
发布时间 : 星期二 文章国际贸易实务期末考试复习资料更新完毕开始阅读

是“指定目的港”(“named port of destination”)。

27. FOB and CFR share one thing that .

A. risk is transferred when the goods pass the ship’s rail

B. they can be used in any mode of transport

C. the seller will be responsible for the unloading at the port of destination

D. none of the above 解:FOB 与 CFR 两术语的共同点之一就是卖方的风险在货物跨过船舷时转移。

28. According to the Incoterms 2010 under CIF if the goods get loose from the hook and fall into the sea during the loading stage, should hold liable for the loss.

A. the buyer B. the seller

C. the carrier D. both the seller and buyer

解:CIF 术语下卖方的风险在货物跨过船舷时转移。如果货物在装船过程中从吊钩 上滑落入海,此时货物未过船舷,所以卖方仍然承担风险。

29. The Incoterms 2010 requires the buyer to handle the import customs clearance except under _.

A. EXW B. FCA C. DDP D. DDU 解:《2010 年国际贸易术语解释通则》的规定进一步方便各贸易方的操作。除了 EXW 和 DDP 外,其它 9 个术语都要求贸易商负责在本国的清关手续。DDP 要求卖方负责办理 在进口国的清关事宜,而 EXW 则要求买方负责办理在出口国的清关事宜。

210. Under term it is especially important for the seller to provide shipment notice to the buyer.

A. FOB B. CIF C. FAS D. CFR 解:CFR 情况下买方承担运输过程中的风险但又不负责安排运输,因此卖方及时提 供装船通知给买方变得尤其重要,得到了装运的准确信息买方才能够为货物买保险,以降 低其运输过程中可能出现的损失。

31. A message bearing the content as “… have the intention to purchase 1000 gross ?Black Girl? toothpaste, please quote us the best price and the earliest shipment time” is called .

A. an offer B. an inquiry

C. a counteroffer D. an acceptance


32. If the CIF price of a product is USD100/set, freight charge USD10/set, insurance premium USD10/set, commission rate 2%, the commission payment based on CIF price should be .

A. USD 1. 60/set B. USD 1. 63/set C. USD 2. 00/set D. USD 2. 04/set 解:要计算佣金的金额,就必须先计算出含佣金的 CIF 价格。 CIFC2=100/(1-2%)=102 102×2%=2. 04

33. Which one of the following prices is correctly expressed?

. A. CNY 3. 50 per piece CIF Hong Kong B. USD 3. 50 per piece CIF C. RMB 3. 50 per piece CIFC London D. USD 3. 50 per piece CIFC2 London 解:答案 B 在 CIF 后面漏掉了目的港的名字;答案 C 没有注明佣金的百分比;A 和 D 似乎都正确,由于人民币还不是一个国际通用的货币,所以报价时使用一种通用的外币 更合适,D 是最好的选择。

34. According to CISG, a contract can be established when A. an acceptance becomes effective


B. the seller and buyer sign on a written contract

C. the contract is approved by authorities

D. an offer reaches the offeree

解:根据 CISG,当一方接受另一方的报盘时,合同就可以确立了。

5. When the offeree makes modification to , his reply cannot be seen as a counteroffer.

A. the price B. the payment term C. the packing D. the quality and quantity

解:如果一方对另一方的报盘在价格及支付方式、货物质量及数量、交货地点及时 间、双方对对方所负责任和纠纷解决方法上进行重要更改,则被认为是对原报盘进行还 盘。 如果对以上提及内容以外的东西进行修改,则视报盘方的反应而定,不一定构成还盘。

36. An offer will be terminated when .

A. it is rejected B. it is counteroffered C. it is legally revoked D. all of the above 解:一个报盘在以下几种情况下都会被终止:被合法撤回或撤销; 在有效期内未被接 受; 被拒绝或由于不可抗力使报盘中的承诺的义务无法实现。

37. A cabled offer reached the offeree on 12/03. However one day before the offeror had informed the offeree by fax that the offer had been invalid. This act can be considered as . A. a withdrawal of an offer B. an amendment of an offer

C. a new offer D. a revocation of an offer 解:报盘方在初始报盘到达询盘方之前通过另外一则消息终止了原报盘,这是对该报 盘的撤回行为。

38. A foreign buyer cabled that “offer dated 10 Aug. accepted, if 5 % commission included”. This is _.

A. an acceptance B. a counteroffer C. an inquiry D. an offer

解:尽管文中出现了“accepted”的字眼,但该则消息对价格进行了修改,所以应被视为 还盘。

39. ABC made an offer to XYZ. Under which condition can the two parties establish a


_. A. EFG which is recognized by XYZ accepted the offer within validity period.

