
发布时间 : 星期一 文章高三英语非谓语动词训练更新完毕开始阅读

23. She can't help ______ the house because she?s busy making a cake. A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. being cleaned *知识点 only to do 区别:

We entered the supermarket ____ a shelter from a sudden rain.

A. to be finding B. to be found C. just to find D. only to find thus +doing 表示结果

Their car was caught in a traffic jam, thus________ the delay.

A. caused B. having caused C. causing D. which caused 24. I hurried to Professor Wang?s house only ______ he was out.

A. finding B. find C. to find D. found 25. We went out for a picnic yesterday ______ in a shower.

A. only to be caught B. being caught C. having been caught D. to have caught *知识点 first to do

26. This company was the first _______ portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world. (05 春考题) A. producing b. to produce C. having produced D. produced 27. The last man _______ the sinking ship was the captain.

A. left B. to leave C. to be leaving D. leaves *区别

28.The first textbooks_____ for teaching English as a foreign language came

out in the 16th century.

A. having written B. to be written C. being written D. written *知识点: 不定式带介词


1) I have a tough problem to deal with. 2) He spared me a room to stay in. 3) When can I get a pen to write with? 4) I need a knife to cut the meat with. 29. I'm not sure which restaurant ______.

A. to eat on B. eating at C. to eat at D. for eating 30. We had to eat _______ because we hadn't anything ______. A. to stand; to sit B. standing; to sit on C. to be stood; sitting on D. to be standing; sat *知识点 expect sb. to do 不定式作宾补

advise, force, cause, invite, allow, permit, forbid, ask, encourage, get, order, request, warn, beg, expect, persuade, tell, would like, want, remind, instruct, urge, inspire, command, push 等

31. Due to the heavy rain and flooding ,ten million people have been forced ________their homes (08春考题)

A. leaving B. to leave C. to be left D. being left

32. I didn't expect ______ such a large audience at the first performance of the

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A. there were B. there being C. there to be D. there had 区别:

My sister, an inexperience rider, was found sitting on the bicycle _____ to balance it. (08高考题) A. having tried B. trying C. to try D. tried *知识点 would like sb. to do

33. He would like them ______ every day.

A. be practiced B. to practise C. practicing D. practicing *不定式主动与被动

在“形容词+不定式”结构中,如不定式与句子主语有逻辑上的动宾关系,不定式多用主动常见的形容词有: dangerous, easy, fine, hard, impossible, nice, pleasant, fit等.

At the very beginning this kind of strange disease is difficult to control.

blame, let, seek 构成的不定式做表语时,只能用主动形式. Who is to blame for the traffic accident? 这次交通事故谁负责? Such a beautiful house is to let. 如此漂亮的房子是要出租的。 A better way to prevent this disease is not yet to seek. 预防该疾病的更好的方法还曾找到。

sb. is to blame 是个惯用法。sb. 作主语也是blame意义上的宾语。 形式主动,内容上表示被动。

I think the boy is to blame for his mistake. 通常情况下,blame 与其他动词一样。 I didn?t blame you, I blamed myself.

The students were blamed for their mistakes in their homework. *知识点blame 用主动

34. I feel it is your husband who ______ for the spoiled child. (02高考题)

A. is to blame B. is going to blame C. is to be blamed D. should blame

35. If there?s a lot of work ______, I?m happy to just keep on until it is finished. A. to do B. to be doing C. done D. doing (08高考题) 36. – I?m going to Hong Kong next week. Do you have anything ______?

-- Oh, that?s very kind of you. I?d like to have the clinique facial soap, for it?s very cheap there.

A. to buy B. to be bought C. to being bought D. bought *知识点 too ….to 结构

37. Which of the following sentences has the negative meaning?

A. My professor was too willing to give me a hand. B. My sister is too ready to go with me.

C. My parents were too pleased with my exam result to offer me a big reward.

E. My friend, Paco, was too nervous to answer the last question. *知识点: 不定式完成时

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I am sorry to have kept you waiting. Goodbye. I?m glad to have met you.

be to do 表示按计划或安排要发生的事或要求做的事。

You are to finish your homework by 5 o?clock this afternoon. We were to have attended the report yesterday, but we failed.

