广东省河源市中国教育学会中英文实验学校七年级英语下册 Unit 3 How do you get to school Section B1同课

发布时间 : 星期六 文章广东省河源市中国教育学会中英文实验学校七年级英语下册 Unit 3 How do you get to school Section B1同课更新完毕开始阅读

How do you get to school


1.能够掌握掌握think of / It’s easy to do /There be 等短语和句型。 2.能熟练使用有关乘坐交通工具的对话,培养自己的时间观念。 第一段:【短课导学】 模块一:自主学习

学习内容 Step1 : Free talk 1)Greeting 2) – How do you get to Kejiang Park? –How long does it take to Kejiang Park? –How far is it from school to Kejiang Park? Step2: Review (补全句子) 1. 你通常怎样去深圳? you usually Shen zhen? 2. 你走去学校花多长时间? does it take you to ? 3. 从河源到香港有多远? is it Heuyuan Hongkong? Step3: Leading Look at the PPT ,ask and answer questions. 1) How do you get to school? 2) How does your grandpa get to the park? Step4: Reading and listening听读--感悟短文 1.Listen P14 1c-1d and finish the questions. 2.Listen P14-2b carefully and answer the following questions. 1)How do the students in the village go to school? 2)Why do they go school like this? 3)Does the boy like his school? Why? 4)What is the villager’s dream? Do you think their dream come true? Why or why not? Step5:品读 ----读出理解(自主学习:独立安静完成) 划出P14-2b的重点句的翻译和重点短语 1.1 What he thinks of the trip. 他认为这段旅程怎么样? 1.2 What do you think about the school trip? 你认为这次学校郊游怎么样? 【归纳】think of 意为__________; 可与__________互换。 【练一练】鲍勃认为旅行怎么样? What _________ Bob _________ _________ the trip? 2.1 It is easy to get to school. 到达学校是容易的。 2.2 It is difficult for me to ride a bike. 对我来说,骑自行车很难。 摘 记 【归纳】easy意为 , difficult意为 .for是 词,意为“对......来说” “做某事对某人来说......是的”的结构是It is +______+(for sth ) sth.。 【练一练】做早操是容易的。 It is do morning exercise. 3.He is not afraid because he loves school.他不害怕因为他爱学校。 【归纳】害怕的;恐惧的,翻译为 ,是_______词,所以前面要和系动词 连用。 “_______ ________+(that)+从句”意为“恐怕......”。 【练一练】 小女孩因丢了钥匙很害怕。 The girl because she missed the keys. 4.1 One 11-year-old boy 一个11岁的男孩 a four-day trip 一个四天的旅行 【归纳】多个词汇用连字符“-”链接,构成的复合______词,用来修饰______(形容词/名词)词。 注 意:a 30-page book 一本30页的书 这 里的“year、day、page”都是用单数。 【练一练】一本50页的书 一位20岁的女孩 5.He is like a father to me对我而言他像父亲一样。 【归纳】 意为“像...一样” like 在这里作介词。 【练一练】 那条鱼看起来像条船。The fish a big boat. 6. Can their dream come true?他们的梦想能实现吗? 【归纳】 意为 “实现;成为现实” 【练一练】 我认为我们的梦想能实现。 I think our dream can .

第二段:【长课导学】 模块二:交流研讨

研讨内容 Step1: Please check the answers in groups,then find the differences. Step2: 交流展示--展示P14-1e的内容,请学生扮演Bob 和Bob 的朋友,并进行对话表演。 合作交流对话展示,注意展示姿态、展示次序、语音语调及肢体语言的运用。 摘 记

模块三:巩固内化 学习任务 【反馈训练】请结合课文,写短语 1.去学校很容易 2.对学生而言 3.它是困难的 4.在学校和乡村之间 5.十一岁的男孩 6.他不害怕 摘 记 7.他像我的爸爸 8.许多学生 9.实现 10.他们的愿望

四、当堂训练(独立完成) 授课时间 第1周 班级 姓名 四、当堂训练(独立完成) 授课时间 第4周 班级 姓名 课题:Unit3 How do you get to school? Section B1 1a-2c 第3课时 老师的话:复杂的事情简单做,简单的事情认真做,认真做的事情重复做,重复做的事情创造性做!一时专一事,做最好的自己,你一定成功! 一.用括号内单词的适当形式填空。

1. Is it easy for them ___________ (get) to school? 2. The river runs too __________ (quick) for boats.

3. His brother ____________ (cross) the river on a ropeway every day.

4. Can this dream ___________- (come) true?

5. All the _____________ (village) want to have a nice bridge. 6. It takes six hours to get to his _____________ (grandparents) home.


1. The woman is walking into the shop. (就划线部分提问)

___________ is walking into the shop?

2. He often has bread for breakfast. (改为一般疑问句) ________ he often ________ bread for breakfast? 3. Mr Wilson goes to work by bus every day. (改为同义句) Mr Wilson ________ ________ ________ ________ work every day.


The Green family live 1 Mexico City.

On Sundays they 2 up early. They don’t have a 3 breakfast, only coffee,

bread and butter. Then they go to church. 4 church they all go to the park in the center of the city. First they go 5 on the lake. 6 they sit under the trees and have their picnic lunch.

The children fly their kites. Mr Green always 7 after lunch on Sundays! In the 8 , the small children ride the bikes. At about five o’clock, they buy fruit

or ice cream and then they 9 the bus home.

They have dinner 10 . Then the children go to bed. Mr and Mrs Green go to bed early too on Sundays.

( ) B.on C.of

( ) B.get C.gets D.getting ( )3.A.small B.quick C./ D.big ( )4.A.Before B.After C.When D.Ago

( ) boat boating C.boating ( )6.A.Then B.Them C.But D.And

( )7.A.going sleep B.sleep C.sleeps sleep ( )8.A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.night ( )9.A.have B.ask C.bring D.take

( ) home the restaurant the home hotel
