山西�018_2019学年高二英语上学期期末测评考试试题(人教版I) - 百度文库

·¢²¼Ê±¼ä : ÐÇÆÚ¶þ ÎÄÕÂ山西çœ?018_2019学年高二英语上学期期末测评考试试题(人教版I) - 百度文库¸üÐÂÍê±Ï¿ªÊ¼ÔĶÁ

what benefits us, what delights us, what hurts us, how we can respect ourselves, what people are actually healthy for us to be around and what the most supportive decision is. Or we may know these things but we don¡¯t act on them.

One reason is that we get caught up in what everyone else is doing and thinking. I have to buy that, too! I need to be on that diet if she¡¯s trying it. They think therapy is a waste of time and money. He suggests that I should lose weight. They completely disagree. Maybe I do, too?

When we get caught up like this, we silence ourselves. Here I don¡¯t mean asking others for feedback(·´À¡) or advice or helpful insights. I¡¯m referring to times when we ignore ourselves and when we let others¡¯ perspectives set aside our own.

When we get caught up like this, what can help is to refocus. To ask ourselves: OK, but what do I want? What works for me? We can ask ourselves questions to check in with ourselves, our needs, our desires, our intentions, and our hearts. These questions reveal important answers. Asking these questions may lead to a new and deeper understanding or perspective. It puts us back in the driver¡¯s seat.

And as I say many times, asking ourselves all sorts of questions means we are listening to ourselves. We¡¯re admitting that our thoughts and feelings matter. Because they do. And in asking questions, in taking the time to listen to the answers, we are building self-trust. We are caring for ourselves in a powerful way. 24. What do we know about people described in Paragraph 1 and 2? A. They tend to follow suit. B. They like to learn from others. C. They are too lazy to think hard. D. They have a strong desire to win. 25. Why do we make ourselves silence? A. Because we follow our own feelings. B. Because we feel doubtful about things. C. Because we don¡¯t think about our own ideas. D. Because we ask others for feedback or advice.

26. Which of the following questions can help you refocus?

A. Why are they happier than me? B. What do my family need the most? C. What matters most to me in this world? D. How can I follow the traditional


27. How can you be in charge of your life?

A. Having a strong power. B. Ready to start out.

C. Leading the way for others. D. Back in the driver¡¯s seat.


How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can¡¯t Change is the

latest movie from filmmaker and climate activist Josh Fox. The movie is the third film in a three-part series about climate change.

In 2010, Fox¡¯s documentary Gasland explored the hotly debated process of removing natural gas from the ground. He examined the subject again in Gasland II. Fox was against traditional fossil fuels(¿óÎïȼÁÏ) and in support of renewable energy. In his third film, Fox says pollution from fossil fuels must be reduced. Without limits, there will be more extreme weather, like dry weather, rising sea levels and lack of food and water. ¡°When you really meet that head on, it causes unbelievable danger.¡±

Fox notes there are things that climate cannot change. ¡°Those are our value structure and that is what the film starts to explain. We start to really emphasize the things that are inside-courage, love, generosity and creativity. I think those are the centers of what we talk about when we talk about a response to climate change.¡±

In the new film, Fox travels through a sunless forest in the Amazon with local activists to measure oil spills. He goes to a village in Ecuador to learn how people there stopped a pipeline from being built. He joins young people in Australia to stop ships from entering the port of Newcastle.

¡°You should probably know the negative part of what we¡¯re about to do. This is the short list: drowning, arrest, being run over by boats, being carried away in water into the Pacific Ocean, cultural disrespect and big waves.¡±

Also in the film, Fox talks to Ella Zhou, an energy expert. She explained the importance of what she calls¡°moral(µÀµÂ) imagination¡±. ¡°I think that it forces us to get out of our box of thinking about, for example, what is being successful. It allows us to have a moral value about what we want as a person. What do we want to do for the world and for ourselves? ¡±

28. What does the underlined word ¡°that¡± refer to?

A. The extreme weather. B. The lack of food and water.

C. The pollution from fossil fuels. D. The support for renewable energy. 29. What did Fox start to explain in his third film? A. The centers of our value.

B. The correct response to climate change. C. The terrible effects climate change causes.

D. The process of removing natural gas from the ground. 30. Why did Fox make a short list? A. To call on people to join him. B. To express his love for adventure.

C. To prove that filming is a difficult career.

D. To stress the difficulties they met as climate activists.

31. According to Ella, which of the following is TRUE about moral imagination? A. It tells us the way to success. B. It makes us creative in thinking. C. It encourages us to realize our dreams. D. It helps us find the true meaning of life.


Mental health experts estimate that depression affects more than 120 million people worldwide. It severely affects the person¡¯s quality of life and, in extreme cases, can lead to people killing themselves. Anti-depressant medicines have been shown as an effective treatment for most patients. But the drugs are unable to help a small number of people with the disorder.

For such person, doctors may suggest deep transcranial magnetic stimulation(¾­Â­´ÅÁ¦´Ì¼¤), or DTMS for short. In this treatment, patients wear a special helmet connected to a machine. An electric coil(ÏßȦ)in the helmet sends out regular waves of electromagnetic energy. These beating sounds produce changes in the brain area responsible for the disorder.

Electromagnetic stimulation(´Ì¼¤) was first tried to treat depression over 30 years ago. Now, a new generation of wiring can direct the energy on one part of the

brain. DTMS starts with daily 20-mimute-long treatments for 20 to 30 days. The patient then returns for treatment two to three times a week for several weeks.

The only side effect is sometimes slight head pain. Aaron Tendler is the chief medical officer of Brains way, the company that makes the machine. He said that it¡¯s hard to say how long the effects of DTMS last.

DTMS is being used in Europe to treat both depression and other conditions. Patients there are getting treated for dementia, Alzheimer¡¯s and Parkinson¡¯s disease. And DTMS is even being used to help some Europeans give up smoking.

But in the United States, the Federal Food and Drug Administration(FFDA) has approved it only for the treatment of depression which cannot be treated by medicine. But clinical tests are continuing on other conditions, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Both of the disorders, like depression, can get in the way of a person working and getting along with people. 32. Why are people concerned about depression? A. Because it may lead to death sometimes. B. Because only a few people can recover from it. C. Because it does not affect social communication. D. Because medicine treatment usually fails to work on it. 33. How does DTMS help patients with depression? A. By wearing a helmet in daily life. B. By performing an operation on the head. C. By making them face the disease bravely.

D. By letting electromagnetic waves stimulate the brain. 34. What can we infer about DTMS from the text? A. It is quite safe to use it worldwide. B. The use of it in America is forbidden. C. It can cure patients of depression in a month. D. It will be widely used in treating more diseases. 35. What would be the best title for the text? A. Finding Hope in A Hopeless Depression
