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Getting Started in NC Introduction

Getting Started in NC Introduction

Welcome to the Getting Started in NC Tutorial. This tutorial is a step by step NC exercise which guides you through the Basic NC Work Flow, from loading a model and creating a Toolpath to defining and simulating procedures.

The Tutorial is split into three stages for your convenience.

1. Introduction 2. NC Procedures 3. NC Process Management Cimatron E 7.1 Getting Started in NC Tutorial 1

Open an NC Document

Select File/New Document, Select the NC option and select OK.

2 Getting Started in NC Tutorial Cimatron E 7.1

The NC Environment The NC Environment appears:

The display appears as follows when working in Advanced Mode.

The following windows can be seen:

(1) Menu Bar - contains all commands specific to the Cimatron E application and to the document you have opened).

(2) Icons Toolbar - default Icons Toolbars are initially displayed. Some of these toolbars are specific to the Cimatron E application you have opened. All toolbars can be customized as required).

(3) NC Toolbar - provides icons for each step of the NC process, from creating ToolPaths to simulating and post processing).

(4) NC Process Manager - a collapsible NC tree that displays all ToolPaths and procedures, as well as flags to indicate the status of items.)

(5) Procedure Parameter Table - all parameters for a procedure are listed in the Procedure Parameter Table, as well as geometry and cutters. All table functions such as edit, cut, copy and paste can be performed).

(6) Technology Selection Area - consists of a Main Selection (the procedure group) and a Subselection (the actual milling procedure).

(7) Graphics Area - the NC part and all relevant geometry are displayed in the Graphics Area. In addition, cutter motions are displayed after being calculated).

(8) NC Message Area - warnings and error messages are displayed in the NC Message Area).

Cimatron E 7.1 Getting Started in NC Tutorial 3

What you see on the NC Display depends on which mode you are working in: Wizard Mode or Advanced Mode. See the Online Help for an explanation of the two modes.

4 Getting Started in NC Tutorial Cimatron E 7.1
