
发布时间 : 星期三 文章江苏省南京市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考英语试卷(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读

Chinese Culture Talk on Lao She’s “Teahouse” in Toronto Speaker: Pu Cunxin Place for the lecture: Toronto The first Chinese Culture Talk, about Chinese drama, was held at Toronto University on November 4.

51. Which of the following statements about Chinese Culture Talk is TRUE?

A. It is mainly organized by social forces in China.

B. It is a yearly event to promote traditional Chinese culture.

C. It presents lectures given by officials in the Chinese Ministry of Culture. D. It invites people all over the world to China to enjoy culture-related activities. 52. What were African people most likely to know about China from Chinese Culture Talk?

A. Chinese opera. C. Chinese instrument. 53. This passage is written to A. offer help

C. present information

B. Chinese drama. D. Chinese costumes. . B. give advice D. provide explanation


Four “Fun facts” that are complete lies, but you believe them

No.1 You can see the Great Wall of China from space

things from far away. But even from a low orbit, eye, and not exactly easy to pick out with an

This seems right, doesn’t it? The Great Wall of China is huge, after all, and you can see large

it’s pretty much invisible (看不见的) to the naked advanced camera lens. Strangely, this myth ( 谬 论 ) existed before we even went into space, so it had the opportunity to become a “fact” before it could even be checked. There are many other man-made objects visible from space, but because the Great Wall is made from rocks gathered in

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the surrounding area, it doesn’t stand out against the landscape enough to be visible. How Stuff Works helpfully suggests that China could paint the wall in hot pink to fix the matter.

No.2 Einstein failed at school

Einstein, the modern archetypal genius (天才), failing at school is a “fact” which serves as an encouragement to under-performing schoolchildren and is repeated by motivational speakers wanting to make some point about failure and success. It would be fairly comforting if true, but reality doesn’t tend to care about how comfortable you are. There are versions of this myth focusing on maths, but in either case, it’s just not true. The myth seems to result from the fact that the grading system used in his school was changed the year after he left—from 1 being the highest mark to 6 being the highest. Einstein got 1s, but to anybody looking back at his grades, it would

seem like that meant he’d failed.

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Many people claim that if you wake someone when they’re sleepwalking, the shock of finding obvious reasons. So, it’s better to guide a sleepwalker back to bed without waking, themselves not in bed will lead them to suffer a but if you do

heart attack or otherwise do some serious damage. In actual fact, waking somebody who is sleepwalking does them no harm whatsoever. They might be a little confused. In fact, they could hurt themselves by continuing to sleepwalk freely, for

No.4 Sharks don’t get cancer

This fact has gained acceptance despite having merely been invented as a reason for selling people shark cartilage pills as a cancer cure. Firstly, even if it was true that sharks didn’t get cancer, that

wouldn’t mean that using a part of it was a cure or treatment for cancer. There were treatment. In short, eating shark cartilage pills does nothing for cancer patients. And to pile more stupidity on top of it, sharks clearly do get cancer.

54. Why are we unable to see the Great Wall directly in space?

A. The colour of the rocks is not hot pink. B. Advanced cameras are not employed. C. It’s too small to stand out from far away. D. The Great Wall is made from nearby rocks. 55. What does the underlined sentence in No.2 mean?

A. Failure is the mother of success. B. Reality has something to do with fantasy. C. Success and failure should be both experienced. D. Assumption is one thing, but reality is another. 56. Which of the following may be the subtitle of No.3?

A. Sleepwalkers might be at a loss B. Sleepwalkers might attack others C. Waking sleepwalkers will harm them D. Waking sleepwalkers will shock them

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57. Who are more likely to benefit from the lie “Sharks don’t get cancer”?

A. Drug providers. C. Cancer patients.

B. Health advisors. D. Shark researchers.


Foreign visitors to the UK might be disappointed when they learn that not everyone there speaks like Harry Potter and his friends. There’s an assumption by many non-Brits that everyone in Britain

speaks with what’s known as a Received Pronunciation (RP, 标准发音) accent, also called “the Queen’s English”. While many people do indeed talk this way, most Britons speak in their own regional(区域的) accents. Scouse, Glaswegian and Black Country—from Liverpool, Glasgow and the West Midlands—are just three of the countless non-RP accents British people speak with. There are even differences in accents between towns or cities just 30 kilometers apart.

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