
发布时间 : 星期日 文章CimatronE7.1-NC教程更新完毕开始阅读

Load Model

In this step we will import part geometry into the empty NC document.

From the NC Toolbar, select the Load Model icon.

From the Cimatron E Explorer, select the Getting Stared in NC.elt file (located under the \\\\Tutorial Work Files\\NC directory).

Click OK in the Import Feature Guide.

Cimatron E 7.1 Getting Started in NC Tutorial 5

In Cimatron E, more geometry can be imported into the NC Document, using the Load Model icon.

To perform CAD operations on the model, switch to the Part Environment by either clicking on the CAD icon

, or by selecting File / Environment / CAD.

After changes (adding to or modifying the geometry) have been made return to the NC Environment by either clicking on the CAM icon

,or selecting File / Environment / CAM.

6 Getting Started in NC Tutorial Cimatron E 7.1

Import Cutters

In this step Cutters will be imported for use within this exercise.

From the NC Toolbar, select the Create Cutters icon.

The Cutters & Holders dialog appears.

In the Cutters and Holders dialogue select Import Cutter.

From the Cimatron E Explorer, select the Cutters.elt file.

Cimatron E 7.1 Getting Started in NC Tutorial 7

Add all the cutters to the Selected Cutters list.

Click the OK button in the Cutter Library dialogue.

8 Getting Started in NC Tutorial Cimatron E 7.1
