
发布时间 : 星期六 文章仁爱版七年级英语下册U6T1SC教学设计更新完毕开始阅读


a kitchen and a dining room. ... 2. Assign homework: Review the words and phrases in this section; Go on writing your home. Then report it to the class next day; Preview Section D. Teaching reflection: 本节课是一堂阅读课,我们摒弃了以往静悄悄的学生个人阅读,设计了读前读题看图猜测、读中两两问答、读后结合关键词进行复述等活动,让阅读活动立体、生动起来,同时还将阅读和口语、词汇等结合起来对学生进行综合的能力训练。对于个别学困生,由于其词汇积累不够,知识结构不够全面,因此教师可降低难度,让他们在简单的任务中体会成功的喜悦。 VII. Blackboard design

Topic 1 There is a study next to my bedroom. Section C 1. What is in the center of the yard? center in the center of 2. What’s at the back of the yard? yard flower 3. What’s on the left of the yard? house large 4.—How many model planes are there? left model —There are three. only 5.—How much water is there? —Only a little.

