
发布时间 : 星期六 文章上海市徐汇区学年高三第二学期学习能力英语诊断卷更新完毕开始阅读


(满分140分,考试时间120分钟) 2018.4

II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A

Traveling Frog Stimulates Reflection

A free mobile game about a traveling frog has become a hit in China, (21)________ being available only in Japanese.

Called “Tabikaeru: Travel Frog”, the main character of the game is a frog that goes on adventures around Japan. Players collect clovers(四叶草) that grow in the frog’s garden (22)________ ________ they can use them to buy supplies for the frog’s journeys. In turn, the frog sends players souvenirs and snapshots from its travels. Users cannot control when the frog chooses to go on its adventures.

While news of the game’s appeal among mobile phone users on the mainland was first reported on by local media outlets last week, its popularity hasn’t decreased in any way since: “Travel Frog” on Monday was still ranked first on a list of the most (23)__________(download) games from Apple’s app store in China. It is being widely discussed on social media, (24)__________ users post photos of their frogs’ adventures.

Behind the craze is Japanese game developer Hit-Point, which was previously best-known for creating the popular cat-collecting game “Neko Atsume”. Even though (25)__________ is difficult to pinpoint what has driven interest among mainland users in “Travel Frog”, local media outlets reported

that the game’s slow nature was part of its charm.

The game was popular as it “tapped the trend among younger generations in China to search out ‘Zen-like’ activities”, China Daily said, (26)_________(add) that those users were taken with its “Buddha-style gameplay”.

But not everyone is thrilled about “Travel Frog”. In a post on social media platform Weibo last week, the state-run People’s Daily suggested that people (27)__________ aim to enrich themselves and “avoid being a lonely frog-raising youth”.

As an indication of the popularity of the “Travel Frog”, Apple has already had to remove from its store an app that appeared to be the Chinese version of the original, the South China Morning Post reported. That version of the game, which (28)__________(create) by a developer called Song Yang, charged users 30 yuan ($4.74) to download the game. On Monday, another free-to-download app available on the app store claimed it offered strategies and guides in Chinese that players could adopt (29)___________(improve) gameplay.

While Hit-Point has not responded to inquiries about (30)_________ it intends to develop versions of the game in other languages or not, the company did put out an English update for “Neko Atsume” in 2015. Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. alarming B. properties C. revealed D. invasive E. rescue F. instrumental G. households H. document I. concerned J. amateur K. initiatives Before science became professionalized in the 19th century, __(31)__ naturalists were collecting information and helping us understand the natural world. A 2009 study found that nearly 50% of UK __(32)__ feed wild birds. The National Trust has more than 5 million members, and 60,000 active volunteers helping to protect the countryside as well as historic __(33)__. Now, with our environment arguably under greater threat than ever and species declining at a(n) __(34)__ rate, volunteers are once again at the forefront of efforts to limit the damage.

Volunteers and enthusiasts can be powerful drivers for big changes. On the Isle of Man, more than 8,000 people (nearly 10% of the population) are involved in regular weekend beach cleans. At one recent event, 123 volunteers turned up and removed 183 bags of litter in just a couple of hours. Thanks to __(35)__ such as this, the island shares Unesco biosphere reserve status with the Galápagos, Yellowstone in the US, Uluru in Australia, and hundreds of other sites.

Recreational divers are making a real difference underwater too. They monitor the spread of __(36)__ species, and record how native species respond. Divers also __(37)__ levels of marine litter and other human impacts. Volunteer divers have played an important role in collecting information about marine conservation zones. Volunteers have also made a vital contribution to the conservation of basking sharks. The work of a citizen science Basking Shark Project in the 1980s and 90s was __(38)__ in getting these sharks on the

protected species list in the UK, while satellite tagging __(39)__ the first recorded transatlantic crossing by a basking shark.

Volunteers and enthusiasts can be powerful drivers for big changes. No one can know better, or care more about, our most special places than the people who live in them and give up their free time to look after them. As a group of divers and __(40)__ residents who lived on the shores of the bay, they took their campaign on to national and international stages and continue to inspire people who might otherwise feel powerless when faced with threats to the places that matter to them. III. Reading Comprehension Section A

Deliberate practice refers to a special type of practice that is purposeful and systematic. __(41)__ regular practice might include mindless repetitions, deliberate practice requires focused attention and is conducted with the specific goal of improving __(42)__.

The greatest __(43)__ of deliberate practice is to remain focused. In the beginning, showing up is the most important thing. But after a while we begin to carelessly __(44)__ small errors and miss daily opportunities for improvement. This is because the natural tendency of the human brain is to __(45)__ repeated behaviors into automatic habits. __(46)__, when you first learned to tie your shoes you had to think carefully about each step of the process. Today, after many repetitions, your brain can perform this sequence __(47)__. The more we repeat a task the more mindless it becomes.

Mindless activity is the __(48)__ of deliberate practice. The danger of practicing the same thing again and again is that progress becomes __(49)__.
