牛津译林版高一必修二英语Unit Two 单元学习能力检测(无答案)

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牛津译林版高一必修二英语Unit Two 单元学习能力检测(无答案)

skills, students progress through different levels.By the time they' re done, students learn how to create their own custom-developed game.

That’s exactly what someone like Michael hopes to achieve.“I really want to create things, really educational programs that teachers could use.Many things. Also games,\

Code Ninjas has summer camps to introduce coding and for web design. Full- day and half-day camps with different prices are offered.

28. How does Michael probably feel about his summer camp at Code Ninjas?

A. Bored.

B. Worried.

C. Satisfied.

D. Surprised.

29. What does the underlined part “get the hang of\

A. Use.

B. Teach.

C. Review.

D. Understand.

30. What do we know about Code Ninjas coding camps?

A. They are open to kids of all ages.

B. They offer free coding education. D. They have some programs for teachers.

C. They help train future programmers. 31. What does the text mainly introduce?

A. The importance of coding.

B. A boy who loves technology. D. The different levels of coding skills. D

C. An educational summer camp.

Sometimes everything seems to go wrong at once. Maybe you have got behind with schoolwork, quarreled with a friend or lost something you really liked. As more things happen we get more stressed, which means we get too tired and can't think properly, which means more things go wrong!

What happens when you feel stressed? When you get stressed out about something, your

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牛津译林版高一必修二英语Unit Two 单元学习能力检测(无答案)

body is affected in a number of ways. ·Your heart beats faster. ·You feel sick.

·Your breathing gets faster. ·You sweat (出汗) more.

·It is hard to get to sleep, or you wake up feeling like you didn’t really sleep because you still feel tired.

What can you do if you feel stressed? Learn to relax.

Exercise is great and it can help you sleep if you are doing some as part of your day. If you' re not sure what to do, look up“Exercise\

Exercise which gets you to move about is very good, but if you are not an active person, then here are some ideas for you.

Look at the pictures.

Isometrics are exercises in which you use your muscles against something that doesn’t move, like trying to pull your hands apart when your fingers are holding on to each other.

All these exercises are good if you are feeling a bit stressed or unable to go for a walk or do any other form of exercise at that time. You can even do some of them sitting on the bus or train. 32. The passage is mainly about ______ .

A. learning to relax C. bad sides of stress

B. the signs of stress

D. keeping fit through exercise

33. The author supports his idea in Paragraph 1 through______ .

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牛津译林版高一必修二英语Unit Two 单元学习能力检测(无答案)

A. examples B. questions C. pictures D. stories

34. Which of the following belongs to isometrics?


B. C. D.

35. Where is this passage most probably taken from?

A. A newspaper.

B. A magazine.

C. A textbook.

D. A website.

第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选的项。

Running is a popular form of exercise that provides great health benefits (益处) for everyone. It helps with weight control, slows down aging and keeps the heart healthy. There are other benefits besides those related to health. 36.____________You don’t need a gym membership or expensive equipment (设备). For that reason and others, running is a favorite form of exercise for many people.

If you want to run, how can you get started? 37.____________ He or she will let you know if you' re healthy enough to begin a new running workout. If your doctor says OK, you' re ready to go!

What's next? 38.____________ They don't need to be expensive; they just need to give your feet good support. Then, find a running partner. On days that you don't feel like exercising. a partner can help motivate(激励)you. 39.____________ It is always ready to go outside, and the exercise makes it healthier, too.

What's more, practice safety first. Be careful of the traffic and run facing the cars coming toward you.40 They prevent you from hearing cars, stray(走失的) dogs, etc. Be sure to wear bright clothing in order to be seen easily.

If you' re ready to start, why not join the next \Run\The event benefits children and

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families in need. It’s a great way to experience the joy of running while helping others.

A. Run for fitness.

B. You can run almost anywhere. C. Choose a good pair of running shoes. D. Don' t wear headphones while running outside. E.As we age, we seem to lose the enjoyment of running.

F. If you can'↑find a friend who enjoys running, take your dog along. G. If you haven’t exercised for a while, you should check with your doctor.

第三部分 语文知识运用

第一节 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

It was midnight and flood waters were hitting Virgil Smith' s hometown of Dickinson, Texas. As floodwaters took over his first-floor flat, 13-year-old Virgil and his mother Lisa Wallace 41.______ in a hurry, the water rising to nearly above their heads. Two men helped Lisa up nearby stairs to a neighbor' S flat on the second floor, while Virgil_ 42.______ to the stairs.

When Virgil 43.______ the top step, he received a call from his friend Keshaun asking for 44..______ Keshaun and his family were trapped by floodwaters in their flat. Virgil 45.______ an air mattress (充气床垫) that his family used for guests, and he thought it could make a_ 46._____ raft(充气救生筏).

So he swam back to his flat to_ 47._____ it and then sprang into action. He pulled the air mattress to the back window of Keshaun' s building and 48._____ lifting members of his friend' S family onto the air mattress one by one._ 49._____ Keshaun' s family got on the mattress, he pushed

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