东财 - 行政管理 16年秋 大学英语2在线作业答案

发布时间 : 星期四 文章东财 - 行政管理 16年秋 大学英语2在线作业答案更新完毕开始阅读

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2、 He had some statues in his study. One was a lady ______ nothing but a bath towel. A: wearing B: wears C: wore D: to wear 答案: wearing

3、 Son (in the kitchen): Shall I turn on the burner?

Mother: ______________. I haven’t finished peeling the potatoes. A: No, not still B: No, not yet C: No, not already D: No, not just 答案:

No, not yet

4、 Many of our most deeply ______ opinions are held simply as a result of the fact that we happen to have been “brought up” to them. A: rooting B: roots C: rooted D: root

答案: rooted

5、 I hear that you are ______ collecting stamps. Could I have a look? A: pleased with B: similar to C: interested in D: ready for 答案:

interested in

6、 Martin and Mary ______ their baskets of seeds on a fence outside the village. A: rested B: took C: threw D: stole 答案: rested

7、 Today we know more about ______. We’re better at preventing illness. A: medicine B: pollution C: environment D: population 答案: medicine

8、 Molly: Charles, would you like to go to a party this Saturday? Charles: ___________.What kind of party? Molly: It’s a birthday party. A: Seems all right B: Looks nice C: Sounds good D: Feels excellent


Sounds good

9、 Printing ______ greatly at the beginning of the 11th century. A: was developed B: is developed

C: will be developed D: has been developed 答案:

was developed

10、 My father took the photos ______ we lived in Cambridge. A: though B: since C: until D: when 答案: when

11、 The young man ______ teaches us English is from America. A: who B: which C: whom D: whose 答案: who

12、 –How are you getting on there? –Don’t worry. ______ goes well. A: Something B: Everything C: Anything D: Nothing 答案:


13、 My grandma thinks people don’t eat as ______ as in the past. A: well B: better C: best D: the best 答案: well

14、 I made a big cake ______ chocolate and grapes. A: to B: from C: with D: on

答案: with

15、 They asked to find out the real ______ of the machine. A: invent B: inventing C: inventor D: invention 答案: inventor

16、 Mum, I can’t eat any more. I’m ______ already. A: thirsty B: still

C: starving D: full 答案: full

17、 Woman: Thank you very much for your help. Man: ________. A: Never mind B: It doesn’t matter C: Not at all D: No thanks 答案: Not at all

18、 The sign “No Smoking” means “You ______ smoke here.” A: can’t B: needn’t C: mustn’t D: won’t 答案: mustn’t

19、 Mr. Smith: I’d like a double room for tonight. Clerk: _________________________

Mr. Smith: Yes. I called you last week from New York. My name is George Smiths. A: Do you have a reservation? B: Have you paid beforehand? C: Have you made an order? D: Do you have an appointment? 答案:

Do you have a reservation?

20、 Ben: Mommy, when will we have dinner? I’m starving. Mother: _______.We have to wait for daddy. A: O.K., honey B: Quickly, honey C: Soon, honey D: All right, honey 答案:

Soon, honey

21、 Don’t drink the soup. It smells ______. A: wonderful B: terrible
