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Collect by Shine Zhang

A. This book was written in 1992. B. C.

This book was written in Austria.

This book is a collection of conversations held in 1992.

D. This book is the end result of a project. E. 7.

Los Angeles’ safety record with school buses is generally a good one, but of course this record is only as good as the school bus drivers themselves.

A. In spite of a generally good safety record for their school buses, Los Angeles school bus drivers are not very good. B. C.

If school bus drivers are not very good, the town’s school bus safety record will not be very good either. If cities wish to maintain good safety records with school buses, they should hire good school bus drivers. This book is about western Austria.

D. With better school buses, drivers will be able to maintain better safety records. E. 8.

Taxes being so high, the descendents of the wealthy class of the nineteenth century are being forced to rent out their estates to paying guests.

A. In the nineteenth century, the wealthy class rented out its estates. B. C.

Because of high taxes, families that were rich one hundred years ago now rent out their estates. Guests pay high taxes when they rent old estates.

Los Angles’ safety record with school buses has improved because better bus drivers have been hired.

D. Some families that were once wealthy are having trouble paying their taxes. E. 9.

According to the definition of Chinese traditional medicine, acupuncture is the treatment of disease—not just the alleviation of pain—by inserting very fine needles into the body at specific points called loci.

A. The author believes some people do not know that acupuncture can be used to treat illness. B. C.

Finely pointed needles called loci are used in acupuncture.

In Chinese traditional medicine, acupuncture is known to treat disease and alleviate pain. High taxes have changed the lives of some of the old wealthy families.

D. Those using acupuncture treat disease by placing needles into the body at specific points.

10. It would be difficult to overpraise this book.

A. This is a difficult book. B. C.

This book deserves much praise. It is difficult not to overpraise this book.

D. It is difficult to praise this book. E.

Key: 1. CE 8. BDE

Good Luck!

Collect by Shine Zhang

2. BCE 9. ACD

3. BE 10. BE

4. BC

5. BD

6. D

7. BC

The author of this sentence thinks this is an excellent book.

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