
发布时间 : 星期日 文章高一英语必修一第五单元测试卷更新完毕开始阅读

52.According to the writer children should be given some money ________. A.in case they want to buy clothes B.when they are with friends

C.to decide to buy something they think fit D.when they go out eating

解析:细节理解题。由第三段“...but money to do with as they see fit.”可知答案。 答案:C

53.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.If a teen has a strong interest in money, he is sure to be able to handle money. B.The writer agrees that children may earn money by doing housework.

C.Children are excited to have their own money because they can make decisions on their own.

D.Allowance can be given to children weekly or monthly.



54.What does the underlined phrase “a bigticket item” mean? A.An item that costs much. B.An item that needs little money. C.Something that is cheap.

D.Something that needs a lot of time.

解析:语意猜测题。根据后面的句子“help him figure out how long it will take...based on the allowance...”可以推测该词语的意思为“需要花费很多钱的东西”。


55.We can infer from the passage that ________.

A.mother will buy the 100 dollars pants without using her daughter's cash B.Flomen doesn't feel sad though she didn't buy the pants she had been longing for C.Flomen would feel excited if she bought the expensive pants with her gift money D.Flomen would never have cash gift if she buy the pants with it this time




Bosses in Britain who are worried about their workers stealing, being careless or breaking

rules at work have been using new technology to find out for sure. Employers are using tiny cameras to secretly watch their staff. The cameras film everything that happens at work and record it all on videotape. Then the head of the company and the department bosses can watch the tapes to find out if their staff have been doing anything wrong.

Research has shown that companies in Britain lose more than 13.5 billion Renminbi every year because of crime by employees. Employers hope that these new cameras will help them to catch people who steal money or help themselves to office equipment. So far, the cameras seem to be doing their job very well. As a result of their use, several people—including one police officer—have been caught stealing. To their surprise, they immediately lost their jobs.

Bosses are trying another method to stop the theft of computer equipment. This uses special electronic tags which are linked to a computer system. The tags are put on all computer equipment and worn by all employees. The computer system knows which workers are allowed to take equipment home. Employees can not leave the office with a piece of equipment that they are not allowed to take. If they do, the computer system will stop them:an alarm will sound and the doors will lock before the person can leave the building.

Not surprisingly, many workers do not like the new cameras. They say that most employees do not steal or tell lies. They feel it is impossible for people to be happy at work when they are being watched all the time. Some employers agree. They know that the cameras and computer systems will stop a small number of people stealing. They don't, however, want to punish all their workers for the actions of a few.

56.Some British employers think their workers might be________according to the first paragraph.

A.working hard B.watching other employees

C.stealing, breaking rules or being careless D.stealing cameras

解析:细节理解题。见第一段第一句。 答案:C

57.Companies are using hidden cameras to________. A.watch employees B.watch customers C.take photographs D.watch employers

解析:细节理解题。见第一段第二句。secretly“秘密地”,引申为“躲藏起来”。 答案:A

58.Companies lose more than 13.5 billion Renminbi a year ________.

A.buying expensive cameras B.buying computer equipment C.expanding its operations D.because of crime by employees 解析:细节理解题。见第二段的第一句。 答案:D

59.Using another method, electronic tags will be put on ________. A.people and equipment B.people C.equipment D.cameras

解析:细节理解题。见第三段的第三句。 答案:A

60.Workers say that ________.

A. the new security systems will stop them stealing

B.most staff are honest, so the new systems are unnecessary C.they like appearing in videos D.they will still be able to steal things



第二节:下面是五个人想在广告搜索一些自己需要的信息。阅读下面六个选项(A、B、C、D、E 和F), 选出符合各自需求的最佳选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。

61.________ Adam has just graduated from Beijing University recently. He would like to be a newspaperman.

62.________ Wendy is rather disappointed because her wallet had been lost when she got on a bus to work.

63.________ It is Mr. Brown and his wife's third wedding anniversary. He plans to invite his wife to a romantic place to celebrate it.

64.________ The Smiths have just moved to Guangzhou and need to have a place to settle down.

65.________ Susan is a famous dancer with an attractive figure. She is putting on weight theses days, though. She is anxious to take some efficient action.


A black wallet with some money inside.

Come to Room 118 Great Hotel in the evening or call Tom at 2323 3388 B.WANTED

A 3bedroom apartment in the city centre. Rent fee: below $800 per month. Call Tony at 3836 3688 C.SINGLES' CLUB

A club for singles who are looking for new friends. Ages: 2545

Activities: parties, meals, swimming, concerts, dances... Time: we meet every Thursday at 8:30 pm! Address: 19 Jiangnan Road Tel: 3428 3488 D.SUNSHINE CLUB

Join us for a 10mile country walk on Saturday, October 10th. Children and pets are welcome. Meet at the NO.1 Super Market at 2 pm. Call Jeff at 6848 4866.


Do you like to talk with people? Do you like to write stories? Do you want to work for a magazine? Then come and work for us as a reporter. Please call Laura at 5555 8888.


This teahouse is designed for couples—most of the tables are for two. And all the tables look different. Here the couples will feel romantic indeed. The food is a little expensive, but the service is the best.

答案:61.E 62.A 63.F 64.B 65.D

第Ⅱ卷 非选择题部分(共40分)



下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写上该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。


Today I took part in the English singing competition of our school. Most of the singers and audience have been there when I arrived at the ball. See the large audience, I started to feel little
