
发布时间 : 星期二 文章鲁教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期中考试试卷C卷更新完毕开始阅读


姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________

一、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)

1. (10分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

Hi! My name is Li Weikang. I'm fourteen years old. I'm 1 Class 4, Grade 7. Today I'd like 2 you something about our classroom. We 3 a big and bright(明亮的) classroom. There are twenty-four boys and twenty-two girls in our class. So there are 4 desks and chairs in the classroom. There are two blackboards in it, 5. In front of one blackboard, there is a 6 desk. Some flowers are on it. There are two maps 7 the wall. One is a map of China, and 8 is a map of the world(世界). There is a book shelf 9 the back of the classroom. We have lessons here and we 10 our classroom every day. Our classroom is very nice and I like it very much.


A . at B . on C . in D . out (2)

A . to tell B . telling C . there are D . tell (3)

A . there is B . has C . there are D . have (4)

A . forty-five B . fifty-six C . forty-eight D . foforty-six

第 1 页 共 13 页


A . also B . too C . near D . early (6)

A . teacher's B . teacher C . teachers D . teachers' (7)

A . on B . in C . under D . behind (8)

A . other B . others C . the other D . the others (9) A . in B . on C . at D . / (10)

A . are cleaning B . clean C . cleaning

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D . to clean

二、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)

2. (6分) If you have no special plans for your holidays, why not spend your time helping others?

Don’t listen to people who say that young people today often think only of themselves. It’s not true at all. More and more young people in the USA volunteer to spend their school holidays working for others. And they don’t do it for money. Here are some of their stories. Alice Hamilton, 17 I’m going to help the Forest Center build new hiking paths(小道) in the mountains. It’s going to be terrific(棒极了). I will spend the whole summer living in a tent(帐篷) and breathing the fresh mountain air. I’m going to sleep under the stars. It will be a nice sport, and I will be able to do something good at the same time! Jason Moore, 18 This summer, I’ll volunteer with Special House Program. They build good, low-cost houses and sell them to the poor. They’ll teach me what to do, so I am going to help people and also have a chance to learn how to build houses. Trish Anderson, 16 I’m going to teach children who have trouble in reading. I’ll work for a program called Reading For Life. Every day, I’m going to help children choose and read books that they like. I want to be a teacher, and I love children and reading, so this is going to be a great experience for me. (1)What does Alice volunteer to do in summer? A . To sleep under the stars.

B . To spend the whole summer living in a tent C . To help build new hiking paths in the mountains. D . To be a teacher

(2)From the passage, we know that Jason Moore _____. A . likes reading B . is 18 years old C . isn’t very rich D . likes children

(3)________ wants to be a teacher.

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A . Alice Hamilton B . Jason Moore C . Trish Anderson D . The writer

3. (14分)根据表格内容,选择最佳答案。 The Blog of Rosie The Weekend By Rosie | June 6, 2016 Hi! I'm on vacation here in London… and it's fantastic! On Saturday I was in the British Museum for three hours. On Sunday I visited Tower Bridge. Where were you over the weekend? Tell me your news! DISCUSSION Sophia·9:30 Glad you're having a great vacation. I was in the Summer Palace in Beijing on Saturday. I was there for a flower show. It was amazing! And there were lots of people. But on Sunday it was rainy and I wasn't very well. I stayed in bed for a whole day. ● Replay ● Share Steve·10:10 It was cloudy the whole weekend in Paris. On Saturday I was at a football game with my classmates. It was exciting! On Sunday I was at the shops with Ann for four hours. ● Replay ● Share Jack·11:00 I wasn't at home over the weekend. On Saturday I was in Scotland for a trip. It was a lovely, warm day and I had a picnic with friends. It was great! Sunday was boring. It took me five hours to get back home. It was a long journey. 第 4 页 共 13 页
