
发布时间 : 星期五 文章2017-2018学年八年级英语上学期期末教学质量检测试题人教新目标版更新完毕开始阅读


Sarah: 31My classmates like game shows and sports shows.

Grace: Oh, 32Ilove soap operas. Ilike the story and see what happens next.

Sarah: Well, 33But my favorite TV shows are the news and talk shows. Grace : 34

Sarah: Well, they may not be very exciting, but you can expect to learn a lotfrom them. 35one day.

A. I don’t mind soap operas. B. We had a discussion about TV shows. C. Is your favorite subject music? D. I can’t stand them. E. I hope to be a TV reporter. F. They’re boring! G. What about the fruit? Ⅳ.阅读理解(10分)每小题1分 (A)

2018 Spring Festival Dinner Party Invitation Sincerely invite you to this special event for celebrating Chinese New Year! Enjoy delicious Chinese food. Watch great performances. Enjoy fun games. Friday, the 16 of February 7:00pm – 11:00pm New world Hotel, 12 floor, 2-68 West Nanjing Road We hope to see you there! Please call Ben Smith at 565-7490 before February 13. ththth根据短文内容选择最佳的答 36. The dinner party isfor .

A. The Spring Festival. B. New World Hotel's opening C. Ben Smith's birthday D. Delicious food

邹孟轲母,号孟母。其舍近墓。孟子之少时,嬉游为墓间之事。孟母曰:此非吾所以居处子。乃去,舍市旁。其嬉游为贾人炫卖之事。孟母又曰:此非吾所以处吾子也。5 / 13


37. The guests will doat the dinner party. A. Make food. B. Give performances. C.Play games. D. Sing and dance.

38. The dinner party is going to be held .

A. in the afternoon B. on Friday C. on January 24th D. at noon 39. The dinner party is going to last .

A. 2hours. B. 3hours. C. 4hours. D. 5hours. 40. If you want to go to the party ,you will call Ben Smith . A. before February 13th B. after February 13th C. before February 16thD. after February 16th ( B ) OUR BUSES CAN MAKE YOUR HOLIDAYS

East Bus--- maybe the best choice(选择)on your visit to the famous places ofinterest in Beijing.

Sit back, relax and see all there is to see, withno need to worry about driving, finding a parkingplace or leaving your car with no one to watch it.

We have lots of buses taking you to visit Tian’anmen Square, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven Park, the Olympic Center and the Great Wall. The trip will take you three days.

邹孟轲母,号孟母。其舍近墓。孟子之少时,嬉游为墓间之事。孟母曰:此非吾所以居处子。乃去,舍市旁。其嬉游为贾人炫卖之事。孟母又曰:此非吾所以处吾子也。6 / 13


Chinese & English speaking guides.

Ordering by phone four days in advance(提前)

Price:580.00 yuan each person ( half price for the children under l.2m tall), including(包括) the ticket price, breakfast and lunch.

For more information, please phone Yong'an Turism Company at 010-23368688.

Address:356 Chaoyang Road, Beijing Open 7days a week: 8:00-16:00

41. When the visitors visit the places ofinterest on an East Bus, they .

A. have to worry about the driving B. have to find a parking place C. need to watch their cars D. can sit back and relax themselves

42. From the ad(广告),we can see that East Bus is a kind of . A. tour(旅游)bus. B. village bus C. airport bus D. school bus

43.on an East Bus can speak two languages.

A. The guides B. The drivers C. The visitors D. The children

44. Children under l.2m tall need to payfor the trip.

A. 230yuan. B. 290yuan. C. 320yuan. D. 460yuan.

邹孟轲母,号孟母。其舍近墓。孟子之少时,嬉游为墓间之事。孟母曰:此非吾所以居处子。乃去,舍市旁。其嬉游为贾人炫卖之事。孟母又曰:此非吾所以处吾子也。7 / 13


45. The trip will take you .

A.two days B. three daysC.four days D.five days V.补全对话。

在下面对话的空白处填人适当的话语(话语可能是一个单词、短语或句子), 使对话完整正确。 Nick: 46,Jill?

Jill: I'm reading a book about the future. Nick : Sounds cool. S0 47 ?

Jill : Well, in the future, cities will be fewer trees and the environment will be ingreat danger.

Nick : 48 ! Will we have to move to other planets? Jill : Maybe. But. I want to live on the earth. Nick : Me. too. Then49 ?

Jill : We can use less water and plant more trees. Everyone should50 insaving the earth.

Ⅵ. 完型填空(10分,每空1分)(用方框里所给词的适当形式填空)

four, travel, they, thank, this, need, have, good, be, main, die, tradition Thanksgiving in the United States

In most countries, people usually eat 51 food on special holidays. A special day in the United States 52 Thanksgiving. It is always on the 53 Thursday in November, and is a timeto give 54 for food in the autumn. At this time, people also remember the first 55 from England who came to live in America about 400

邹孟轲母,号孟母。其舍近墓。孟子之少时,嬉游为墓间之事。孟母曰:此非吾所以居处子。乃去,舍市旁。其嬉游为贾人炫卖之事。孟母又曰:此非吾所以处吾子也。8 / 13
