
发布时间 : 星期六 文章新人教版六年级英语下册第四单元教案更新完毕开始阅读

XXXX中心学校电子备课教案 人教版六年级英语 (下)

(3)T再次播放磁带,Ss cross out the words you didn’t hear,后讲评改正。

4. Let’s wrap it up. Talk about the changes below. 三、趣味操练(10-15分钟)

Story time.

1.T: Look ,Zoom and Zip are talking about changes .What are they talking about ?Let’s read.

2.观察主图,让学生阅读故事,了解故事大概,画出不理解的句子。 3.听录音理解并仿读故事。 4. 填空。

(1)Let’s ____(watch) TV together. (2) He _____(wash) clothes yesterday.

(3) Did you ____(play) football this morning? (4) There ____(are) many trees last year. (5) Amy ____(see) a film last night. 四、运用拓展(5-8分钟)

1.学生小组内完成关于动词过去式的转换。 2.学生串讲本科故事给同座位听。 五、评价反馈(3-5分钟)

1.教师评价,生生互评。 2.说说这个单元的知识点。


It was raining.

In summer, the tree was green. There was a building before. The cat was on the chair.


【板书设计】 Unit 4 Then and now

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