English Loan-words in Chinese

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社会的发展和对词汇的需求量成为了词汇发展的基本条件和强大推动力。随着中国更深入的对外开放,中国与其他国家有了更深的交流,与此同时,人们生活中出现了更多的媒体和信息渠道,这些都为丰富现代汉语词汇提供了便利, 扩大了中文词汇。


关键词 :英语外来词,民族文化心理,语言,社会


1 Introduction

Language is significant to human communication. It reflects social reality, and carries human civilization. With the development of Chinese society and the expansion of political, economic and cultural exchanges between China and English-speaking countries, language borrowing has become a very common means in the development of Chinese. Chinese speakers often make use of words from English to refer to something which they can not explain in Chinese clearly. And the English words they use are called borrowings, or loanwords. Loanwords may cover many aspects of human life, including politics, art, science, religion and so on. Language borrowing not only enriches the vocabulary of Chinese, but also helps people in China and English-speaking countries to understand each other. Therefore, it is of great value to study language borrowing.

This paper attempts to explore language borrowing thoroughly so that more and more people can understand English loan words and use them in a suitable way. The whole thesis is organized into seven parts. The first part is an introduction about the purpose and the fundamental content of the thesis; the second part explains the factors of English loan words’ coming into Chinese; and the third part introduces the development of English loanwords in Chinese; the fourth part offers an analysis of different borrowing methods; and the fifth part puts forward the influence and meaning of English loanwords in Chinese; the last part presents a conclusion of the study.


2 Why English Loanwords Come to China

2.1 The social and historical factors

The Chinese nation and the historical background of different geographical environment is caused by the number of Chinese loanwords disparity. Britain's island nation, the nation is surrounded by water, in the process of the formation and development of foreign invasion and conquest. Early in the 20th century, along with six of Christianity, many Latin words such as mass, the apostle and angel, Pope, monk was assimilated into English. The 8th century A.D. Scandinavian invasion of Scandinavian languages brings you, for example, root, they, ugly, etc. British and some low-lying countries, especially the Netherlands and other countries of the trade development, was led to the English about 2500 words from the Dutch. The Renaissance of inflow of English words is a peak period, this period are humanists ancient Greek and Roman culture, so a Latin and Greek into English, such as pollen and axis omen, genius, etc. With the establishment of the colonies throughout the world, Britain developed the world trade. During this period, English was spread to North America, Latin America, Africa and other regions in the language of a large vocabulary. Until the early 20th century, the British territory occupied a hundred times more colonies, be called \development of international trade settlement, Britain also absorbed many languages from colonies and other countries.

With the development of science and technology, the international association of more frequent, lots of English words borrowed, English has become the world's most widely, the most common language, and it continues to constantly form other languages in words. China has a history of more than 5000 years, Han nationality in a long-term sealed, self-sufficient lives environment. Due to the Han nationality in population and economic and cultural development of absolute advantage, so as the ruler of the language is still didn't suffer much influence. Although the Han nationality has absorbed and peripheral to the national borrow some words. But the effects of exposure to Chinese are very limited. In the history of Han nationality, no large-scale overseas conquered several conquering and to conquer surrounding by national. And these are the national culture of ethnic culture. 8O introduced


the reform and opening, along with the influx of foreign culture, economy, as the carrier of loanwords through open gate pouring, history of Chinese loanwords.

2.2 Chinese traditional culture, the psychological factors

Chinese traditional culture is caused by different Chinese loanwords psychological disparity is the main reason for the number. English nation in the process of the formation and development of many foreign invasion and conquer, from this diversity of national characteristic, formed a kind of new things, he is very sensitive to absorb the national outstanding thought and culture, and the use of \cultural psychology. The cultural psychology in language is to absorb foreign words furthermore bold use. English words number, absorb assimilation strong function is due to the traditional culture of the English national psychology, the Han nationality has its own traditional culture and psychology. In its long history of development of countless cultural brilliant achievements, and form a complete set, the unique cultural patterns. Foster a sense of national pride and self-confidence. This kind of traditional culture with different psychological tend to the western culture from an exclusive to the psychological effects of alien culture and implement Seclusion policy, foreign language despise in-depth study. The cultural psychology of borrowed words hindered. Investigate its reason, major is formed for a long time of the Han nationality with the characteristics of social culture closed. The Qing dynasty of China has been in the feudal state before. Execute is self-sufficient natural economy. The vast land, rich resources, and many of the population, plus the ancient working people create developed culture and advanced civilization, formed a independent, since long, produced by oneself, the natural circulation system. The economic condition does not need extensive trade contacts, so the neither Chinese nor hiking in the western culture communication is necessary. From the geographical point, China to the west, the traffic is very inconvenient from the social culture and ethnic hindered communication and the foreign language vocabulary of input. In addition, Han ethnic culture is one of the most important characters on systemicness and integrity. The cultural characteristics of borrowed words also limit. From the language structure, Chinese is a self-sustaining square glyph ideogram, while English is featured with letters for the main logo phonetic fractal characters. So whenever using words, the Chinese always try to its system from its systematization and integrity. The processing, make its localization. This feature greatly restricted the

