What a _____!

a.digression b. dilemma c. bluff d. maelstrom (C)

160 She’s 90 years old but her comments are the most lucid I’ve ever heard. a. intelligible b. active c. talkative d. best-natured (a)

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Collect by Shine Zhang

161 I love roses because they’re so ______.

a. resurgent b. frugal c. fragrant d. luminous (C)

162 I didn’t even have time to glance at the newspaper today. a. thoroughly read b. take a quick look at c. pick up d. buy (b)

163 My back _____.

a. pains b. feels c. aches d. senses (C)

164 Have you seen the new edifice on Elm Street? a. building b. department store c. school d. theater (C)

165 I’d like you to look over this report. a. denounce b. correct c. append d. examine (d)

166 Your reasons for refusing to help are quite obscure.

a. reasonable b. unclear c. clear d. unreasonable (b) 167 Where are you going to haul that furniture? a. put b. sell c. paint d. transport (d)

168 The movie was ________; I thought it would never end.

a. interminable b. symbolic c. pooly-made d. complicated (a)

169 Listen carefully; the voices on this are barely _____. a. feasible b. audible c. edible d. sensible (b)

170 The girl has vanished. a. become ill b. tumbled c. painted d. disappeared (d)

171 That story isn’t meant to be taken literally; it’s ______.

a. a narrative b. a tradition c. an allegory d. an epic (C)

172 Did you two have a nice chat. a. talk b. walk c. game d. cup of tea (a)

173 Because of her religion she ______ eating meat.

a. looks forward to b. adheres to c. abstains from d. recommends that

174 In those ancient times his ideas about religion were considered _______. a. heresy b. heritage c. hearsay d. hereafter (a)

175 Tom is a very fine person even though he’s sometimes ______ in manner. a. shrewd b. amiable c. devious d. brusque (d)

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C) ( Collect by Shine Zhang

176 I have just bought an anthology of his poems.

a. a recording b. an authorized edition c. a collection d. a secondhand copy (C)

177 You’d better put a _______ on that finger.

a. cloth b. band c. bandage d. string (C)

178 Do you get along with John? a.

Do you go play with John? b. Are you on good terms with John?

c. Are you angry with John? d. Do you live with John? 179 Who raised that child? a. took up b. got up c. made up d. brought up (d)

180 Please ______ my shirt; it’s torn.

a. wash b. mend c. wash d. iron (b) Questions 151—180 are taken from MELAB 1992

181 It is written in a proverb that honorable women are to be prized more highly than rubies. a. illustrious b. conspicuous c. fastidious d. virtuous (d)

d. virtuous意为“名誉好的”,其余答案的某些读音与D有相似之处, 但词义不同。答案A为“著名的,”B为“显而易见的”,C为“吹毛求疵的”。

182 At special schools for animals, dogs are taught to be _____. a. obedient b. obligated c. obstinate d. obsolete (a)

a obedient意为“愿意服从命令的”。其余的答案读音都有相似之处,但意义不同。答案B是“感激的”,答案C 为“固执的”, 答案D 则是“陈腐的”或“已废弃的”。

183When the king died, his son was named as his _______.

a. suffix b. supplement c. successor d. sequel (C)

C SUCCESSOR 是“继承人”的意思。答案A是加在词尾的“后缀”。B是“增补,补充”, 答案D是作品的“续集”。

184 If the lawyer can prove that the man was rational when he committed the murder, the judge can order the death sentence. a. vain b. tame c. lane d. sane (D)

D SANE意思是“理智的”。答案A意为“徒劳的”或“爱虚荣的”, 答案B指“驯服的”, 答案C指“小巷”。

185 The examples for the experiment should be kept in a cool, dark place. a. spectators b. species c. spectrum d. specimens (d)

D SPECIMENS即“样品或标本”。A是“观众”,B是“动植物的种类”,C是“范围”或“光谱”。

186 In the children’s game called “hide and seek,” the children must try to _____ back to a certain place without being seen. a. sneak b. chaste c. rash d. dash (A)

A SNEAK指“偷偷摸摸地行动”。B是“贞洁的”, C是“性急的”或“卤莽的”, D是“快速冲向”。

187 The _______ of Panama is a narrow strip of land connecting North and South America.

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Collect by Shine Zhang

a. peninsula b. isthmus c. island d. continent (B)

B ISTHMUS是连接两片大陆的地峡。A是三面临水的半岛,C是“岛屿”,D是“洲,大陆”。

188 Since there is no doorbell, just ______ on the door. a. slap b. rap c. clap d. pat (B)

B RAP是“敲击”的意思,尤指敲门。其余答案都有“击”的意思,但不一样。A是用手掌猛击,尤指一种惩罚,C是“拍手”,鼓掌,D是表示亲昵的“轻拍”。

189 Many trees and ________ were planted throughout the United States during Lyndon Johnson’s term as President, because his wife encouraged it.

a. shrugs b. shades c. shrubs d. shrines (C)

C SHRUBS是“灌木”。A是“耸肩”表示“怀疑”或“冷漠”,B是“树阴”,D是“圣祠”或“神殿”。

190 The Thanksgiving turkey is usually stuffed with bread pieces and herbs. a. peelings b. remnants c. crumbs d. grounds (C)

C CRUMBS 是面包或糕饼的碎屑。其他答案也是小块的意思,但不是面包屑。A是小块的水果皮或蔬菜皮,B是零布头或剩余物,D是咖啡渣。

191 For each _______ living in your home, you may deduct one thousand dollars from your income. a. subject b. dependent c. captive d. executive (B)

B DEPENDANT是受赡养者。A是一个王国的臣民,C是“俘虏”,D是管理人员或经理。

192 There are many different kinds of snakes in the _____ house at the zoo. a. servant b. serpent c. vigor d. vapor (B)

B SERPENT是大蛇或毒蛇。答案A是受雇的仆人,C是能量或力量,D是蒸汽或雾。

193 _____ in the affairs of state by another power will be considered an act of war. a. Interference b. Contribution c. Conference d. Objectives (A)

A INTERFERENCE是“干涉”。B是“贡献”,C是“会议”,D是“目的”或“目标”。

194 Although most young couples believe that theirs will be a ____ relationship, 50 percent of all marriages result in divorce. a. longing b. startling c. lasting d. shocking (C)

C LASTING意为“永久的”。A是“渴望”,B是“令人吃惊的”,D是“令人讨厌的”或“令人震惊的”。

195 Conditions in some prisons today are not much better than those in the prisons of former times. a. dungeons b. castles c. hamlets d. monarchs (A)

A DUNGEONS是“监牢”,尤指中世纪城堡中的地牢。其他答案虽都指中世纪的事物,但意思不同。B是“城堡”,C是小镇或村子,D是“国君”或“统治者”。

196 Christian Dior is famous for beautiful perfumes. a. flavors b. fragrances c. noises d. images (B)

B FRAGRANCES是“香味”,尤指香水发出的芳香。其他答案也都与感觉有关,A是味道,C是声音,D是形象。

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