
发布时间 : 星期二 文章CimatronE7.1-NC教程更新完毕开始阅读


We will now examine the remaining stock after this procedure. This Simulator application allows us to see a virtual representation of the milling.

From the NC Toolbar, select the Simulator and Verifier icon.

The Simulate & Verify dialog appears. By default, the selected procedure is copied to the list of procedures to be simulated (Simulate Sequence).

Click OK in the Simulate & Verify dialog.

Cimatron E 7.1 Getting Started in NC Tutorial 25

The Cimatron Simulator opens.

Click the Simulate mode icon

and then click the Start icon


After viewing the simulation, exit the Simulator.

26 Getting Started in NC Tutorial Cimatron E 7.1

Post Process

The final step in the NC process is Post Processing, where G-codes are generated.

From the NC Toolbar, select the Post Process icon.

For the Destination Folder, choose a directory into which the post file will be written. For Rename files of type, select G-code files only.

Cimatron E 7.1 Getting Started in NC Tutorial 27

Set the remaining parameters as shown below:

28 Getting Started in NC Tutorial Cimatron E 7.1
