人教版七年级下册英语1-4单元知识点总结和练习题 (2) - 百度文库

ʱ : 人教版七年级下册英语1-4单元知识点总结和练习题 (2) - 百度文库ϿʼĶ


Unit1 Can you play the guitar?


play the guitar play the piano play the drums ù play chess speak English ˵Ӣ join the swimming clubӾֲ be good with sbijദĺ be good forԡ洦 be good ató help sb with sth help sb do sthij˸ij do Chinese kung fuй show sth to sb = show sb sth ijij˿ ﷨

1. Can you play the guitar? ᵯ

Yes, I can. ǵģһᡣNo, I cant. Ҳᡣ

play + the+ʾijplayʱǰtheplay +ʡʾߡij򡱡 2. Can you speak English? ˵Ӣ

speak English˵Ӣspeak + ԡʾ˵ijԡ 3. I want to join the art club. ֲ

(1).joinǶʣΪμӣ롱ӱʾ塢ֲ֯ĴΪij塢ֲ֯ΪеһԱʾijۻᡢʱҪӽinjoinڡjoin sb ( in doing sth)ṹУΪ뵽ijУһij£

(2).ԾֲƽʱʴWhat club磺I want to join the art club.Իֽ߲ʱǣWhat club do you want to join? 4. What can you do? ʲô

What can you do? ǶɵĶʡ磺He can play the piano.Իֽ߲ʣǣWhat can he do?

5. Are you good with kids? ͺദĺ

be good with sb Ϊijദĺábe good for Ϊԡ洦be good atΪó 6. Come and join usǰɣ

Come and join usʹ䣬Զԭοͷcome join Dzйϵ and 7. Can you help kids with swimming? ܰӾ help sb with sth / doing sth Ϊij˸ij¡

8. Musicians Wanted for School Music FestivalΪѧУֽƸּ ְҵ + wantedʾƸ

9. Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums or the guitar? ᵯ١ȡùĻǻᵯ

һѡʾ䣬еѡorѡʾ䲻YesNoشֻܴеһѡ磺Are you in Class 1 or Class 2? Im in Class 1. / Im in Class 2.



10.We want two good musicians for our rock band. ΪǵҡֶƸּҡ for our rock bandΪΪǵҡֶӡ 11.I can do Chinese kung fu. һй

do Chinese kung fuΪй򡱣еdoʵ⶯ʡ 12.You can be in our school music festival. ԲμѧУֽڡ be inΪμӣ롱

13.Please call Zhang Heng at 622-6033. ź绰622-6033 call sb at + 绰 Ϊij˴绰򡤡 14. Whats your address? ĵַ

ʡĵַʴwhatwhere. 磺Whats your e-mail address? 15.Can you play the guitar well? 㵯ᵯúܺ

play the guitar well úáwellgood ĸʣʵ嶯playʵ嶯Ҫøʡ

16.Come and show us. ʾǿ

show sth to sb = show sb sth ijij˿磺Show your photo to me.= Show me your photo. д ʾдһƪ60ҵĶģһGreen Music ClubijԱVictorCindyʵӡ

Victor 12 Ӣ ó ϲ Cindy 13 ó ϲйĽ ʾʻ㣺Americanˣdumpling ; be good at doing sth. óij ䷶ģ

Victor and Cindy are in Green Music Club. Victor is twelve years old. He is English. He is good at playing the piano. He likes Beijing Opera. He often goes to see Beijing Opera on Sundays. Cindy is thirteen years old. She is an American girl. She is good at playing the guitar. She likes Chinese dumplings very much.

Unit 2 What time do you go to school ?


What time do you usually get up I usually get up at six thirty.



What time does Rick eat breakfast He eats breakfast at seven oclock. When does Scott go to work

He always goes to work at eleven oclock. He is never late. Thats a funny time for breakfast. Ե㣺

1.getشget up 𴲣get on ϣȣget off£ȣ2. interestedinteresting

Interested Interesting ȤԡȤ ˸ȤģȤ ÷ ͨΡˡͨbe/get/feel/become interested inṹ ͨΡ 3.oclock÷ָӡ֮Egsix oclock 4.funfunny



It is more fun to go with someone than to go alone. ЯͬȥԼȥ档 Its funny to see a man walk with his hands and head.һ˵·ܻ 5.ʱı

ӵȶСʱٶӣ磬ʱa.mp.m 4:30p.m. four thirty p.m.

ӵĵǰСʱĶ+past+30half15a quarter 8:14fourteen past eight

Сʱ+to+δĵ 8:46fourteen to nine 6. half aan+ʵ one and a half+ʸʽһ롭 half past 롭

7. quarterһӣķ֮һ һӣʮ 8. go to bed go to sleep go to bed go to sleep ÷ ǿϴ˯Ķ̣ޡ˯š˼ ǿ˯˯šһǿѾ˯š 9sometimessometime

Sometimesʱʱ Ƶȸ Sometimeijʱ ʱ丱 10.ʾʱĽ in , on at ÷

1). on ھijջijյ硢硢ϵǰ on July 2nd ¶ on Sunday on the morning of May 1st һյ糿 on the morning of last Sunday ϸ糿

2). ϡ硢֮ǰܡꡢ͵֮ǰ eg: in the afternoon in summer



3). at ھʱ֮ǰһе硢ƻ衢ҹ֮ǰ eg: at six oclock at noon

ʱǰ next , this, last, everyʱýʡ

Unit3 How do you get to school?

1. get to school ѧУ 2. take the subway ˵ 3. ride a bike г 4. how far Զ 5. from home to school ӼҵѧУ 6. every day ÿ 7. ride the bus ˹

8. by bike г 9. bus stop/station վ 10. think of Ϊ 11. between and ڡ֮͡ 12. one 11-year-old boy һ11к 13. play with ͡ 14. come true ʵ 15. have to ò 16train station վ 17. subway station վ 18.cross the river 19.betweenand ڡ֮͡ 20.go on a rope way 21.school day ѧ 22.11-year-old 11


1. take + the/a + ͨ + to + ص = get/go to + ij + by + ͨ e.g. He often takes the subway to work.= He goes to work by subway.

ע: home, here, there صʱ, to Linda takes the bus home. մ˹ؼҡ 2. How do / does get to ? ģ 3. How far is it from to ? ӡжԶ

4. It takes sb. some time to do sth. ij»ij˶೤ʱ䡣 e.g. It usually takes me five to ten minutes to get there by bus. 5. How long does it take ? Ѷ೤ʱ䣿 6. It is + adj.(ݴ) + to do sth. ijǡ. 7. Thanks for + n. / v. ing л㣨ij¡ ر

1. C How do you get to school? - I ride my bike. 2. How far is it from your home to school? 3. How long does it take you to get to school? 4. For many students, it is easy to get to school.

5. There is a very big river between their school and the village. д

һѧֽͨߣҪʱ䣬ҵѧУжԶȡ ䷶:

Hello, I am Lucy. Its three kilometers from my home to school. I always walk to school with my friends. I like to talk with them. It takes half an hour. Sometimes I ride my bike. Its interesting. It takes about ten minutes. ģã¶ҼҵѧУԶǺҵDzеѧУϲ졣ȥѧУҪСʱʱгȥѧУȤҪʮӡ

Unit4 Dont eat in class. ɡ

1. on time ׼ʱʱ 2. listen to 3. in class ڿ 4. be late for ٵ

5. have to ò 6. be quiet 7. go out 8. do the dishes ϴ; 9. make breakfast 緹 10. make (ones) bed ̴ 11. be noisy 12. keep ones hair short ̷ 13. play with sb.