The teacher was to have taught us a new lesson this morning, but he

changed his mind.

I had hoped to visit you yesterday, but the heavy rain stopped me from

doing that. = I hoped to have visited you yesterday, but the heavy rain stopped me from doing that.

38. They appeared ______ well in the examination, for they all looked

light-hearted when they came out.

A. that they had done B. to have done

C. to be doing D. having done

39. He claimed _____ in the supermarket when he was doing shopping last


A. being badly treated B. treating badly

C. to be treated badly D. to have been badly treated *知识点 be believed to do / be said to do

40. The flu is believed ______ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat. (04高考题) A. causing B. being caused C. to be caused D. to have caused 41. Robert is said _____ abroad, but I don?t know what country he studied in. A. to have studied B. to study

C. to be studying D. to have been studying

42. At least 107 people were reported ______ in the ever recorded worst snow that struck southern China last winter. (08浦东新区卷) A. were killed B. to be killed C. killed D. to have been killed *知识点 be supposed to do

43. You are supposed ________ all your homework by now. A. to hand in B. to have handed in C. having handed in D. handing in *知识点 regret, remember, forget, mean ,

44. I regret ________ you that your application has been rejected.

A. informing B. being informed C. to be informed D. to inform 45. Charles regretted _____ the TV set last month. The price has now been


A. not buying B. not to buy C. not buy D. buying not

46. I didn't mean _______ anything, but these apples looked so good that I

couldn't resist ________ one.

A. to eat.., trying B. to eat.., to trying C. eating.., to try D. eating.., to trying

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47. Do you remember_____ to Professor Smith during your last visiting?

A. to be introduced B. being introduced C. having introduced D. to have introduced

48. She said that she would never forget ______ the door and ______ her

family ______ there as a surprise.

A. opening… seeing… stand B. opening… see … standing

C. to open… see… standing D. to open… to see… standing *知识点 allow, permit, forbid, consider, advise,

49. I don't allow_______ in my class, nor do I allow my family ______ at home. A. to smoke… smoking B. smoking… to smoke C. to smoke… to smoke D. smoking… smoking

50. – Who cleaned the classroom? -- We consider Tom ______ it.

B. to clean B. cleaning C. to have cleaned D. to have been cleaning 51. Energy drinks are not allowed ______ in Australia but are brought in from New Zealand. (06高考题)

A. to make B. to be made C. to have been made D. to be making 二.动名词与分词 *知识点 动名词作宾语 下列动词后面跟动名词作宾语

enjoy, admit, avoid, consider, deny, delay, involve, suggest, miss, finish, understand, mind, appreciate, postpone, dislike, imagine, stand, practise, excuse, risk, escape, mention, keep 等


give up, succeed in, look forward to, lead to, pay attention to, object to, devote….to , prefer… to…., insist on, can?t help, prevent…from, it?s no use, it?s no good, prefer…to…, put off, catch sb. doing , insist on, feel like 等

52. He denied _____ there that night. The fact was that he stayed there till the

next morning.

A. to have been B. to be C. having been D. in being 53. Some terrorists narrowly escaped ______ in the fierce battle.

A. to be killed B. to kill C. have killed D. being killed 54. In order to gain a bigger share in the international market, many state-run companies are striving ______ their products more competitive. (02高考题) A. to make b. making C. to have made D. having made

55. He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn?t risk ______ the good opportunity. (05高考题) A. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost

56. Because of the unexpected changes, they postponed ______ us a reply. A. to give B. giving C. to giving D. given 57. Community service can involve ______ in old people?s homes. A. gardening and to help B. garden and help

C. to garden and help D. gardening and helping

58. As a new drive, I have to practise _______ the car in my small garage again

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