
发布时间 : 星期二 文章《大学英语1》习题集更新完毕开始阅读

习题集 第 33 页 共 45 页

C. buying ... to have looked D. buying ... to look【D】

解析:本句中第一个空白处前的介词before需要动名词来做宾语,并根据句意判断不需要用完成时态;第二个空白处练习的是get s B. to do sth.,意思是“请某人做某事”,所以应选D。整句话的意思是:在买房子之前,你应该请一位测量员来好好看看。

42. In some countries people favor____________ together even though there is much more space. A. to stay B. stay C. staying D. stayed【C】

解析:本句中动词favor需要动名词来做宾语,所以应选C。整句话的意思是:在某些国家,即使没有足够的空间,人们也喜欢呆在一起。 43. — Why was Fred so upset?

— He isn’t used____________criticize D.

A. be B. to be C. to being D. having been【C】

解析:本句练习的是be used to doing sth.句型(这里to是介词),意思是“习惯于……”,所以应选C。整句话的意思是:——佛瑞德为什么如此不安?——他还不习惯被批评。 44. It’s no use ____________to get a bargain these days.

A. to expect B. expecting C. wanting D. you expect【B】

解析:本句练习的还是it is no use doing sth.句型,意思是“……没有用”,所以应选B。整句话的意思是:这些日子里,想讨价还价是没有用的。 45. — Why were you so late for work today?

— ____________to the office was very slow this morning because of the traffi C. A. Driving B. I drove C. To drive D. That I drove【A】

解析:本句缺少主语,动词不定式和动名词都可以做主语,动名词做主语表示一般或抽象的多次性行为,不定式做主语往往表示具体的或一次性的动作。根据句意,这里应该用动名词来做主语,表示经常性的行为。所以,正确答案应该是A。整句话的意思是:——你今天上班为什么迟到这么久?——因为堵车,今天早上开车来单位走得特别慢。 46. It was impolite of him____________ without____________good-bye. A. to leave ... saying B. leaving ... to say

C. to leave ... to say D. leaving ... saying【A】

解析:本句第一个空白处练习的是it is +adj.+of s B. to do sth.句型,意思是“某人做……是……”;第二个空白处前的介词要求动名词来做宾语,所以应选A。整句话的意思是:他没说再见就走了,真没礼貌。

47. He kept ____________to his parents. A. putting off to write B. to put off to write

C. putting off writing D. to put off writing【C】


48. I'll go with you after I get through with ____________the house. A. cleaning B. to cleaning C. to be cleaned D. having cleaned【A】


49. With apples at 25 cents a pound, we couldn't resist____________four pounds. A. to take B. took C. taking D. have taken【C】


50. How can you keep the machine ____________when you are away?

习题集 第 34 页 共 45 页

A. run B. to run C. running D. being run【C】

解析:本句练习的是短语keep sth. doing,意思是“让……一直……”,并根据句意判断不需要用被动语态,所以应选C。整句话的意思是:你是怎么让机器在你不在的时候还一直运转的呢?

习题集 第 35 页 共 45 页

Unit 7

Page 200

VIII. Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.(注意斜体印出的部分在英语句子和翻译中文句子结构进行数值模拟的英文句子。)

1. Imagine finding that your school has just got the best toy possible, and that you are allowed to play with it in your spare time.

Imagine that you could live in such a splendid apartment. 想像一下在空中自由飞翔的感觉。

参考答案:Imagine flying freely in the sky.


参考答案:Imagine that you could live abroad and study English in that environment.

2. These dreams have all come true for Bill Gates, who is the most famous person in the world of computers.

The people who called yesterday want to buy the house.


参考答案:Mrs. Smith, who has a lot of teaching experience at junior level, will be joining the school.


参考答案:Do you know the people who live here?

3. But it takes more than luck to take one young man from a small, stuffy room with a noisy computer to the headquarters of a company that employs more than 20000 people in 56 countries.

It takes us more than 2 hours to walk there. 能使一个人受人尊敬的不仅仅是名声。

参考答案:It takes more than fame to make a person respectable. 她用了整个下午才完成这项工作。

参考答案:It took her all afternoon to finish this work.

4. By missing classes at school — and later dropping out of university — he devoted himself to computer programming.

You can switch it on by pressing this button. 她靠卖保险为生。

参考答案:She earns her living by selling insurance. 凭借日日夜夜辛勤的工作,他终于取得了成功。

参考答案:By working hard day and night, he succeeded at last.

5.Later decisions, such as the move to devote all of Microsoft's staff, money and time into developing Windows, provided similarly good results.

She has a lot of good virtues, such as diligence, warm-heartedness, kindness and bravery. 诸如污染、人口膨胀这些社会问题越来越引起我们的关注。

参考答案:Social problems, such as pollution and population explosion are drawing more and more attention of us.


参考答案:Media, such as TV, network, newspapers and so on, are playing an increasingly

习题集 第 36 页 共 45 页

important role in people's life. Page201

IX. Translate the following sentences into English.(将下列句子译成英语。) 1. 作为父亲,他有责任给他的孩子提供良好的教育。参考答案:As a father he has the duty to provide his children with good education.

2. 大厅内不准吸烟。参考答案:Smoking is not allowed in the hall.

3. 小企业因利率下降而得到了很大的好处。参考答案:The small businesses have benefited greatly from the fall in interest rates.

4. 你能想像得出他们告诉我那个消息时我是多么惊奇吗? 参考答案:Can you imagine my surprise when they told me the news.

5. 他的父母试图阻止他成为一名演员。参考答案:His parents tried to discourage him from becoming an actor. Page201

X. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (把下面的句子翻译成中文。) 1. I magine finding that your school has just got the best toy possible, and that you are allowed to play with it in your spare time. 参考答案:设想一下,你发现自己的学校刚刚购置了一种最棒的玩具,而你得到允许可以在课余时间去玩它,这一定是许多孩子的梦想。

2. Bill Gates is a skillful and intelligent businessman, and the huge success of Microsoft has made him a powerful person. 参考答案:比尔·盖茨是一位精明聪慧的企业家,而且微软公司的巨大成功使他成了一位富有影响的大人物。

3. Bill Gates has taken risks throughout his life and has usually benefited from these decisions. 参考答案:比尔·盖茨一生都在冒险,而且通常能够从中获益。

4. But even Gates himself would discourage young people nowadays from gambling too much with their education. 参考答案:现在就连比尔·盖茨本人也并不鼓励年轻人以辍学的代价去赌博一番。

5. True, he did take those risks, but in the end, it was the hard work that translated those risks into his fortune and success. 参考答案:的确,他冒了这样的风险,但最终是勤奋的工作将这种冒险转化为了财富和成功。 Page206

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.(选择最佳答案,完成以下句子。)

1. You aren't using this typewriter, ____________ ?

A. are you B. do you C. will you D. have you【A】


2. You should go to the grand opening ceremony, ____________ ?

A. aren't you B. shouldn't you C. wouldn't you D. don't you 【B】


3. Everything seems all right, ____________ ?

A. doesn't it B. won't it C. hasn't it D. don't they 【A】

