
发布时间 : 星期五 文章(含五套中考模拟卷)深圳市福田区外国语学校2019届中考英语二月第一次模拟试卷更新完毕开始阅读


Everyone loves a good listener. Communication is important for strong relationships. However, if you don't truly listen to others, it can be difficult to communicate. Working on your listening skills can help you communicate better. The advice below may be of some value. Give the speaker your full attention It's important to make the speaker feel heard and valued. Turn off the TV, put away your phone. Never think about other things when someone is talking. Instead, focus(聚焦) only on what he is saying. Communication will be better if you are able to have a true understanding of the other person's opinions. Make sure to show you're listening . Nod as the speaker talks, smile and laugh properly. Even, the way you look at the speaker, makes a big difference. Be patient enough Do not cut in on the speaker. Always allow a few seconds of silence after someone finishes talking before offering your reply. This allows you to make sure the speaker is done talking. Avoid hurrying the speaker. Don’t rush the person talking. Never say things like, \the point?\Hold your fire When someone just wants to talk, you don’t need to tell him or her what to do. Try to understand how the person feels and why he does so. It's never a good idea to listen with judgment. Even if you disagree with his or her actions or opinions, avoid saying he or she is wrong. Otherwise, your communication may end with an argument(争吵). When you “win” the argument, you may lose something far more valuable. Therefore, it’s necessary to work hard to improve your communication skills. 56 on how to be a good listener Listen to others sincerely, you’ll communicate with them better. Therefore, it’s important to learn some 57 skills. Pay 59 attention to other things during the talk. Focus on the 58 You ought to 60 understand the speaker’s thoughts to make your communication better. Cutting in on others is usually considered as 61 manners. To avoid that, you may 62 for a while to make sure it’s your turn . It seems 63 to rush the speaker when he is speaking . Try to understand the speaker’s feeling and find out the 64 . When you “win” the argument, you may 65 something far more valuable. Be patient enough Hold your fire



A doctor entered the hospital hurriedly after being called in for an important surgery(外科手术). He found the boy's father in the hall waiting w 66

On seeing him, the father c 67 out, \my son is in danger? Don't you have any sense of d 68 ? \

The doctor smiled and said. \receiving the call and now, I w 69 you' d calm down so that I can do my work. ”

\while waiting for a doctor, then what will you do? \

The doctor smiled a 71 and replied , “We will do our best and you should also pray(祈祷) for your

son's healthy life. “

The surgery t 72 some hours after the doctor went out happily, \\“If you have any question, ask the nurse.”

“C 74 he wait some minutes so that I can ask about my son’s state?\shouted the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left.

The nurse answered, t 75 coming down her face. \at the burial (葬礼) when we called him for your son’s surgery. And now he saved your son's life, he left running to finish his son’s burial.”


A. 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)


76. 昨天晚上我正在开车回家的时候,突然车子抛锚了。 ▲ 77. 我很幸运,有实现自己梦想的机会。 ▲ 78. 在过去的几年里,我的工作变得更加困难。 ▲ 79. 尽管他们在执行计划时遇到一些困难,但是他们坚持不断尝试。 ▲ 80. Tom迫不及待地想知道他在这次考试中是不是会领先。 ▲ B. 写作(计20分)

81.在英语课上,老师组织了 A trip to the countryside or to the city\的话题讨论。请根据小组讨论结果,写一篇英语短文,介绍两者的不同特点,并写出你的选择与理由。

Countryside relaxing, fresh air... not easy to take public transportation. enjoy boating and fishing City exciting... crowded, expensive... open up your mind... 注意:

1) 短文必须包含记录表中的信息,并适当发挥; 2) 文中不能出现真实的校名、姓名和地名等信息; 3) 词数:100词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数。

In the English class, we had a discussion on the topic of having a trip to the countryside or to the

city. ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

九年级英语一模考试 参考答案及评分标准

一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分) 1---5: CDBCB 6---10: BCCAD 11---15: ABBDC


16---20: CDACB 21---25: ADBCB 26---30: DBABD


31---33:DCB 34---37:BCDC 38---41:DCBC 42---45:DBBA


46. fifties 47. relatives’ 48. alone 49. lay 50.thinner 51. yourself 52. musicians 53. protecting 54. influenced 55. specially

五、任务型阅读(共l0空;每空l分,计l0分) 56.Advice / Tips / Suggestions 57.listening

58.speaker 59. no 60.truly

61.bad 62.wait 63.impolite 64. reason(s)/ cause(s) 65. lose 六、缺词填空(共10空;每空l分,计l0分)

66. worriedly 67. cried 68. duty 69. wish 70. dies

71. again 72. took 73. without 74. Couldn’t / Can’t 75. tears 七、书面表达(计30分)

A. 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)

76. When I was driving home last night, suddenly my car broke down. 77. I was lucky enough to have chances to realize my dreams.

78. In the past /last few years, my job has been much / even harder.

79. Although they had some difficulty in carrying out their plan, they kept trying. 80. Tom can’t wait to know whether/ if he will take the lead in the exam. B. 写作(计20分)

81. In the English class,we had a discussion on the topic of having a trip to the countryside or to the city.If you take a trip to the countryside, you can enjoy boating and fishing. And the air is fresh, you can go outside and enjoy the beautiful scene. Yet, it’s not easy to take public transportation.

Of course,taking a trip to the city is also a good choice.If you like shopping,it's very exciting to see nice things in large malls. You can visit museums to open up your minds.However,such a trip may cost much.What’s worse, there’s too much traffic, the city has become more and more polluted and crowded.

In my opinion,a trip to the countryside is better.There,you can enjoy the stars and the quiet night that you've never enjoyed.



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。 3.请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 4.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。

知识运用 (共25分)


从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. I can’t find my book. Could you help ______find it? A. me B. her C. him D. them 22. Tom is my brother. He was born ______ 2014. A. of B. in C. on D. at 23. — ______ students are there in your class? — 32.

A. How often B. How long C. How many D. How much 24. My bag is ______ than yours. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest 25. — Must I clean the room now, Mr. White? — No, you ______. A. shouldn’t B. needn’t C. wouldn’t D. can’t 26. Mr. Smith ______ our school next year. A. will visit B. visits C. was visiting D. visited

27. Mike ______ a lot of work for the poor areas since he worked in Africa. A. does B. did C. has done D. will do 28. — What were you doing this time yesterday? — I ______ my homework. A. do B. did C. am doing D. was doing 29. Mobile phones are helpful in our daily life. They ______ everywhere now. A. use B. are used C. used D. were used 30. — Do you know ______?

— At 10:00 o’clock tomorrow. A. when did they come B. when they come C. when will they come D. when they will come



Dad's Advice

When I finished my school education, I began to find a job. I was very happy because it was time to make my dream come true. 21cnjy

One evening, my father talked to me about what kind of ______ (31) I should look for. He wanted me to work for a big company and asked me to take his advice. But I really hoped to be a teacher. It was my dream. I didn't accept his ______ (32). We shouted and didn't talk to each other. Even worse, I found it more and more difficult for us to say sorry as time went by.

A week later, I decided to break the ______ (33) and make the first move. So I dialed (拨打) my father's number and began talking in a low voice, “Dad...I am ______ (34). I shouldn't argue with you that day!”
