中考英语看图填词50篇 - 完型填空专项练习,广东历年重点

发布时间 : 星期四 文章中考英语看图填词50篇 - 完型填空专项练习,广东历年重点更新完毕开始阅读



It(1)w Saturday yesterday. Li Lei and Zhang Hua(2)d go home. They(3)s in the classroom to read and write.

It was noon. It was(4)t for them to have(5)l . They left the classroom. About two(6)h later(之后),they came(7)b to the classroom, again. “Look, Li Lei!”said Zhang Hua. “There is a problem(题目)on the(8)b .” “What's the next number, please?”asked Li Lei.

“Let me(9)s . Um, I know it's(10)n !”answered Zhang Hua.



Zhang Ying studies at No. 5 Middle School. She is never late for school.

Yesterday morning she got up at seven as usual. After breakfast, she 1 at half past seven. On her way to school she 2 on the road. She picked it up and stood on the roadside(路边). But nobody 3 . She decided to send it to the police. She went to the nearest police station and 4 what had happened. The policeman received the bag and said to Zhang Ying.“ 5 ,thank you.”

Though Zhang Ying was a few minutes late for school yesterday, she was happy. Her teacher and classmates were happy, too.

1.______________2.______________ 3.______________4.______________ 5.______________ 22


1.It was Sunday morning. The 1 was fine. David and his friends didn't go to school. They went fishing in a river. His friends caught one fish after another, but David caught none.

2.Half 2 hour later, David had an idea. He went to a fish shop and 3 a big fish in it.

3.Then he went back to the river. He 4 the hook(鱼钩)into the fish's 5 , and then threw the fish into the river. His friends knew nothing about all this, because 6 of them had his own work to do.

4. 7 a few minutes, David shouted, “What a big fish I've caught 8 last!”His friends were all surprised when they saw David pulling a big fish up 9 the water. They asked him how he was able to catch 10 a big fish. David had nothing to say, and he only smiled instead.

1.____ 2.____ 3.____ 4.____ 5.____ 6.____ 7.____ 8.____ 9.____ 10.____ 23



1.One 1 day, Li Ping, a boy of eight years, saw an old man when he was on his way to school.

2.Li Ping lifted his umbrella(雨伞)for the man. But he wasn't 2 enough to 3 the man's head with the umbrella.

3. 4 could he do it? Suddenly he had a good 5 . 4.He 6 the man and asked 7 the stick.

5.He 8 the stick from the man and tied it to the umbrella.

6.He 9 go to school until he sent the man to his home. He might be 10 for school, but he felt very happy.


看图,并根据图示填入适当的词使句子意思完整,每个空格只能填写一个英语单词。 1.Jim ____ up early every morning. 2.He goes to school on ____ every day. 3.He has lunch ____ twelve o'clock.

4.In the afternoon he usually goes to have a ____. 5.In the evening he gets ____ for his new lesson.


It is a fine Wednesday morning. There are many children near the river. They are students of 1 Middle School. They are students of Grade One. There are two 2 with them. All of the students are 3 . They are having their Young Pioneers' Day.

They are not playing games now. They are working. They are 4 trees and flowers. Some of the girls are carrying 5 for the new trees. The teachers are helping them. They are all working hard. Good work, Young Pioneers!

1.A.the Fifth B.the Fifteenth C.No.50 D.No.5 2.A.teachers B.doctors C.parents D.farmers

3.A.League members B.Party members C.Young Pioneers D.soldiers

4.A.getting in B.getting down from C.cutting down D.planting 5.A.snow B.water

C.ice D.earth



One day a 1 arrived at a woman's house. He borrowed a pan 2 __her. Very soon he returned 3 to her. He also gave her a 4 one and said it was a baby. The woman 5 very pleased and took it.

A 6 days later the farmer had some visitors. He asked the woman to lend him the 7 again. He 8 not return it unitl the woman came to get it back. He told her that the pan was 9 . But of course, it was only a joke. He gave it back 10 her at last.




Dear Bill,

Please come to supper at 6 this evening. This is how you can get to my house by____(1). First, take Bus No. 22 and get off at the Post Office near the____(2). Walk on until you see a crossing. Then turn____(3)and go straight down Xiang Yang Street. Take the____(4)turning on your left and go down the road. It's the third house on your left. There's a____(5)in front of my house.


根据所给图的内容填空,每空限填一词。 A

My friend Fang Ming likes meat and rice ____ much. She likes ____ and milk a little, but she doesn't like ____ at all. What about ____?“I don't ____,”she says.

