
·¢²¼Ê±¼ä : ÐÇÆÚÁù ÎÄÕµڰˣ¬¾ÅÖÜÆßÄ꼶ӢÓï¿ÎºóרÁ·unit1-6´ÊµÄÊʵ±ÐÎʽÌî¿Õ¸üÐÂÍê±Ï¿ªÊ¼ÔĶÁ


´ÊµÄÊʵ±ÐÎʽÌî¿Õ ×÷ÒµÈý ×÷ÒµÒ» date_________ date_________

1 . Let us ____(go) to an 1. Bob¡¯s baby has two ___( tooth ) action movie . 2 . She ____(go) to school at around 2 . I want ____(join) the art eight o¡®clock . club . 3. Thanks for ___(he) letter . 3. My brother ____(not have) a 4. He can ____( play ) the piano . guitar . 5.My brother is a great 4. Here ____ (be) a card for ___( music) . you . 6. She always ____(eat) lots of 5. His friend Frank ___(like) fruit and vegetables . bananas . 7. She thinks ice-cream ___(taste ) 6. This story is very good ____( interest) . ×÷ÒµËÄdate_________ 7. Mr. Green can play the piano 1.Jerry ___(go) to school at seven ___( good ) o¡¯clock .

9. Beijing opera is ___( real ) 2.There are twenty-four ___( hour) fun . in a day .

10. They like ___ ( china) 3.Little Tommy ___ ( brush) his kongfu very much . ___(tooth)every morning . 4.Mr. white usually ____( take) a ×÷Òµ¶þ shower after lunch . date_________ 5. Rick often____ (watch)TV at six 1. Xu peidong and Qiaoyu are thirty . Chinese ___(music) 6. My cousin does like ____( play ) 2. Can your sister ___ the sports . violin . 7.That¡¯s a ______( fun) time for 3.Please ___(call) me at breakfast . 898-2336 . 8.Scott has an ____(interest) job .4. Come and ____(join) our clubs . We have many clubs here . 9.Do you like______( sleep )a 5 .Let me help you with your little longer in the morning ? painting . ____( Thank) a lot . Yes , I like it very much . We need help for our ___(swim) 10.I usually eat very club . ____( quick ). 7. Can you play the violin ___( good ) 8 . Look at the ad . It says ,¡±×÷ÒµÎå Teachers ___(want) for Weekend date_________

1.Mary ____(ride) her bike to

Class ??

school every day .

9. The school needs help 2.It takes ____(she) about an hour ___( teach ) music . ___(do) her homework .



3.His home is about forty 4. Mary has ___( many) books than ____(kilometer) from his school . Jane.

4. Do your friends ride their 5.There is no _____( bridge), so we ___(bike) to school . can¡¯t cross the river. 5 .He needs about 10 minutes 6.I take a bus ____( go ) to school . ___(get) to school . 7.In china ,a good way of ___(get) 6.There are three school ____(bus) to school is bike . at our school . 7.It¡¯s about ten minutes to get to ×÷Òµ°Ë date_________ work by ____( car ). 1.John often ___(arrive) late for 8 .one hundred and one hundred is school . two _______(hundred) . 2. Do you have to practice 9.It takes me half an hour ___( do) ___(speak) English every day . my homework every day . 3.Please ____(put) up your hand if 10.Dave ___(live) about 5 you know the answer . kilometers from school . 4.Can you help me ___(do) the ×÷ÒµÁù dishes ,please ? date_________ 5. No____( fight)at school . 1.He lives in a small village in 6.Don¡¯t ______( fight) at school . Guizhou and he never ____(leave) his village . ×÷Òµ¾Å date_________ 2.There are no _____( bridge) over the bridge . 1.Please don¡¯t run in the 3. ¨Chow old is your grandma ? ___( hallway) - He is ninety _____(year) old . 2.We have a lot of school 4.He ___(cross) the river to school ___( rule) .

every day ,but he isn¡¯t afraid . 3. We can¡¯t ____(listen) to music 5. Be ___(quick) , it¡¯s time to go in class . to school . 4.Peter,don¡¯t ____(fight)with 6. Many ___( village) dream to have your brother . a bridge in his village . 5.He ___(have) to wear the school 7.How do you get to your uniform at school . ___( grandma ) home ? 6. This is Jim¡¯s _____(one) day in 8. _____(thank) for your last our school . He is new . e-mail . 7. You can¡¯t bring your music ___(play) to school . ×÷ÒµÆß 8. What ____(be) some of the rules ? date_________ 9.There are too many ___(rule) at 1.Danny is ____ (worry) about his my house . Chinese . Can you help him ? 10.His dog is too ______(noise) at 2.Look, There are a lot of ___( boat) night . on the river . 11.She says she doesn¡¯t have any 3.My sister is afraid of ____(speak) ________(funny) at school . in front the class . 12He has to do the ___(dish)



5.He ___(feel) his school rules are with his pen pal now . very terrible . 2. Sam often ____( go) to the movies 6.My sister only ____(relax) six with his parents . hours every night . 3. Here ___(be) two letters for you . ×÷ҵʮһ date_________ 4. Do you want ____(work) for a magazine ? 1.Let ¡®s go to the park ____(one). 5.Let¡¯s ____( play) computer 2.The boys want ___(play) soccer games . now . 3.Let¡¯s ____(take) a bus to the zoo . ×÷ҵʮËÄ 4.My pet cat can _____(walk) on two date_________

1. The teachers are (friend) to legs .

their students. 5.Where are ___(tiger) from ?

6. ¨CDo you think giraffes are 2. Let see the pandas (one). smart ? -Yes , I think so . And I 3. John usually (relaxing) on

weekends. like ___(they) very much .

4. He is from the United States, but he

can speak (France). ×÷ҵʮ¶þ

5. Yangyang lives in Beijing. She likes date_________

(play) soccer.

1.Look! Those students are 6.How many(¶àÉÙ) (leaf) are there

on the tree? ___(clean) their classroom .

2.A student must ___( listen ) to 7. Do you want (visit) the Greet

Wall(³¤³Ç)? his teacher carefully in class .

3.Do you want to go to 8. I like dolphins, but my brother

(like) pandas. the____(movie)with us ?

4.Listen ! Joe is ____(talk) on the 9.Nacy usually (sleep) and (get)

up late(Íí). phone .

10 please _______(is) quiet, the 5.-where is Lucy ?

-She is ____(exercise) on the teacher is coming. playground(²Ù³¡£© 6.My mother washes the ____(dish) ×÷ҵʮÎå after dinner every day . date_________

1.Mr. Green can play the piano 7.Look ! He ___(play) basketball

___( good ) with his friends.

2. Bob¡¯s baby has two ___( tooth ) And they ___(have) a good time .

3. She ____(go) to school at around 8.______you and your brother

eight o¡®clock . _____(play) computer games now ?

4.It takes her about an hour ___(do)

her homework . ×÷ҵʮÈý date_________

5.He needs about 10 minutes ___(get) to

school . 1.Jack ____(visit) the Great Wall



6.He ___(cross) the river to school every day ,but he isn¡¯t afraid . 7.Many ___( village) dream to have a bridge in his village .

8._____(thank) for your last e-mail . 9.He ___(have) to wear the school uniform at school .

10.What ____(be) some of the rules ?

×÷ҵʮÁù date_________

1. I have a brother and a sister. So my parents have three ________ (child). 2. Can you help me with _________ (swim)?

3. I can speak a little _________ (China).

4. Jack?s father and mother are _______ (music). 5. I like ________ (panada) very much.

