
发布时间 : 星期四 文章(完整版)【2016年春】新版人教版新目标英语八年级下册全册教案更新完毕开始阅读

2. 辩一辩 fix,repair& mend

repair 用于建筑、堤坝、机器、车辆等的修理;fix是美语用法,等于repair; mend一般用于衣服,鞋袜等小东西,偶尔也用于道路、门窗等。

练一练:Can you my bike? 你给我修修自行车行吗?He is a road. 他正在修路。

3. run out of 意为_________________, 相当于 ______________. I have run out of my pocket money. 同义句:________________________________________.


1. 先看懂2a中的四幅图的内容,猜一猜他们的顺序;结合2a中的图,预先判断一下2b中的句子的正误。 2. 听录音内容,完成2a,2b的任务。 四、合作学习

1.小组讨论交流自主预习1a,1b的答案,并展示给全班学生。 2. 小组合作完成2c的对话练习。 【课堂练习】


( )1. A. set up B. start C. establish D. set off

( )2. A. take after B. look after C. look like D. be similar to

( )3. A. give out B. hand out C. give away D. put away

( )4. A. not…any longer B. no longer C. not…at all D. no more

( )5. A. work out B. mend C. fix up D. repair


掌握短语:run out of, take after, fix up, give away的运用及听力技能提高。



( )1. She doesn’t have any more of it.

A. takes after B. looks out C. runs out of D. gives away

( )2.Have you fixed them up? A. repair B. repairs C. repairing D. repaired

( )3. They take after me.

A. be similar to B. is similar to C. be similar with


D. are similar to

( )4.Could you put up the pictures on the wall?

A. hang B. take C. give D. bring

( )5. Did you think up a good idea?

A. set up B. cheer up C. come up with D. ran out of

( )6.We are no longer students. We should find a job. A. never B. still C. no…any more D. not…any longer


Once there was a man who had two children, a boy and a girl. The boy was good-looking but the girl was not. One day they found a mirror and for the first time they saw what they looked like. The boy was very pleased and he said to his sister, “How handsome I am! I look much nicer than you!” The girl did not like what her brother said and gave him a hard push. “Go away!” she said. Their father saw what was happening. He went up to them and said to the boy, “you must always be good as well look good.” Then to the girl he said, “My dear, if you help everyone and do your best to please, everyone will love you. It will not matter that you are not as good-looking as your brother.”


( )1. The story is about a woman and his two children. ( )2. The boy looked very nice and so did the girl.

( )3. The sister was angry and she pushed her brother away. ( )4.The father told his son if he could be nice and kind to people and ready to help, everybody would love her

( )5. The story tells us that the most important thing for a person is to be nice and helpful to people

Unit 2 Section B 3a-Self Check

【学习目标】 1.在课文中加深对短语动词的理解及其用法。2. 领会助人为乐是一种社会责任感的体现。

【重点、难点】在课文中加深对短语动词的理解及其用法。 【导学指导】

温故知新 把下列词组翻译成英语。

1.使振奋 2.用完,耗尽 3.打电话 4.分发

5.安装,修理 6.捐赠 7.与……相像 8.提出,



9.闲逛,逗留 10.给某人提供…… 自主互助学习 一、自主预习

1.词汇检测。 译一译,读一读,记一记

1)张贴,搭建 2)要求,请求 3)分发,发放 4)产生结果,发展 5)(互联网)站点 6)方法,策略 7)hang out

8) a professional singer 9) call-in 10)make money

2.自主预习3a,把文章中的短语动词找出,并下划线。 3.认真阅读3a,完成课本3b的任务。

4.自主预习完成Self Check 1的练习题,并掌握所给词的含义及其用法。 二、知识点拨

The strategies that he came up with worked out fine.他想到的那些办法获得了成功。

1)这是一个由that引导的定语从句,先行词是前面的strategies。动词短语worked out在这里作主语the strategies的谓语,意为“产生结果,发展为,结果是……”,后面不可接宾语,主语也不用“人”来充当。

I wonder how their ideas worked out in practice. 我很想知道他们的想法在实践中取得了什么结果。

2)work out 还有“算出”之意。如:I hardly __________ the math problem without his help yesterday. 没有他的帮忙,昨天我几乎不能算出这道数学题。 【课堂练习】


cheer up ,hunger ,volunteer, advertisement, come up with. 1.You could ____________ in the after-school study program. 2.They even hand out _________ at a local supermarket.

3.They must __________ some ideas for solving the problems. 4.I am going to take her to the cinema to ______ her ______. 5.We’re going to set up a food bank to help ______people all over the country. 【要点归纳】




1. I’m going to have my TV set ____________(repair) this Sunday.

2. Kathy wants to be a ________(profession) singer in the



3. We put up some ads ___________(ask) for old clothes and books.

4. I came up with ideas for _________(make) money to continue my study.

5. Many students volunteer their time _________(help) poor people.

6. Now Jimmy has sixteen bikes _________(fix) up and give away the poor children .


1. Don’t _________(张贴) advertisements here and there. 2. Many kind-hearted people __________(捐赠)some money and foods to the homeless people in Japan after a terrible earthquake hit it.

3. On weekends quite a few students like to _________(闲逛)at sports club .

4. Jim __________(与……相像) his father, They are both clever and a bit quiet.

5. This math problem is too difficult for me to___________(算出)。 三、完型填空:

Jimmy is a schoolboy. He likes old bikes very much. Last week 1.______ was trying to cheer up Jimmy the Bike Boy. But 2.______ week, Jimmy is happy again. 3._____ Monday he told a radio interviewer that he had run out of 4.______ to buy old bikes. He also put up some 5.______ asking for old bikes and called up all his friends and told them about the problem. He even 6._____ advertisements at a local supermarket. Then he told the teachers at 7.______ about his problem and they set up a call-in center for parents. The strategies 8._____ he came up with worked out fine. He now 9.______ sixteen bikes to fix up and give away to 10._____ who don’t have bikes.

( ) 1. A. everyone B. every C. all D. both

( ) 2. A. that B. these C. this D. those

( ) 3. A. In B. On C. At D. With

( ) 4. A. money B. time C. food D. water

( ) 5. A. pencils B. books C. pictures D. signs