B. Based on previous experience, XYZ indicated acceptance without receiving the offer.

C. XYZ accepted the offer within validity period, but suggested earlier shipment. D. Within the validity period, XYZ accepted the offer completely. 解:A 答案中 EFG 并非报盘的对象,他做出的接受没有效力;在 B 答案中 XYZ 没 有收到报盘的情况下表示接受,也是没有依据的;C 答案中 XYZ 提出了“earlier shipment”, 这其实是一个还盘,不是接受。

310. The standard form of a price consists of the following items EXCEPT A. currency B. port or place of destination

. C. unit D. number

解:构成一个正确价格的四要素应该是货币、金额、单位和贸易术语(包括术语名和 港/地名)。

41. Counter sample can also be called


A. duplicate sample B. sealed sample C. confirming sample D. reference sample 解:对等样品是卖方根据买方提供的样品加工复制出一个类似的样品并交买方确认, 这种经确认后的样品也称之为“回样”或“确认样品”。

42. Which of the following clauses is appropriate for a contract of sale by sample?

A. “The quality of the goods delivered should be the same as the quality of the sample.”

B. “The quality of the goods delivered should be equal to the quality of the sample.”

C. “The quality of the goods delivered should be about equal to the quality of the sample.”

D. “The quality of the goods delivered should refer to the quality of the sample.”

解:采用凭样成交时,当卖方对品质无绝对把握时,应在合同品质条款中做出品质机 动的规定,如“品质与样品大致相同”中的“大致 about”就起了类似作用,故答案为 C。

43. “1000 pairs of shoes” is an example of using to specify quantity. A. weight B. length C. volume D. number 解:在国际贸易中,不同类型的商品,需采用不同的计量单位。“1000 双鞋子”显然是 按数量计算,故答案为 D。


is NOT frequently used in international trade.

A. Metric System B. British System C. U. S. System D. French System 解:在国际贸易中,通常采用公制(Metric System),英制(British System),美制(U.S. System)和国际单位制(The International System of Units,简称 SI),故答案为 D。

45. The method suitable for measuring the weight of the importing wool is the . A. theoretical weight B. conditioned weight C. weight settled by the buyers and sellers D. dry net weight 解:国际贸易中的羊毛、生丝等商品有较强的吸湿性,其所含的水分受客观环境的影 响较大,故其重量很不稳定。为了准确计算这类商品的重量,国际上通常采用按公量计算 的办法。

46. If the actual net weight of a shipment of wool is 30 M/T with an actual regain of 20%, the conditioned weight is . (suppose the standard regain is 10%)

A. 25 M/T B. 32.7 M/T C. 27.5 M/T D. 33.75 M/T

解:公量,即以商品的干净重(指烘去商品水分后的重量)加上国际公定回潮率与干净 重的乘积所得出的重量,其计算如下:

Conditioned Weight = Actual Weight × 1 +

1 + 10% ????????????????????????????????????

???????????????????????????????? 1 +


= 30 × 1 + 20% = 27.5

47. According to UCP600, “about” allows the quantity to be more or less. A. 3% B. 5% C. 10% D. 15%

解:UCP600 Article 30 a. “约”或”大约”用于信用证金额或信用证规定的数量或单价 时,应解释为允许有关金额或数量或单价有不超过 10%的增减幅度,故答案为 C。

48. More or less clause in a sales contract mainly includes the following EXCEPT A. percentage of more or less B. total amount


C. party determining the more or less D. pricing for the more or less part 解:数量的增减条款或溢短装条款通常包括数量的机动幅度,机动幅度选择权的规定 以及溢短装数量的计价方法,故答案为 B。

49. A credit stipulates that the quantity of the bulk cargo is 1000M/T and total amount is USD 0.9 million. It shows no “more or less clause” and partial shipment is not allowed. According to the UCP 600, . A. the quantity and total amount of the goods delivered should not increase or decrease. B. the quantity and total amount of the goods delivered can be 10% more or less. C. the quantity and total amount of the goods delivered can be 5% more or less. D. the quantity of the goods delivered can be 5% more or less, while the total amount cannot exceed USD 0. 9m. 解:根据 UCP600 第三十条 b.在信用证未以包装单位件数或货物自身件数的方式规 定货物数量时,货物数量允许有 5%的增减幅度,只要总支取金额不超过信用证金额。所 以只有当货物的数量以重量计算(不是以包装单位件数或货物自身件数的方式规定),且 总支取金额不超过信用证金额,货物数量允许有 5%的增减幅度。故答案为 D。

410. According to international trade practice, unless otherwise stipulated in the contract.

should provide the shipping marks
